Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Toodle Dee Toodle Dum..it's Tuesday :)

Toodle Dee, Toodle Dum it's Tuesday :) and I have my Doc appointment ahead of me..YIKES..just a tad bit nervous...but once I walk in I settle down...

Morning was over quick I mean before I could bat an eye and of course it's gonna be a WET day...yeah just as I'm gonna get ready to head out..the down pour or should I say, "The Down Spout" will happen..but it's all in the life of my great Adventures..LOL...perhaps I should bring a towel, wash cloth and a little soap I could have saved on our water bill..hahahaha..

Last night not too much happened..fixed dinner and hubby and I watched a little TV and then discussed when we'll be heading back to Florida...golly seems I just got here and I'm leaving..yeah that's right pretty much...LOL...Just stopped in for a Visit :)...well, not only to be with hubby but to see my GREAT WONDERFUL  DOCTORS...hahaha..

Also got an email from my GYN..(don't ya just love how they do things now)  letting me know that I need to call and reschedule my appointment...Now that SUCKS cause I made that last year...like I'm ahead of the game ...I thought ?????  well I'll do that tomorrow after I get through with today's visit...

I'll stop by the store (which I hate shopping) and pick up a few things I'm out of and then head back..Having Chicken and Dumplings for dinner tonight and one of my Face Book friends put up a picture of...(now this got me) a Peach Coffee Cake....so ya know I'm gonna pick up the stuff to put that sweet heart together..

So I'll put this on the back burner for now..(in other words I'll save this ) till I get back and gather my thoughts and let you all know "What's Cookin"... Later All !!!

Ok, came back from the Doc and felt so relieved...Doc said, "My tests came out like that have in the last few years...in that I still show positive in the area where I have all the stenting..(9) in the LAD...".. He also felt that if I was feeling like I did when I came back from Florida that  he would have me in the Cath lab checking to see if I had any more ischemia ..which means narrowing or blockage... he gave me a choice also..that he felt being I've been right on target with what has been happening to me..that it was my call whether or not to have this done now...

He and I have a very good rapport but you wouldn't have known that way back when..cause we had some difficult moments..but now.. I have to tell you no matter where I lived...I'd fly up to have him take care of me.. and I even asked if I could pay his way down..LOL... I have so much faith and confidence in him..and above all..."he Listens"...and he "Challenges"..and we can debate...Amazing isn't he ?

So I left his office feeling better..although I did promise him that if I have any doubt that I will get that Cath done before I leave..and that's something I don't mess with... I am very in tune to what's happening with me...have always been..and I don't play the guessing game.. I go no matter how I may have some fears ..it's kind of like this...We only come around one time..so why not grab on to every moment you can...and with today's medicine amazing things are happening..and I'm here to tell you ..it's so..cause if this was years ago I've be already 6ft under...

And then I had another surprise to night....yeppers. my friend and Sistah Dawn got her new motor home and I got the grand tour..yep Virtual tour via our Ipad..amazing these tech machines..hahaha...and it's Gorgeous and I met Momma and Paul her brother too..all sitting nicely and YES..drinking their WATER...Cool Clear WATER..

Psst..Paulette things are looking pretty good and I'll be contacting you as I'm gonna be visiting Mary and staying over night so we can do lunch or dinner what ever..but keep your ears and eyes open LOL cause I'm a coming soon...woooo hooo..

So that's my story and I'm stickin too it.. So far anyway..hahaha..and as for what's on TV tonight..duh !  I'm not sure..cause the Olympics are over 

Safe travels to all and as always...God's Blessing Shine Down On All...

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