Things that happen in the course of my days and adventures.. some good, some happy, and some sad. Always with positive thoughts no matter what !
Friday, December 31, 2010
Friday... The Morning of New Years Eve Day...
Friday...The Morning of New Years Eve Day...and in one mouthful... Goodness it's the last day of the YEAR... Where did it go ?...wait, if I think a few minutes I think I can back into it...but better yet, Let's get on with the NEW YEAR.
I pray that all my friends and family have a better beginning...Out with the Old and in with the NEW...have to think positive. For starters's warmer here in Sunny right now it's 64 and climbing..see where beginning to get some what better.
I have no plans for tonight ...other than watch a good movie with hubby on the phone and have my critters around me so I can tell them..Happy New Year and let's tuck in. :)
I have my Pork thawing out as tomorrow for the Good Luck (as the story goes) I have Pork and Sauerkraut..(yeah I hear ya..."What's an Italian doing having that" ) Hey, I take my chances and go with the tradition...Pork and Sauerkraut and a pot of Black eyed peas..a pan of Cornbread. Now that part is for my hubby...his tradition ...gotta grab it from everywhere...and what ever works best.
Of course you do know that most of my cooking with one exception is in the .."Crock Pot"... It cuts my work load and in my retired years are becoming "True to my word"...never gonna bust my (you know whats) ..Enjoy the lifestyle while I can.
Oh, I didn't get to tell the story of my visit with "J"..(the fighting J's) well, truth be known she didn't show up...something went a muck...the usual fight began and I just said, "Ya better stay home" we'll have our visit next week when they will be calmed down..(hopefully).
I think they actually thrive on their attacks...guess that's what keeps them tickin' are the 4th of July and New Years Eve in one blast...Wears me out..
Today, I let my plants breath in the warmth...I could hear them as I walked away..."Finally thank the Good Lord"... I sure hope they survive...and as for me...I'm gonna step outside and feel that sun...(only a few minutes) and then go get my mail...Haven't been over there (mailbox) for a few days...Might get a few surprises...????
Okie dokie...heading into the kitchen and check what I can get into...think I'm gonna make a special fritatta....(pssst...Jimmy Dean's Skillets works for me)
Later folks....
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thirsty Thursday...I'll say !
Thirsty Thursday...I'll say !... Got up this morning wee early and decided I was gonna get that bread in the oven...Remember I said, " I was making bread"...well I did...but it was in a bucket...LOL I even took pictures... a few didn't turn out great... (the pictures that is) but I'm gonna post them so you can see I wasn't fibbin'....
The bread was simple to make...even for this person...but because I've made bread the long drawn out way...I kind of was a little bit iffy... I mean mixing dough in a bucket with a spoon ???? yeah that's what I did...and then when it was all together 5 minutes..of hard moving spoon around... I covered it with a lid sat it on the stove and let it sit for 2 hours..then put it in the frig.. I worried...and worried...but it managed...
This morning I popped two loaves into the oven...and came out good... I'd like my crust a little darker...but I'll work on it..hahaha..
So here's my shots and now I'm off to the Crock pot...yeppers that dang Crock pots gonna sing today...
Later...enjoy the bread..oh it was good with (butter) sshhhhh!
Dough resting in frig :)
Dough in bucket ready to be picked :)
Splash with a little flour before cloaking..LOL yeah new word for me... means making into a dough ball or round bread and tucking the dough :)
Here is the bread baked..and sliced...
It's good !
Pssssst don't tell any one but my pictures of it baking on the stone didn't come you'll have to catch it again next time...and there will be a next time...this is just so easy....aaaaaah good bread with good crust...Ooo la la
The bread was simple to make...even for this person...but because I've made bread the long drawn out way...I kind of was a little bit iffy... I mean mixing dough in a bucket with a spoon ???? yeah that's what I did...and then when it was all together 5 minutes..of hard moving spoon around... I covered it with a lid sat it on the stove and let it sit for 2 hours..then put it in the frig.. I worried...and worried...but it managed...
This morning I popped two loaves into the oven...and came out good... I'd like my crust a little darker...but I'll work on it..hahaha..
So here's my shots and now I'm off to the Crock pot...yeppers that dang Crock pots gonna sing today...
Later...enjoy the bread..oh it was good with (butter) sshhhhh!
Dough resting in frig :)
Dough in bucket ready to be picked :)
Splash with a little flour before cloaking..LOL yeah new word for me... means making into a dough ball or round bread and tucking the dough :)
Here is the bread baked..and sliced...
It's good !
Pssssst don't tell any one but my pictures of it baking on the stone didn't come you'll have to catch it again next time...and there will be a next time...this is just so easy....aaaaaah good bread with good crust...Ooo la la
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Wishful Wednesday....
Wishful Wednesday....betcha know what I'm wishing for...(well besides winning the lottery) the Sun to come out and warm my bones ..and stay out for the rest of the winter...Would that be asking too much ?
It's been record setting in Florida..yeah, I buy a home here for my Winter Haven and it becomes like the North East...It's one of those things that happens to me... like I said before, "I tend to feel like the Charlie Brown character..where that dark cloud follows him"...
Oh, but one good thing... I made that Artisan bread...haven't baked it yet...but it's in my frig...waiting on sometime today... Yes, I'm gonna take a picture.. I finally got batteries charged and ready... took forever to find the camera...hubby put it where I would find it...HA !...
Really chilly this morning but the weather man says, "Thaw is gonna happen" hopefully this afternoon I can uncover my poor plants and even maybe pop my head out and check my bird feeders... I'm sure they're needed some more fiddles..
I see my darling Squirrels..checkin' the situation and them is gonna have another episode... I have one that jumps on my window sill and actually taps on my window...Think he's tryin' tell me something...They are brazen...and man when they want what you got..look out it's like war of the worlds...
Gonna put a meat loaf in the Crock pot my girlfriend J (the other part of the J n J team...the fighters) she's coming over and we'll exchange Christmas gifts... Yeah I know it's after but that's how she does things...LOL she's never on time and your lucky if she remembers what season it is...HA... then I'll arrange a meeting with the other half of the J n J team and exchange with him... Hey, I've got to do it this way..cause there ain't no tellin when the feud starts..and ya don't want to be in the middle either... Always amazes me...
I have to say, "On this bread's pretty interesting..and so far simple "....I'm nervous with it being in the frig in a bucket...however if it works...AMEN...cause one thing.. I love making bread but the mess and all the kneading...and hours of waiting.. We'll see... I've done read the book and all their recipes..and even have a Ciabatta...the simple way.. OMG .. wish I had done this one...
Okie dokie..I'm gonna grab another cup of coffee and toast a Corn Muffin..(of course home made) and then on with the rest of the choirs...check my emails and then read some of the forum Sistahs...
Later ...with pictures.. I promise ....:)
It's been record setting in Florida..yeah, I buy a home here for my Winter Haven and it becomes like the North East...It's one of those things that happens to me... like I said before, "I tend to feel like the Charlie Brown character..where that dark cloud follows him"...
Oh, but one good thing... I made that Artisan bread...haven't baked it yet...but it's in my frig...waiting on sometime today... Yes, I'm gonna take a picture.. I finally got batteries charged and ready... took forever to find the camera...hubby put it where I would find it...HA !...
Really chilly this morning but the weather man says, "Thaw is gonna happen" hopefully this afternoon I can uncover my poor plants and even maybe pop my head out and check my bird feeders... I'm sure they're needed some more fiddles..
I see my darling Squirrels..checkin' the situation and them is gonna have another episode... I have one that jumps on my window sill and actually taps on my window...Think he's tryin' tell me something...They are brazen...and man when they want what you got..look out it's like war of the worlds...
Gonna put a meat loaf in the Crock pot my girlfriend J (the other part of the J n J team...the fighters) she's coming over and we'll exchange Christmas gifts... Yeah I know it's after but that's how she does things...LOL she's never on time and your lucky if she remembers what season it is...HA... then I'll arrange a meeting with the other half of the J n J team and exchange with him... Hey, I've got to do it this way..cause there ain't no tellin when the feud starts..and ya don't want to be in the middle either... Always amazes me...
I have to say, "On this bread's pretty interesting..and so far simple "....I'm nervous with it being in the frig in a bucket...however if it works...AMEN...cause one thing.. I love making bread but the mess and all the kneading...and hours of waiting.. We'll see... I've done read the book and all their recipes..and even have a Ciabatta...the simple way.. OMG .. wish I had done this one...
Okie dokie..I'm gonna grab another cup of coffee and toast a Corn Muffin..(of course home made) and then on with the rest of the choirs...check my emails and then read some of the forum Sistahs...
Later ...with pictures.. I promise ....:)
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Tooting Tuesday is here and it's still FREEZING
Tooting Tuesday is here and it's still FREEZING !...Yes indeedy... I even went back to bed this morning..(something I don't do often) had a difficult night last night...As I had to take Joe to the Vets...he started passing blood... So I gathered him up and called the local vet in town...
He's a soft spoken vet...very small type office but everyone there was very kind and caring..even had two big ole cats that were of the curious nature no matter what you tried to do to avoid them..they took NO for an answer...let me tell ya.. I was glad it was Joe with me and not Zeke..oh yeah...I'd hate to have said, "Was this your favorite kitty">>? oh my stars !.
Any way, Joe didn't have a temp but seeing him pass blood and I didn't have any batril to put him thing was to get him to the Vets.. Of course with the temps being so outrageously cold my poor little ole guy can't handle it well... Now he's not had his PJ's off in several days..and I try to make sure he's warm..being a hairless dawg doesn't help matters either...
Came back home and he and I tucked into the couch and before long Reba popped in and so did the became crowded... Joe's appetite is still good and he was wanting his apples and I felt better knowing I have an Emergency Vet that cares and available..
My Vet (Saul) faxed down Joe's records to him..which I was so glad ..this way this Vet didn't have to rely on my memory...cause at that point it wasn't with me... I worry and then I can't get my brain to get into gear...
So this morning it was again another winter blast and I'm tellin ya those Critters went out and came in fast...that's when I's too cold to think and me and Joe could use some more down time....:)
Again it will be soup..I think by the time I head back North..I won't want to see any kind of soup...and of course I've got some good bread...OH, that bread came out great...gave half to my girlfriend seemed her timing was impeccable...yep, right as it came out of the oven...crunchy and the aroma was heavenly...We dunked and slurped...oh yeah...
Only thing with this bread it takes so long to rest and rise...but it's well worth's a very wet dough..tasty and goooooood...:) So that's for lunch today..soup and dunkin bread ...
Got my Artisan Bread book in also ...I'll check out the pages and perhaps I'll make a few more loaves of something simple.. I like the idea you make the dough kneading and you just leave it in the frig..and pinch off a batch.. Kind of remember Momma used to do that from the dry sink we had.. it had a Mother dough (as it was called then) and she'd pinch off some of it..and add flour and knead and knead and knead...the she's pop in several loaves of bread and bake...omg...
The dough in the dry sink had like a cheese cloth that covered it and she'd add to it every so often...that was her routine..every so many days she's have bread baking... We didn't buy bread until I was in high school... and that took some time getting use to that spongy type bread .. wasn't use too.
Alrighty I need to move a little .. as that will warm me up... maybe just maybe I'll vacuum...oh I hear that Oreck coughing....and have to order bags too..
Later ......
He's a soft spoken vet...very small type office but everyone there was very kind and caring..even had two big ole cats that were of the curious nature no matter what you tried to do to avoid them..they took NO for an answer...let me tell ya.. I was glad it was Joe with me and not Zeke..oh yeah...I'd hate to have said, "Was this your favorite kitty">>? oh my stars !.
Any way, Joe didn't have a temp but seeing him pass blood and I didn't have any batril to put him thing was to get him to the Vets.. Of course with the temps being so outrageously cold my poor little ole guy can't handle it well... Now he's not had his PJ's off in several days..and I try to make sure he's warm..being a hairless dawg doesn't help matters either...
Came back home and he and I tucked into the couch and before long Reba popped in and so did the became crowded... Joe's appetite is still good and he was wanting his apples and I felt better knowing I have an Emergency Vet that cares and available..
My Vet (Saul) faxed down Joe's records to him..which I was so glad ..this way this Vet didn't have to rely on my memory...cause at that point it wasn't with me... I worry and then I can't get my brain to get into gear...
So this morning it was again another winter blast and I'm tellin ya those Critters went out and came in fast...that's when I's too cold to think and me and Joe could use some more down time....:)
Again it will be soup..I think by the time I head back North..I won't want to see any kind of soup...and of course I've got some good bread...OH, that bread came out great...gave half to my girlfriend seemed her timing was impeccable...yep, right as it came out of the oven...crunchy and the aroma was heavenly...We dunked and slurped...oh yeah...
Only thing with this bread it takes so long to rest and rise...but it's well worth's a very wet dough..tasty and goooooood...:) So that's for lunch today..soup and dunkin bread ...
Got my Artisan Bread book in also ...I'll check out the pages and perhaps I'll make a few more loaves of something simple.. I like the idea you make the dough kneading and you just leave it in the frig..and pinch off a batch.. Kind of remember Momma used to do that from the dry sink we had.. it had a Mother dough (as it was called then) and she'd pinch off some of it..and add flour and knead and knead and knead...the she's pop in several loaves of bread and bake...omg...
The dough in the dry sink had like a cheese cloth that covered it and she'd add to it every so often...that was her routine..every so many days she's have bread baking... We didn't buy bread until I was in high school... and that took some time getting use to that spongy type bread .. wasn't use too.
Alrighty I need to move a little .. as that will warm me up... maybe just maybe I'll vacuum...oh I hear that Oreck coughing....and have to order bags too..
Later ......
Monday, December 27, 2010
I'm weathering the chill..and it's Monday...!!!
I'm weathering the chill ...and it's Monday !!!..I'm on my way out the door to my favorite (Winn Dixie)...and it's cold as a Well Digger's Butt in the Klondike here in Sunny, Florida.... I just wish I could find my "mittens"..oh yeah..I'm dressed in several layers...the temp says.."29" but the wind chill factor is 19..holy hannah...what in the world..I'm tellin' ya..we is upside down...the finger is suppose to be pointing down and I think we've been in the stuck up position..Yes, the Fickled Finger of Fate AWARD...Freezin' Cold..brrrrrrr.
I'll return..hopefully have to make my pit stop ..fill up with gas as I choke on the gas prices..then do a drop off at Bob and Diane's house as it's Bob's birthday..then pick up my mail...and back to the house...not to be seen till thaw out time...:)
Oh, and when I get back..YOU GOT IT...Bread is gonna be in the oven...wooo hoooo...
Later Folks...
Oh oh...Donna aka Froggi...I'm so pleased to read your blog and find you again it's been a long, long time..sure glad to see you is doing OK.. and with that handsome Gent too.... Gal, I'm just tickled pink for ya..
For all those reading me this morning Donna, is a friend from another forum a few moons ago...and that's another story...but outcome is She's doing Great !
later the store...charrrrrrrrrge! HA !
I'll return..hopefully have to make my pit stop ..fill up with gas as I choke on the gas prices..then do a drop off at Bob and Diane's house as it's Bob's birthday..then pick up my mail...and back to the house...not to be seen till thaw out time...:)
Oh, and when I get back..YOU GOT IT...Bread is gonna be in the oven...wooo hoooo...
Later Folks...
Oh oh...Donna aka Froggi...I'm so pleased to read your blog and find you again it's been a long, long time..sure glad to see you is doing OK.. and with that handsome Gent too.... Gal, I'm just tickled pink for ya..
For all those reading me this morning Donna, is a friend from another forum a few moons ago...and that's another story...but outcome is She's doing Great !
later the store...charrrrrrrrrge! HA !
Sunday, December 26, 2010
It's the Day After...Christmas of course... Sunday brrrrrrrrr!!!!!
It's the Day After ...Christmas, Of course... Sunday brrrrrrr!!!!!! It's so dang cold here in Sunny Florida...I'm waiting for it to SNOW... Yes, I know the North East is getting hit..but I do believe us Southerners are in for a rude awakening...Like..Freezin' our patoonies( nother new word..but oldie one) off.
If I could wear my Electric blanket I would in face I thought of creating a pair of pants and shirt to plug in..but my luck some body would cut the wires...brrrrrr...It's too dang chilly to think ..So what am I doing...besides procrastinating... I'm making BREAD...YES, you got it...Ciabatta (we use to call this feet bread hahaha but actually it's meaning is slipper bread or maybe in another region..Sole bread :) ) what ever ya want to call's good for dunkin soup...
Just flour, salt yeast and water...and ya don't have to knead it... just mix and rest and fold and rest and bake..dang it's a good bread..and crusty on the outside and airy on the inside...
This will keep my house warm and of course a pot of soup...I'm tellin ya...Florida is turning upside down...what happen to the tropics..??? My birds are flying to some where..ain't south of the border..cause up there it's snow and more snow above that...oh boy...This must be "Global Warming"..HA!
I'm fixin to head into the kitchen again..and make me another Hot Chocolate...oh yeah...cause nothing is finer than that rich chocolate with a dash up Redi Whip...(thought I was gonna whip up some cream ???)
I'll get back sometime or maybe not..might decide to take a nap as my bread is rising...then to the oven it goes...
Be back later.....Maybe :)
I'm Back :)....
Cleaned up my kitchen bread is happily in it's bowl with clear plastic wrap and will sit upon it's place till morning time..when I pop that baby in the oven and bake away...Yeah, it's the only thing bad about that bread it takes at least 18 hours to sit..well rise ..but it doesn't rise much at's kind of flat and a bit on the thick side..kind of looks like a blanket you'd slip in between..but the bread is that's what's on my menu for tomorrow with of course SOUP...I'm gonna be souped out..I just know it..that and Hot Chocolate..omg.. wait till I weigh in at the Doc's office on the 18th of Jan..holy smokes...
Tonight nothing much happening other than my plants are under covers..poor plants it's really very chilly..the wind bites...too bad I can't bite back...I'd spit at it if I could..but my luck I'd get it back ..right between the eyes...(perish the thought).
Gonna watch one of my NetFlix and tuck in under my blankie..(just love that cozy word) me and the Critters 4...Spoke with hubby and he says, "It's Snowing" brrrrrrr... well I know he'll be busy tonight and tomorrow..he just loves that Snow blower..zooms around and anxious to fire it up and make his path..he winds up doing everyone around us...
If my neighbors are smart...Just wait till my hubby comes out..He just aims to please...the darling man...and just think when I married that man the most snow he saw (back then ) in his life time was maybe..just maybe an inch or two of snow...hahaha...I guess you might say, "I broke him in to the Yankee way of living"...Keep Shovelin' Darlin'...
Okie Dokie..I'm gonna meander into the living room get cozy and watch a good movie....
Tuck in and keep warm...God Loves Ya !
If I could wear my Electric blanket I would in face I thought of creating a pair of pants and shirt to plug in..but my luck some body would cut the wires...brrrrrr...It's too dang chilly to think ..So what am I doing...besides procrastinating... I'm making BREAD...YES, you got it...Ciabatta (we use to call this feet bread hahaha but actually it's meaning is slipper bread or maybe in another region..Sole bread :) ) what ever ya want to call's good for dunkin soup...
Just flour, salt yeast and water...and ya don't have to knead it... just mix and rest and fold and rest and bake..dang it's a good bread..and crusty on the outside and airy on the inside...
This will keep my house warm and of course a pot of soup...I'm tellin ya...Florida is turning upside down...what happen to the tropics..??? My birds are flying to some where..ain't south of the border..cause up there it's snow and more snow above that...oh boy...This must be "Global Warming"..HA!
I'm fixin to head into the kitchen again..and make me another Hot Chocolate...oh yeah...cause nothing is finer than that rich chocolate with a dash up Redi Whip...(thought I was gonna whip up some cream ???)
I'll get back sometime or maybe not..might decide to take a nap as my bread is rising...then to the oven it goes...
Be back later.....Maybe :)
I'm Back :)....
Cleaned up my kitchen bread is happily in it's bowl with clear plastic wrap and will sit upon it's place till morning time..when I pop that baby in the oven and bake away...Yeah, it's the only thing bad about that bread it takes at least 18 hours to sit..well rise ..but it doesn't rise much at's kind of flat and a bit on the thick side..kind of looks like a blanket you'd slip in between..but the bread is that's what's on my menu for tomorrow with of course SOUP...I'm gonna be souped out..I just know it..that and Hot Chocolate..omg.. wait till I weigh in at the Doc's office on the 18th of Jan..holy smokes...
Tonight nothing much happening other than my plants are under covers..poor plants it's really very chilly..the wind bites...too bad I can't bite back...I'd spit at it if I could..but my luck I'd get it back ..right between the eyes...(perish the thought).
Gonna watch one of my NetFlix and tuck in under my blankie..(just love that cozy word) me and the Critters 4...Spoke with hubby and he says, "It's Snowing" brrrrrrr... well I know he'll be busy tonight and tomorrow..he just loves that Snow blower..zooms around and anxious to fire it up and make his path..he winds up doing everyone around us...
If my neighbors are smart...Just wait till my hubby comes out..He just aims to please...the darling man...and just think when I married that man the most snow he saw (back then ) in his life time was maybe..just maybe an inch or two of snow...hahaha...I guess you might say, "I broke him in to the Yankee way of living"...Keep Shovelin' Darlin'...
Okie Dokie..I'm gonna meander into the living room get cozy and watch a good movie....
Tuck in and keep warm...God Loves Ya !
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve Day !
Christmas Eve Day !....Today it is the beginning of Christmas.. I mean it's the day of the Eve of Christmas... I remember as a kid we use to celebrate big was a huge turn out of Italians..lots of cooking going on and of course Momma had the Bakala..soaking from a couple of days ago...getting rid of all that it was dried Bakala..(Italian Fish..Dried Cod)..oh Lordy and we had a big bowl of Milk..yes, Milk to soak that baby in...but once it was done it's went into a was one of the "Fishies" that was transformed for the Dinner of the 7 fish ..for Christmas Eve...there was NO MEAT..until after Midnight mass...just think .. we fasted, feasted went to church and feasted some more...Lord Help US... I wonder what the Food Detectives would say about that...
Yes, the fish was fried ...boiled ...broiled and even baked and it represented the Apostles and we chowed down...burped got up and laid down .. got back up went to Midnight mass and then came home and had a Frittata..for later in the day we would have Lasagna...omg...How did I survive....
Today Diane (my housekeeper) came over with her bag of goodies..Yes, she made me Christmas cookies...(she's always whipping up something for me) and then even brought me over Chicken and Biscuits for lunch...that was part of my Christmas gift...and of course there is a box for me to open for tomorrow... I had already dropped her gift off for her and Bob and in a couple of days I'll bring over Bob's birthday card too...
The rest of the day I kind of just lagged around ..just thinking of my family a call later on from my niece..the floral piece I ordered for her table arrived and she was thrilled...and she told me how my sister was things have started to look a little on the bright side..
I've gotten several invitations for dinner tomorrow ..but I'll be staying home and having dinner with my hubby on the phone...When we're apart on holidays we usually sit on the phone and take a bite in between our chat..Some people look at me like "What"..yeah me and hubby have been doing this for a long time since we've had to do most of our work on the road..
He'll be coming down in January ...only a few weeks away so we'll have our Holiday then...but I still feel strange going out with out him..and this way too..I'm also here with the Critters and talk about getting bent out of shape..OH YEAH..they can snub...:)
Tonight I'll watch my favorite movie..A Christmas Carol.....I have the CD as I like the certain one with Alister Sims..(think that's how ya spell his name)..then of course tomorrow will be White ya know I can't miss Bells of St. Mary... and all those other good ones that's sort of a trilogy...Going my way... yep, it will be a good day tomorrow..
My Blessings are I'm still here.. Have a great family and have a good husband, who puts up with me...and some very close friends...even some that are just email's time to let them know how much I do appreciate all those wonderful kind words...
So my Christmas wish to all of YOU..Thank you for being there and May God Bless YOU ALL...
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Thursday...another sad day
Thursday...another sad day...and they seem to keep coming...Heard the news of one of our Forum Sisters..Jean..(Sparkle) who is now back in the hospital..Her cancer is now Stage 4... Sparkle was just like her name..always full of surprises...I so enjoyed our chats and meeting her as well..
Goodness this year has brought some very hard times...and no matter who you seem to talk with someone they know has been hit with Cancer...
You'd think in this day and age most of these dreadful diseases would be under control....I mean look at all this nonsense happening around us...our lives are so filled with destroys the immune system...and check out all the chemicals in the foods...We wonder why all this crazy illness is destroying our friends, family and even ourselves..
Something has got to give...I know sooner read this and get a phone call ..My sister is now in the hospital...I'm getting so I don't want to pick up the phone..or read the paper or for that matter listen to the news...
We need to change our lifestyles...We need to get more involved in what's happening around us...We need to wake up...and start speaking up..
Do I sound like I'm at a rally...or am I getting ready to make them Posters and March on... ssssssssheeezzzzz ...
I need to ask the Good Lord.. Come on down and change our lives...change our Universe...We sure need your HELP...
God Bless Us All...What's becoming of us ? Perhaps that's the 64K question?
Wonder who has the answer...
Goodness this year has brought some very hard times...and no matter who you seem to talk with someone they know has been hit with Cancer...
You'd think in this day and age most of these dreadful diseases would be under control....I mean look at all this nonsense happening around us...our lives are so filled with destroys the immune system...and check out all the chemicals in the foods...We wonder why all this crazy illness is destroying our friends, family and even ourselves..
Something has got to give...I know sooner read this and get a phone call ..My sister is now in the hospital...I'm getting so I don't want to pick up the phone..or read the paper or for that matter listen to the news...
We need to change our lifestyles...We need to get more involved in what's happening around us...We need to wake up...and start speaking up..
Do I sound like I'm at a rally...or am I getting ready to make them Posters and March on... ssssssssheeezzzzz ...
I need to ask the Good Lord.. Come on down and change our lives...change our Universe...We sure need your HELP...
God Bless Us All...What's becoming of us ? Perhaps that's the 64K question?
Wonder who has the answer...
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Wednesday Afternoon Delite
Wednesday Afternoon Delite... it's about 71degrees...however it seems to have a little bit of a bite to it...a tad bit windy...but there is sun...and my plants are singing their praises that's for sure.
Yes, my crock pot is going...I have Chicken Ala King going on...make it once and eat it forever..nah..but several meals...and for the freezer...did I tell ya my freezer is burping..I mean I'm squeezing things's ready to bust at the seems. Look out poor hubby when you come's to the store to "buy" a freezer...(this one is out of my RV and tiny)
The aroma coming from the kitchen is amazing...I'm getting hungry just smelling it...So I'm staying away from that part of the house..! I'm in the Safety Zone...LOL You've heard that aroma therapy can make you lose weight but in my case..this aroma will add pounds !!!!!
I'm sort of biding my time at the moment...waiting for Clancy to call and let me know about the arrangements for Elsie... Here where we live I know there is going to be a "memorial " as Elsie was a part of our Needle Crafters and also on the Bowling team...She was so well liked by everyone that met her..
In fact I was looking at one of the crochet patterns Elsie had emailed me last summer...that's on my agenda to make...You know I'll be thinking of her while I am working on it.. and it's a beauty too...Just like my friend !
Ooops here the UPS at my door...goodness more package..this time from When hubby sees my Amex bill I'll hear him shout from Pa to Florida...oh YEAH !.... but it's only once a year..that line I've used for so long it may be a part of my Epitaph.
Tonight I'm listening to CMA's Christmas...needed to try and get into this holiday mode...I've been on edge and it's beginning to take a little toll on me...Tomorrow I will listen to some oldies but goodies..the one and only Bing Crosby...
As I lay my head down tonight on my pillow...I want to thank the Lord for the Blessings that I've received...My friends, my family, and my critters... it's been a hard year and the ending is as it has been in years past...a new beginning...a door closes and one opens ... A life is taken from us and a new life is born...
Oh heavenly Father, I reach up to embrace your divine guide me on my never doubt the love you have for each and every one of us...
God Bless
Yes, my crock pot is going...I have Chicken Ala King going on...make it once and eat it forever..nah..but several meals...and for the freezer...did I tell ya my freezer is burping..I mean I'm squeezing things's ready to bust at the seems. Look out poor hubby when you come's to the store to "buy" a freezer...(this one is out of my RV and tiny)
The aroma coming from the kitchen is amazing...I'm getting hungry just smelling it...So I'm staying away from that part of the house..! I'm in the Safety Zone...LOL You've heard that aroma therapy can make you lose weight but in my case..this aroma will add pounds !!!!!
I'm sort of biding my time at the moment...waiting for Clancy to call and let me know about the arrangements for Elsie... Here where we live I know there is going to be a "memorial " as Elsie was a part of our Needle Crafters and also on the Bowling team...She was so well liked by everyone that met her..
In fact I was looking at one of the crochet patterns Elsie had emailed me last summer...that's on my agenda to make...You know I'll be thinking of her while I am working on it.. and it's a beauty too...Just like my friend !
Ooops here the UPS at my door...goodness more package..this time from When hubby sees my Amex bill I'll hear him shout from Pa to Florida...oh YEAH !.... but it's only once a year..that line I've used for so long it may be a part of my Epitaph.
Tonight I'm listening to CMA's Christmas...needed to try and get into this holiday mode...I've been on edge and it's beginning to take a little toll on me...Tomorrow I will listen to some oldies but goodies..the one and only Bing Crosby...
As I lay my head down tonight on my pillow...I want to thank the Lord for the Blessings that I've received...My friends, my family, and my critters... it's been a hard year and the ending is as it has been in years past...a new beginning...a door closes and one opens ... A life is taken from us and a new life is born...
Oh heavenly Father, I reach up to embrace your divine guide me on my never doubt the love you have for each and every one of us...
God Bless
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Tuesday, The First Day of Winter and the Passing of my friend Elsie
Tuesday, The First Day of Winter and the Passing of my friend Elsie...
How does one begin a day with the passing of a friend... I can hear her laughter and always looking into the bright smile... How very much full of life Elsie was...Always upbeat and just bubbling with laughter. She was a joy to have known...and share our little secrets and our latest in patterns.
This morning as her daughter went in to say, "See ya a little later Mom"...Elsie had already passed... I prayed that Elsie would go peacefully and that Clancy and Cindy wouldn't have to watch each day Elsie slipped away...Her breathing became difficult...
Elsie my friend, you're suffering on this earth is now over...You've now entered the Kingdom Of Heaven...although we mourn your leaving us...I know you are with the Lord...and your Wings are stretching out...
I'll miss you but I know that when I hear that are around me...
Now to keep a prayer going for he was truly your soul mate...Lord give him strength to continue on...
How does one begin a day with the passing of a friend... I can hear her laughter and always looking into the bright smile... How very much full of life Elsie was...Always upbeat and just bubbling with laughter. She was a joy to have known...and share our little secrets and our latest in patterns.
This morning as her daughter went in to say, "See ya a little later Mom"...Elsie had already passed... I prayed that Elsie would go peacefully and that Clancy and Cindy wouldn't have to watch each day Elsie slipped away...Her breathing became difficult...
Elsie my friend, you're suffering on this earth is now over...You've now entered the Kingdom Of Heaven...although we mourn your leaving us...I know you are with the Lord...and your Wings are stretching out...
I'll miss you but I know that when I hear that are around me...
Now to keep a prayer going for he was truly your soul mate...Lord give him strength to continue on...
Monday, December 20, 2010
Monday...Morning and it's another cold one....
Monday...Morning and it's another cold one..(and not a beer) My plants I covered last night before I went to bed...and I'm tellin' ya I never moved under them has been just awful...I mean come on Sunshine...maybe I'll hum that tune and the Sun will spit out at me...:)..a few rays between friends.
Last night did get to watch a little Survivor..saw Fabio win but don't know what happened after that I was in the Zzzzzzzz land...hate when I do that cause I have to find out what I'll jump up on the NET and see who got what..
Did some vacuuming already and I think I could hear my Oreck coughing..LOL yep them Rottie dawg hairs are enough to choke ya...and my Flame Less Candle was awesome...the center piece stayed on till was a 8 hour time on I liked that...Perhaps it will cut down on my light bill...but wait how long with them batteries last...going to the calculator..hahaha...
Oh, I read on our Women's forum about this 5 minute I hopped over to my other favorite and ordered the complete kit..sure hope this bread turns out cause it was mighty costly... could have bought several loaves..but nothing better than home made bread.. I just don't like doing all that kneading...Yeah I have a mixer but ya still have to get your hands in it and then it's all that clean up and hope and pray the bread turns out..soooooooo we shall see... Should expect delivery after Christmas...
Momma always said, " Bread was one of the main staples in life"...oh wonder I love bread...:) Only problem is...when it comes out of the oven...omg...ya want to dive into it...LOL...Now watch I'll get the goodies and the weather will be HOT...LOL...
Ok, let me do my thang and be back later..(hopefully)..toodles !
I'm back !
Now I've got everyone settled in I'm gonna attempt to stay awake and catch
that Lunar thingie...You know the one where it changes colors in the sky...I won't get to see one like this, well not in my life time and look how long it's been before it came back...WOW... The Pilgrims got to see it...So now I might consider myself one of those belated Pilgrims...discovering the changes with the moon...awesome !
Already covered my plants and got my electric blanket on when I come running in from the cold...and ya know it's gonna be cold outside...maybe might even do a HOt Chocolate...yeah with some whipped cream..Hey, things are looking better...sure wish I could see if from my window...dang it.. I'm off to check this all out...
The Earth is just so amazing...and all it's wonders...Dear Lord...You sure left us with some beauties...
Last night did get to watch a little Survivor..saw Fabio win but don't know what happened after that I was in the Zzzzzzzz land...hate when I do that cause I have to find out what I'll jump up on the NET and see who got what..
Did some vacuuming already and I think I could hear my Oreck coughing..LOL yep them Rottie dawg hairs are enough to choke ya...and my Flame Less Candle was awesome...the center piece stayed on till was a 8 hour time on I liked that...Perhaps it will cut down on my light bill...but wait how long with them batteries last...going to the calculator..hahaha...
Oh, I read on our Women's forum about this 5 minute I hopped over to my other favorite and ordered the complete kit..sure hope this bread turns out cause it was mighty costly... could have bought several loaves..but nothing better than home made bread.. I just don't like doing all that kneading...Yeah I have a mixer but ya still have to get your hands in it and then it's all that clean up and hope and pray the bread turns out..soooooooo we shall see... Should expect delivery after Christmas...
Momma always said, " Bread was one of the main staples in life"...oh wonder I love bread...:) Only problem is...when it comes out of the oven...omg...ya want to dive into it...LOL...Now watch I'll get the goodies and the weather will be HOT...LOL...
Ok, let me do my thang and be back later..(hopefully)..toodles !
I'm back !
Now I've got everyone settled in I'm gonna attempt to stay awake and catch
that Lunar thingie...You know the one where it changes colors in the sky...I won't get to see one like this, well not in my life time and look how long it's been before it came back...WOW... The Pilgrims got to see it...So now I might consider myself one of those belated Pilgrims...discovering the changes with the moon...awesome !
Already covered my plants and got my electric blanket on when I come running in from the cold...and ya know it's gonna be cold outside...maybe might even do a HOt Chocolate...yeah with some whipped cream..Hey, things are looking better...sure wish I could see if from my window...dang it.. I'm off to check this all out...
The Earth is just so amazing...and all it's wonders...Dear Lord...You sure left us with some beauties...
Sunday, December 19, 2010
It is Sunday and I'm glad it's almost over !
It is Sunday and I'm glad it's almost over !...began gloomy and chilly...nothing bright to look forward to...made it almost through the day without a hitch..well almost...
Started off with giving Clancy a call...and hearing that Elsie was not doing well..She's having problems breathing...Even with the Oxygen which is turned up...had to have the Nurse in last night and today...oh my, I hated hearing that...She's also not eating much or drinking... I suggested to Clancy perhaps have the nurse put a face mask instead of those prong type nose grips..that usually wind up burning your nose...and maybe possible having a feeding I sure don't want to think Elsie is not getting any's getting very hard now... I can hear it in Clancy's voice...
Christmas will be hear soon Elsie...I pray the Lord will reach his hand out to you so you can go home...I pray your suffering will be more pain my dear friend...
I hung up from Clancy and just closed my eyes and just prayed it would be easy for Clancy as well...He's getting very tired. He did say, "Elsie was becoming frightened when he leaves the room" he's staying close by her side.. Very hard to even write about...
Later on that evening as I was talking on the phone to Diane...our lights went out and we lost all too.. Had to go out in the car port and attempt to get a signal on the cell that was such a pain..finally got a hold of my other friend Carol and had her call the power company...
She lives in Phase 2 of our community, while I'm in phase 1...She calls me back on the cell...and tells me "Someone hit the pole and all power to phase 1 is completely out".. the first thought that came to my mind was Elsie..her oxygen... but thank goodness those units have a battery back up... only thing I could think of to do.. was get the Motor Home bring it over and run the Genny...Lord I was a wreck.
We were only about 30 minutes or so without power...but it always seems like forever...So as I run to find a it seems it was getting dark in the house I open the draw there are two candles...but no matches..Why? cause I don't smoke and everything in the house is electric....HA!
I then realize... "Hey, I've got a package in from QVC (my favorite goodie) and in it is Flame less Candles...(smart buy) and Yes, I even have batteries...mmm well this is some one's Christmas present ..but they won't mind...beside I'm mad at they may not get it any way...(did I say that >)?...hahaha..
Well, the dang thing worked and it's still working much for flame less candles...and even has a hint of vanilla..oh man that sure smells good....
Now, I'm wiped out and stressed before I go to bed I'll cover my plants again as it's suppose to get down to 35 tonight..OH NO !!! I thought we'd start getting back to somethin' normal..but NOT ...ok...I'm done and I need to hit that bed...
Vacuuming tomorrow..oh you know I hate that job...and maybe just maybe I'll get the rest of my laundry done...and my plants thaw out..
Tucking in ....!
Started off with giving Clancy a call...and hearing that Elsie was not doing well..She's having problems breathing...Even with the Oxygen which is turned up...had to have the Nurse in last night and today...oh my, I hated hearing that...She's also not eating much or drinking... I suggested to Clancy perhaps have the nurse put a face mask instead of those prong type nose grips..that usually wind up burning your nose...and maybe possible having a feeding I sure don't want to think Elsie is not getting any's getting very hard now... I can hear it in Clancy's voice...
Christmas will be hear soon Elsie...I pray the Lord will reach his hand out to you so you can go home...I pray your suffering will be more pain my dear friend...
I hung up from Clancy and just closed my eyes and just prayed it would be easy for Clancy as well...He's getting very tired. He did say, "Elsie was becoming frightened when he leaves the room" he's staying close by her side.. Very hard to even write about...
Later on that evening as I was talking on the phone to Diane...our lights went out and we lost all too.. Had to go out in the car port and attempt to get a signal on the cell that was such a pain..finally got a hold of my other friend Carol and had her call the power company...
She lives in Phase 2 of our community, while I'm in phase 1...She calls me back on the cell...and tells me "Someone hit the pole and all power to phase 1 is completely out".. the first thought that came to my mind was Elsie..her oxygen... but thank goodness those units have a battery back up... only thing I could think of to do.. was get the Motor Home bring it over and run the Genny...Lord I was a wreck.
We were only about 30 minutes or so without power...but it always seems like forever...So as I run to find a it seems it was getting dark in the house I open the draw there are two candles...but no matches..Why? cause I don't smoke and everything in the house is electric....HA!
I then realize... "Hey, I've got a package in from QVC (my favorite goodie) and in it is Flame less Candles...(smart buy) and Yes, I even have batteries...mmm well this is some one's Christmas present ..but they won't mind...beside I'm mad at they may not get it any way...(did I say that >)?...hahaha..
Well, the dang thing worked and it's still working much for flame less candles...and even has a hint of vanilla..oh man that sure smells good....
Now, I'm wiped out and stressed before I go to bed I'll cover my plants again as it's suppose to get down to 35 tonight..OH NO !!! I thought we'd start getting back to somethin' normal..but NOT ...ok...I'm done and I need to hit that bed...
Vacuuming tomorrow..oh you know I hate that job...and maybe just maybe I'll get the rest of my laundry done...and my plants thaw out..
Tucking in ....!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Saturday....Sat...and Sat...and went to the store !
Saturday...Sat...and Sat...and went to the store ! Isn't that what Saturday's for ? hahaha.. well sounded good...but my Saturday started off with a few sprinkles and a little bit chilly...well damp..(of course would be damp doe doe it's sprinkling)...ya know some times when I write things my brain is going faster than my fingers and all of a sudden I stop and look at what I wrote...???? what in the world.. I mean where am I...Yep, I think a lot of us do those things..but with me I spell it out...then sit back and giggle then think of a cartoon I could do up just to fit it...but sometimes my life style fits it..
I did my morning ritual know feed the Critters 4 then the rest of the wild life then that time I'm STARVING...gawd can I ever get done...hmmm some days I'm done before I start...
Ok, so my day was just a bit of a wishie washie type... went to Winn Dixie (love that place) and then to CVS..yep, got my scripts in for the month and the girl there says, "OMG, do you take all this stuff"..kind of makes ya feel good I mean I just got in 12 scripts to live by..and she wants to know.."Do I really take this stuff"...uh..."Nope, I just love looking at the colors of the rainbows"...or maybe I use it for jewelry..that would work too..cept my ticker wouldn't work if I didn't take it...!
I took Diane my housekeeper(she's such an upbeat kinda gal...feet never stop and neither does her jaws ).. hahaha...but I just love her to pieces...she's always anxious to do something...and a clean freak from the get go...omg...I just be lost without her...she does a great job taking care of my house when I'm not here... So getting back to Diane...she gets in the stores..and it's Zoom zoom she's done... I see her fly by the isles and honestly, she reaches up and she's thing I know I'm at the check out and she's already checked out and helping pack up my goodies...can you believe it... Zooooooooom we're out the door..hahaha
I did my treat today..Yep, once a month after I pick up my heart meds..(you'll love this) I get me one of those Hardee burgers..oh yeah man...all that good cholesterol and hot fries...made my trip in to the town...:) Oh Lordy, my Doc should see me know...but it was good and anything in moderation is ok...I mean I got me the colorful pills now I can slurp them down with the Dr Pepper...ain't he a Doc LOL...omg...I can hear my clogged arteries..HELP ME>>> GIVE ME MORE...:)
Now I get back home and I put all that stuff away and I'm it's lean back or do something productive...which I did.. I came in and sat (for Saturday) on the computer and did some more graphics...and the rest is history..wooo hooo..
Ali, you asked me about Elsie and Clancy... I've had a cold coming on and I have not gone over but I did speak with Clancy and they had their sons in visiting and Elsie is doing pretty good...Not too much pain but the meds are helping... They have a nurse coming in 3 days a week and I'll give them a call this time is so important for all her family to get in and visit with her..while she has some strength left.. Thank you so much for asking...
Elsie is never off my mind, sometimes I feel so helpless but then I just keep her in my prayers and try to give support to Clancy..He's such a good man, and it's gonna get harder for him...I pray he keeps his strength up as well..
Alrighty now I'm gonna attempt a few more cartoons and then maybe watch a NetFlix...sounds better now...get all I don't last 15 minutes... :)
Later ...............
I did my morning ritual know feed the Critters 4 then the rest of the wild life then that time I'm STARVING...gawd can I ever get done...hmmm some days I'm done before I start...
Ok, so my day was just a bit of a wishie washie type... went to Winn Dixie (love that place) and then to CVS..yep, got my scripts in for the month and the girl there says, "OMG, do you take all this stuff"..kind of makes ya feel good I mean I just got in 12 scripts to live by..and she wants to know.."Do I really take this stuff"...uh..."Nope, I just love looking at the colors of the rainbows"...or maybe I use it for jewelry..that would work too..cept my ticker wouldn't work if I didn't take it...!
I took Diane my housekeeper(she's such an upbeat kinda gal...feet never stop and neither does her jaws ).. hahaha...but I just love her to pieces...she's always anxious to do something...and a clean freak from the get go...omg...I just be lost without her...she does a great job taking care of my house when I'm not here... So getting back to Diane...she gets in the stores..and it's Zoom zoom she's done... I see her fly by the isles and honestly, she reaches up and she's thing I know I'm at the check out and she's already checked out and helping pack up my goodies...can you believe it... Zooooooooom we're out the door..hahaha
I did my treat today..Yep, once a month after I pick up my heart meds..(you'll love this) I get me one of those Hardee burgers..oh yeah man...all that good cholesterol and hot fries...made my trip in to the town...:) Oh Lordy, my Doc should see me know...but it was good and anything in moderation is ok...I mean I got me the colorful pills now I can slurp them down with the Dr Pepper...ain't he a Doc LOL...omg...I can hear my clogged arteries..HELP ME>>> GIVE ME MORE...:)
Now I get back home and I put all that stuff away and I'm it's lean back or do something productive...which I did.. I came in and sat (for Saturday) on the computer and did some more graphics...and the rest is history..wooo hooo..
Ali, you asked me about Elsie and Clancy... I've had a cold coming on and I have not gone over but I did speak with Clancy and they had their sons in visiting and Elsie is doing pretty good...Not too much pain but the meds are helping... They have a nurse coming in 3 days a week and I'll give them a call this time is so important for all her family to get in and visit with her..while she has some strength left.. Thank you so much for asking...
Elsie is never off my mind, sometimes I feel so helpless but then I just keep her in my prayers and try to give support to Clancy..He's such a good man, and it's gonna get harder for him...I pray he keeps his strength up as well..
Alrighty now I'm gonna attempt a few more cartoons and then maybe watch a NetFlix...sounds better now...get all I don't last 15 minutes... :)
Later ...............
Friday, December 17, 2010
Friday was a GOODER !
Friday was a GOODER ! Yes, that's a Pennsylvania Dutch Word...I've picked up quite a few of those as I've lived in Pennsylvania for over 43 years..omg ! it's a life time...well almost...but these words have become second nature to me and some of the style of cooking Shoe Fly Pie...hmmm well almost..not that one in particular..cause when I think of it.. I think of Flies attacking a pie and someone saying.."Shoe Fly" that's a well some other day for me :)
Today was a warm day and I put out my plants..they (the plants) were probably screaming.."let me out" and I can't blame them..My Christmas Cactus is in bloom and she's gorgeous...dang it I need to get that camera going...make note...get Camera out of the bag !
I did a lot of work on my computer today and did several signature tags for a group that I've belonged to for years..Lots of great talented artists and gawd the animations they do...I'm just a drop in the bucket as I learn the new tricks and then if I don't use's BLANK BRAIN syndrome ..
The Critters 4 are in bed and looking over at me...Yeah, I'll be in shortly...gonna listen to the news and then fall out or is it fall in...never quite sure...
Tomorrow it's head into town, pick up a few things and oh yes, the meds that keep me tickin' till next month....
Good Night and Sleep Tight..oh my cold in my nose..Getting Better...that cough med was a gooder too...yes Paulette I did add a little Whisky to it !
God Bless
Today was a warm day and I put out my plants..they (the plants) were probably screaming.."let me out" and I can't blame them..My Christmas Cactus is in bloom and she's gorgeous...dang it I need to get that camera going...make note...get Camera out of the bag !
I did a lot of work on my computer today and did several signature tags for a group that I've belonged to for years..Lots of great talented artists and gawd the animations they do...I'm just a drop in the bucket as I learn the new tricks and then if I don't use's BLANK BRAIN syndrome ..
The Critters 4 are in bed and looking over at me...Yeah, I'll be in shortly...gonna listen to the news and then fall out or is it fall in...never quite sure...
Tomorrow it's head into town, pick up a few things and oh yes, the meds that keep me tickin' till next month....
Good Night and Sleep Tight..oh my cold in my nose..Getting Better...that cough med was a gooder too...yes Paulette I did add a little Whisky to it !
God Bless
Thursday, December 16, 2010
My Goodness it's Thursday, Alreaday ?
My Goodness it's Thursday, Already ? and I've got a cold in my NOSE..oh yeah ! I got a cold in my NOSE...
What can I say, "I'm a mess" ! I can not believe it, I woke up with the sniffles and thought...."oh no", and soon it's gonna be Christmas and I'm gonna be SICK...holy crappola... gots to step on it and take me some Tylenol and drink lots of "Hot TEA" (Paulette you reading this ?)...yes, hot tea with lemon and honey...smoke this out before the "Blessed Event".
Started doing some Christmas tags...with one of my favorite groups of people that I've been with for years and then gonna attempt a few interesting animations..gawd I love doing those (when I have the time) just hope I remember how..duh! Gray matter slump...
Critters 4 are doing pretty good..been watching Joe as with it being so dang cold .. I mean come on now..26 in Florida ????? and it's been windy which stings...I worry much about Joe..he's been having good days but I hear him coughing a bit...He's been tucking in at night and I mean the dawg don't move when we hit the bed..The electric blanket is feeling good to him and pssst..all of us..
Woke up and wondered where my legs were..hahaha..yeah all 4 were in bed with me..and I was tucked in so tight I couldn't move and nobody else was movin' either...Soooooo we slept a little later...hahaha..
One of my neighbors called this AM wondering where I am...(I've been in the house like glue...) and I explained to her my dilemma..she laughed...I just knew she would.. Hazel is a neat gal...and she's kind of a crusty soul.. but will tell ya like it is... and I always tell her..."Hazel, it's be kind to ole folks, so I'm leavin' ya alone"..she laughs and comes right back at me.. She and I get along pretty good...and we check on each other from time to time...but I bet when she was a young woman she was as tough as nails ...
Of course she tells me, "She don't like dawgs"..and I come back at her.."Well, Hazel, that's why I don't invite ya over "...yep she giggles and we say.."By" till the next time.. Sometimes I think she just calls me so she can muster up a few good more licks...but I'm waitin' cause I'm always tellin' her..." We Yankees never forget and don't shoot till we see the Whites of yer eyes"... Ya know she's a Southern Belle...who I have to ring her chimes !
Okie dokie I need to make like I've done somethin' ...what I'm not sure...but I did do up a neat little Christmas tag... I just think it's a cutie..hahaha...
Later on and take a peek :)
Just in case ya don't know what's coming !
What can I say, "I'm a mess" ! I can not believe it, I woke up with the sniffles and thought...."oh no", and soon it's gonna be Christmas and I'm gonna be SICK...holy crappola... gots to step on it and take me some Tylenol and drink lots of "Hot TEA" (Paulette you reading this ?)...yes, hot tea with lemon and honey...smoke this out before the "Blessed Event".
Started doing some Christmas tags...with one of my favorite groups of people that I've been with for years and then gonna attempt a few interesting animations..gawd I love doing those (when I have the time) just hope I remember how..duh! Gray matter slump...
Critters 4 are doing pretty good..been watching Joe as with it being so dang cold .. I mean come on now..26 in Florida ????? and it's been windy which stings...I worry much about Joe..he's been having good days but I hear him coughing a bit...He's been tucking in at night and I mean the dawg don't move when we hit the bed..The electric blanket is feeling good to him and pssst..all of us..
Woke up and wondered where my legs were..hahaha..yeah all 4 were in bed with me..and I was tucked in so tight I couldn't move and nobody else was movin' either...Soooooo we slept a little later...hahaha..
One of my neighbors called this AM wondering where I am...(I've been in the house like glue...) and I explained to her my dilemma..she laughed...I just knew she would.. Hazel is a neat gal...and she's kind of a crusty soul.. but will tell ya like it is... and I always tell her..."Hazel, it's be kind to ole folks, so I'm leavin' ya alone"..she laughs and comes right back at me.. She and I get along pretty good...and we check on each other from time to time...but I bet when she was a young woman she was as tough as nails ...
Of course she tells me, "She don't like dawgs"..and I come back at her.."Well, Hazel, that's why I don't invite ya over "...yep she giggles and we say.."By" till the next time.. Sometimes I think she just calls me so she can muster up a few good more licks...but I'm waitin' cause I'm always tellin' her..." We Yankees never forget and don't shoot till we see the Whites of yer eyes"... Ya know she's a Southern Belle...who I have to ring her chimes !
Okie dokie I need to make like I've done somethin' ...what I'm not sure...but I did do up a neat little Christmas tag... I just think it's a cutie..hahaha...
Later on and take a peek :)
Just in case ya don't know what's coming !
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Here it is Wednesday ...What the ?????
Here it is Wednesday...What the ????? Yeah.. what happened to Monday and Tuesday...? Well, they went "Ka Put"!..(another new word)... It's been so cold in Sunny Florida that I've been making soup with a wounded "Toe"... Yes, I've opened a "Soup Kitchen"...Stand in line and ask properly the Soup Nazi on Seinfeld...(one of my all time favorite shows by the way)...
Any how I've made several pots of soup and my freezer is burping ! No more room in the inn...but boy let me tell ya.. I did a Beef Veggie, a Chicken Noodle, and last but not lease a Minestrone...gawd the aromas in the house were lingering forever..and it's been bitter cold !
My bird bath is frozen solid and those darling little birds when they come to the feeder are all puffed up..(puffing feathers up keeps them warm) and the little devious squirrels are hungry..(yes, I gave in..jut a tad).
The Critters 4 when they go out...they make it quick and my Electric Blanket has been in high gear...I had several ideas floating in my brain.. come up with electric socks..(portable) well, I know they have battery packs hahaha..Where are my Long Johns ?????
Today it's now 31 but in the middle of the night I woke up it was very cold in this house..I think we had a brown out..(that's what they call...they cut the electric back) I'm telling ya I watched the smoke come from my breath...omg..was I dreaming ?????
I've been searching the web for different kinds of simple soup recipes..cause I'm still in the "I need more soup" mode...and all done in the crock fantastic for me... I have them on my counter all lined up ...ready willin' and able to go >>> wooo hooo !
As for right now, I'm lookin' to come up with a feet warmer slip in pillow...sounds good to me...gonna have to get to the design board and create...Look out world here comes another good idea....betcha I could sell bunches...
Will post later on as it's time for a hot cocoa..oh yeah !
Any how I've made several pots of soup and my freezer is burping ! No more room in the inn...but boy let me tell ya.. I did a Beef Veggie, a Chicken Noodle, and last but not lease a Minestrone...gawd the aromas in the house were lingering forever..and it's been bitter cold !
My bird bath is frozen solid and those darling little birds when they come to the feeder are all puffed up..(puffing feathers up keeps them warm) and the little devious squirrels are hungry..(yes, I gave in..jut a tad).
The Critters 4 when they go out...they make it quick and my Electric Blanket has been in high gear...I had several ideas floating in my brain.. come up with electric socks..(portable) well, I know they have battery packs hahaha..Where are my Long Johns ?????
Today it's now 31 but in the middle of the night I woke up it was very cold in this house..I think we had a brown out..(that's what they call...they cut the electric back) I'm telling ya I watched the smoke come from my breath...omg..was I dreaming ?????
I've been searching the web for different kinds of simple soup recipes..cause I'm still in the "I need more soup" mode...and all done in the crock fantastic for me... I have them on my counter all lined up ...ready willin' and able to go >>> wooo hooo !
As for right now, I'm lookin' to come up with a feet warmer slip in pillow...sounds good to me...gonna have to get to the design board and create...Look out world here comes another good idea....betcha I could sell bunches...
Will post later on as it's time for a hot cocoa..oh yeah !
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Sunday... On the Mend
Sunday...On the Mend...yes, I had my toe taped to my other little toe...and together they were happy...I hobbled around and got the Critters pancakes made this morning...Oh, you mean I forgot to tell you that I make pancakes also for Joe and Reba... the little darlings.. Yes, they have pancakes for breakfast usually with either apples and blueberries or veggies...anything I can do to make them have a healthy meal...HA ! They gobble them up..well I usually on Sunday morning make enough for 10 days..makes life easy and my Reba is right along with me as each pancake comes off the griddle..almost like she's counting too...
Today was a chilly and wet kind of day and dreary..YIKES.. I watched the weather and again we is gonna be in the 20's..omg..what happened to our warm weather...???
I did a few other thing and I'm gonna start on a few projects to keep me occupied beside attempting to make up some ..YES...Cookies...not being able to stand on both feet got the picture..
So, my electric blanket is on and I'm watching Mr Belvedere rings the bell..LOL love them old classics...and then it's Nite Nite for me...
Catch ya all in the morning..cause I have the PJ's on the critters (little ones) and the big it cold brrrrrrrr...they are bears anyway..
Sleep well and God's cold brrrrrrr
Today was a chilly and wet kind of day and dreary..YIKES.. I watched the weather and again we is gonna be in the 20's..omg..what happened to our warm weather...???
I did a few other thing and I'm gonna start on a few projects to keep me occupied beside attempting to make up some ..YES...Cookies...not being able to stand on both feet got the picture..
So, my electric blanket is on and I'm watching Mr Belvedere rings the bell..LOL love them old classics...and then it's Nite Nite for me...
Catch ya all in the morning..cause I have the PJ's on the critters (little ones) and the big it cold brrrrrrrr...they are bears anyway..
Sleep well and God's cold brrrrrrr
Saturday, December 11, 2010 Still Kickin' Still Kickin'.... My day has not gone so began with yesterday not ending like I had planned... I did go out and do some quick pick up of things I needed to make my cookies...That was the best part of that day...came home with the few "bags" of goodies...went walking into the house when the dang "bag" broke and out popped the gallon of Milk...Now I ask you, "have you ever had a full gallon of milk fall...not only fall but on your "FOOT"...well I have !
So, my Friday night was not going good. By that I mean I had put everything away and finished the rest of my chores and leaned back in the chair to rest...The Critters were in their wild stage so I had to deal with the evening went on and my foot was aching...I just couldn't understand Why?.
The strange part was I forgot about the gallon of milk..what was the big deal I mean the Gallon didn't break >>>>well, my toe did ! Yes, my foot was bothering me all night and I plum forgot about the dang Milk.
Later that evening as I'm talking to my hubby I realize.."I know why my foot is hurting...I mean my big toe is now huge...looks different compared to my other big toe...HUH...Did I leave my brain else where >>> I mean with the weight of that full gallon...OUCH !!...Yes, almost 9 lbs being dropped and hitting full force...HOLY COW....
So we come to day was hobbling around trying to put things up and trying not to hit my "Big Toe" which is now PURPLE...oh's odd looking alright and I still can't believe I didn't know about my toe..???? Is this what they call "Senior Moments"...DUH >?>>>>?
Well, my day today was not much...I was Still Kickin' around but in a limping manor..and going in and out to let the Critter out..well, that's a HORSE of another COLOR...
Now, I'm ready to tuck in bed and hopes that Tomorrow will be another day and not another Strange Adventure...
Good Night all and Watch your TOES !
Friday, December 10, 2010
It's Morning alright and Friday too !
It's Morning alright and Friday too !... and I'm off to the Publix..(like that one too) have to pick up just a few things to make cookies this weekend. I'm just about ready to run out and make my quick get a way...Have list ready and zip in and zap out..(hopefully).
I slept quite good last night for a certainly has been along time since I did that..even the Critters 4 slept in..ah was nice. Watched my Cardinals come to the feeder early as I had my cup of coffee . Chatted with my hubby as he got up and was on his mad dash to get his routine blood work done.
Weather wasn't to too bad this morning a little bit chilly...not like other we'll have a reprieve for a couple of days..just to give us a "Remember what I was like" then back down into the low 30's...YIKES.
Plants are wondering when they are going back out...I'll move them for a couple of days ...don't want to lose all those blooms on the Christmas Cactus.
Well, I best get a move on and finish dressing..let the Critters 4 out for a quickie and then hustle...oh I did manage to write a few Christmas cards last I've got to get them in the that will be on the way out of here...woooo hooo...
Catch ya later on to finish out my adventure !
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Thursday and it's still MOrning !
Thursday and it's still MOrning !...Yes, I'm a jump ahead been up since 4am and had my brownie fix..I mad a pan of one of those "new" Brownie type pans that cuts them in squares...WONDERFUL...I have them in my Loc N Loc wrapped in wax paper too and the FREEZER..the poor freezer is gonna burp!...
I decided that I needed to get a big jump and put up as much as I could..(pray that no loss of power outages) or I'll cry !.. However, this really helps me out and it I can get what ever done ahead I can be the true lazy Woman and lean back and just pick and choose..OMG I'm gonna be as big as a barn if I keep this up..hahaha..Nah, but sure feels good.
Clancy just called,he's got to go out and do some business and asked me to stay with Elsie..." Sure"... So I'm glad I got a few things done early..and I'll get to visit with Elsie...
Later today I'll cut up some veggies and pack them in zip locks for needed when cooking...and then I need to start pre measuring for making cookies this weekend...boy I'm just so full of myself with this jump ahead..Must be a "new me" ...or is it I'm bored...??? NEVER...not in my house always something that needs doing.
Oh, I have to make up a few baby blankets so that will keep me busy in the evenings as while I watch a little TV I crochet...and I remember when I use to watch my Aunt Betty do all this stuff and I thought omg, I'll never do that..HUH...See never say "You Won't " cause "YOU WILL SOMEDAY"...
Ok, gonna head up to the front and will be back later to post the finish of my day...sounds good to me...
My Visit with Elsie..
I headed over to visit with Elsie while Clancy and his daughter headed up to the they had to apply for permission to have her move in to help take care of her Mom... Yes, I know what you're thinking too..same as me..but this is like a Home Association...(some how I never read the small print).. This is a Adult Community 55 and over...something I have to still get use too...Any way while they did their thing...I stayed with Elsie..
Our time was great..Elsie was a little talkative and I was happy just to listen to her..we did laugh a bit and she told me she was eating and drinking a little better...and not in too much pain... We listened to the Christmas Music and watched the color lights on the tree and we both talked about the Winter..and Snow...she smiled as she was thinking about when she lived up North and the cold days and heavy snows...and I joked and said.."Elsie would you believe we are in Florida and it's just as cold as up North and soon if this keeps up we'll have a White Christmas"... I could see the gleam in her eyes..and she giggled with me..
I pray Elsie will have more good days and more giggles it sure did feel good with her...I blew her a kiss as I got up and was leaving...I could see her smile and wiggle one of her fingers...Yes, Elsie you have earned them Wings and you will soar the Heavens amongst all the Angles... when the good Lord calls your name..
I am beginning to get an inner peace seeing Elsie ..I no longer have that lost feeling..kind of strange.. I mean hard to explain but maybe cause I sense that she isn't having that fear...Her faith is strong, her trust in the Lord is showing through.. We talked about how everyone is offering prayers I even told her my hubby is saying prayers in the South Baptist Manner..she giggled being she and I are Catholics...Elsie said, " well, we all pray to the same God and I'll take all I can get"... She was like her old self as we both smiled..
Yes, my visit although short was wonderful and as I say my prayers tonight I'll do a special Thank You for all of you there truly is strength in prayers...
God Bless
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Wednesday and still bitter cold brrrrrrrrrr
Wednesday and still bitter cold brrrrrrrrr..Ya know I'm getting tired of this bitter cold but soon they say (weather man) it's gonna warm up.. I sure hope so. I have several plants on the dinning room table as I had no other place to put them without the noses getting into them !
My Christmas cactus has lots and lots of blooms on her and I can't wait and my Gardenia is looking good ..not blooming but the leaves have sure improved.. I almost lost her when I left here last summer...Friends thought they did me a favor in watering "her" but they drowned her... Gardenia's only like to be damp not wet. Just in case any of you think about having a plant.
Today I managed to get a lot done...had my trip to Wally World and zoomed in and out ..took the fighting couple's other half "J" .. he promised to behave and that he did.. I just told him .."you don't have to follow me around the store and here's where I'll meet up with ya"...I am so good about that.. cause I learned when he would go with matter what I bought he'd make comments...gawd..what a pain in the "gazoorch" (another new word).
Manage to get my Cookie tins..and yes, they are round (sigh) and even got some Christmas tomorrow I'll fill out and send out cards and then it's on for the weekend to bake cookies....
Ali, you asked what was in my Crock Pots... I had Pork Barbq, Ham hocks in Split Pea soup, and I did a Chicken Soup in the last one...So I have everything done up for the freezer. Also tomorrow I'm going to do up Fried Ham and Cabbage to be put in the freezer as well.
I'm one of those that like to get things done ahead. Cause when I've got the full momentum I take advantage of it... Now my only problem is I'm running out of space HA !
Oh and this morning my bird bath was frozen solid...Yeah, I even saw something moving around on it...check it out :)
God Bless and tuck in cause it's COLD ...!!!

My Christmas cactus has lots and lots of blooms on her and I can't wait and my Gardenia is looking good ..not blooming but the leaves have sure improved.. I almost lost her when I left here last summer...Friends thought they did me a favor in watering "her" but they drowned her... Gardenia's only like to be damp not wet. Just in case any of you think about having a plant.
Today I managed to get a lot done...had my trip to Wally World and zoomed in and out ..took the fighting couple's other half "J" .. he promised to behave and that he did.. I just told him .."you don't have to follow me around the store and here's where I'll meet up with ya"...I am so good about that.. cause I learned when he would go with matter what I bought he'd make comments...gawd..what a pain in the "gazoorch" (another new word).
Manage to get my Cookie tins..and yes, they are round (sigh) and even got some Christmas tomorrow I'll fill out and send out cards and then it's on for the weekend to bake cookies....
Ali, you asked what was in my Crock Pots... I had Pork Barbq, Ham hocks in Split Pea soup, and I did a Chicken Soup in the last one...So I have everything done up for the freezer. Also tomorrow I'm going to do up Fried Ham and Cabbage to be put in the freezer as well.
I'm one of those that like to get things done ahead. Cause when I've got the full momentum I take advantage of it... Now my only problem is I'm running out of space HA !
Oh and this morning my bird bath was frozen solid...Yeah, I even saw something moving around on it...check it out :)
God Bless and tuck in cause it's COLD ...!!!

I so enjoy doing if I can only get Photo bucket to cooperate !
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tuesday...freezing in the Tropics ?????
Tuesday...freezing in the Tropics ?????... Yes, it is and will be tomorrow going down to 28...WHAT !!!!
It seems like I've played this tune before, like last was bitter cold and these heat pumps just don't cut the mustard ...Electric blankets should sell out...and heaters I'm sure they'll not be many on a shelf. I did manage to buy last year an oil filled radiator heater that works great.
Morning for me was hectic...Bob, my handy man came over and picked up one of the living room lamps to fix.. Zeke knocked it over and all the inners fell out .. That had happened when one of the young kids was blowing the leaves from away the front and he got to close to the windows...and the rest was history... I think he won't do that again...not by my house anyway...
So, the lamp didn't break (amazingly) but I need the inners repaired..LOL sounds like it's a bird...hahaha.. Bob is an excellent fixer upper..No matter what it's like a challenge to him and also Diane...They are perfectly matched .. they love re doing homes and making neat pieces of furniture. I just love them two... and yes, they still have their home up for sale..although today when they came over ...I asked Diane as she was bundled to the max ...
"Diane are you cold" >? ...her reply..."I'm freezing my tail feathers off"... and of course I couldn't resist..."And you want to move back up North to the bitter cold and Snow"...enough said... Hoping she'll change her mind..maybe..can that be my Christmas wish too ..????
This afternoon I was getting ready to go sit with Elsie and Clancy called...said, "Elsie wasn't having a good day today, she was very anxious" so he decided to stay close by her... I understood, as I know these ups and downs are the hard part... but I sure pray she has more ups than downs.
Speaking of ups and Joe, who seems like on his last leg has done another turn around...and that's a good thing...I'll take every day I can...He's even been more attentive...and he'll be 15 in January...maybe he'll be like a cat with 9 lives...
I just looked over at the crew..yes, electric blanket is on and yes, they are in their spots..only problem I have to find's somewhere in there...
Tomorrow I've got 3 crock pots gonna be going... Getting my soups and barbq done up so I can freeze it...and then I need to start on cookies...I can't put off what I need to get done...While the energy level is on the high side...
Heard the sad news on TV about Elizabeth Edwards...She was a strong woman and such a graceful lady at that...She sure endured more than one person could imagine..such a hard time losing her son and then the nonsense with her husband...on top of having Breast Cancer...dealing with the press..a constant reminder...Well, she's now in the arms of the Lord...May you rest in peace !
I'm getting sleepy and chilly so time for me to make a nose dive under covers myself...already made my list for tomorrow...and the fun begins...keeping busy helps me...I don't have time to ponder on what's happening around me...There is always an adventure for me...some days I look for it and others it just comes upon me.
May God Bless and Keep everyone Safe and Warm !
It seems like I've played this tune before, like last was bitter cold and these heat pumps just don't cut the mustard ...Electric blankets should sell out...and heaters I'm sure they'll not be many on a shelf. I did manage to buy last year an oil filled radiator heater that works great.
Morning for me was hectic...Bob, my handy man came over and picked up one of the living room lamps to fix.. Zeke knocked it over and all the inners fell out .. That had happened when one of the young kids was blowing the leaves from away the front and he got to close to the windows...and the rest was history... I think he won't do that again...not by my house anyway...
So, the lamp didn't break (amazingly) but I need the inners repaired..LOL sounds like it's a bird...hahaha.. Bob is an excellent fixer upper..No matter what it's like a challenge to him and also Diane...They are perfectly matched .. they love re doing homes and making neat pieces of furniture. I just love them two... and yes, they still have their home up for sale..although today when they came over ...I asked Diane as she was bundled to the max ...
"Diane are you cold" >? ...her reply..."I'm freezing my tail feathers off"... and of course I couldn't resist..."And you want to move back up North to the bitter cold and Snow"...enough said... Hoping she'll change her mind..maybe..can that be my Christmas wish too ..????
This afternoon I was getting ready to go sit with Elsie and Clancy called...said, "Elsie wasn't having a good day today, she was very anxious" so he decided to stay close by her... I understood, as I know these ups and downs are the hard part... but I sure pray she has more ups than downs.
Speaking of ups and Joe, who seems like on his last leg has done another turn around...and that's a good thing...I'll take every day I can...He's even been more attentive...and he'll be 15 in January...maybe he'll be like a cat with 9 lives...
I just looked over at the crew..yes, electric blanket is on and yes, they are in their spots..only problem I have to find's somewhere in there...
Tomorrow I've got 3 crock pots gonna be going... Getting my soups and barbq done up so I can freeze it...and then I need to start on cookies...I can't put off what I need to get done...While the energy level is on the high side...
Heard the sad news on TV about Elizabeth Edwards...She was a strong woman and such a graceful lady at that...She sure endured more than one person could imagine..such a hard time losing her son and then the nonsense with her husband...on top of having Breast Cancer...dealing with the press..a constant reminder...Well, she's now in the arms of the Lord...May you rest in peace !
I'm getting sleepy and chilly so time for me to make a nose dive under covers myself...already made my list for tomorrow...and the fun begins...keeping busy helps me...I don't have time to ponder on what's happening around me...There is always an adventure for me...some days I look for it and others it just comes upon me.
May God Bless and Keep everyone Safe and Warm !
Monday, December 6, 2010
Monday Brrrrrrrrr!
Monday Brrrrrrrr!... It was so cold here in this sunny Florida region that I thought I was back up NORTH....the wind went right through fact I'm waiting for snow. Yes, you got happened the same way last year and here we are on a repeat...
Today I did a quick run though the house got the Critters fed breakfast and I hit the open road...did a trip to the Post Office...neat one in town here and the Postal workers are ever so friendly..Yes, I had to promise them cookies..when I get to make them !!!
Went to my favorite Winn Dixie ( I did tell you I love these names) and got a quick list together and wham bam thankya ma'm I was out of all my things I needed...I was so proud of myself and hurried back to the house...when I pulled in the driveway the Cardinals were at the feeder and ya know what...they never moved...I sat in the car (with the heater running) and I got out they still stood there...guess it might be my ole crew coming back (ya think?)
I sat back and watched the rest of the feeding crew taking in their pecking order...and then I got a call from Clancy... was happy to hear Elsie was having some good day and he asked " would I come tomorrow and sit with her for a few hours".....I'm just happy to help in any way I can..
I did talk with their daughter as she is staying with them to help and I asked would she think it would be ok if I got a few carollers in for her Mom... I know Elsie would love it..and it would feel so much like Christmas... She told me that they had a couple in the other night.. I was so happy to hear that ...and she would love it again I've got to call the ladies that do that here and make the arrangements... I know it will be so nice.
Now I've turned on the good ole Electric blanket and I can't wait to tuck in... I don't do cold fact not at all anymore..and as a kid I loved it...
So, I'm looking forward to tomorrow and I know those prayers are giving Elsie strength and her family by her side....
Thank you everyone...God Bless
Today I did a quick run though the house got the Critters fed breakfast and I hit the open road...did a trip to the Post Office...neat one in town here and the Postal workers are ever so friendly..Yes, I had to promise them cookies..when I get to make them !!!
Went to my favorite Winn Dixie ( I did tell you I love these names) and got a quick list together and wham bam thankya ma'm I was out of all my things I needed...I was so proud of myself and hurried back to the house...when I pulled in the driveway the Cardinals were at the feeder and ya know what...they never moved...I sat in the car (with the heater running) and I got out they still stood there...guess it might be my ole crew coming back (ya think?)
I sat back and watched the rest of the feeding crew taking in their pecking order...and then I got a call from Clancy... was happy to hear Elsie was having some good day and he asked " would I come tomorrow and sit with her for a few hours".....I'm just happy to help in any way I can..
I did talk with their daughter as she is staying with them to help and I asked would she think it would be ok if I got a few carollers in for her Mom... I know Elsie would love it..and it would feel so much like Christmas... She told me that they had a couple in the other night.. I was so happy to hear that ...and she would love it again I've got to call the ladies that do that here and make the arrangements... I know it will be so nice.
Now I've turned on the good ole Electric blanket and I can't wait to tuck in... I don't do cold fact not at all anymore..and as a kid I loved it...
So, I'm looking forward to tomorrow and I know those prayers are giving Elsie strength and her family by her side....
Thank you everyone...God Bless
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Sunday a day of much meditation
Sunday, a day of much meditation for me...A lot of soul searching and questions . Saturday I just let it go by as I felt an empty feeling.. Talked with Clancy tonight as to how Elsie was doing.. She's mainly sleeping a lot and they will take a blood test to see if the clots are breaking up.. Her swelling in her leg is going down a bit..
It's so difficult to be in the spirit of anything when you know someone is leaving this world.. I feel the loss for Clancy as to watch those two together you knew they were soul mates.. His devotion makes me proud to have known both of them... and shows me that even though Men play that hard act that deep down in side they are as soft as we are.
It getting chilly again here in sunny Florida...boy what happen to the "Tropics" seems ever since I bought a place here ...I've brought the touch of the North with me..YIKES.
I already put Joe and Reba's PJ's on... gosh I need to get my camera so I can put a picture up with them two dressed...Tomorrow on my list I'll get the camera ready again..
Have to make a run to the store...(my not so favorite thing to do) and also pick up some Christmas Cards I have none in the house...I've gotten so use to just doing the Electronic ones... but I thought this year...I'll send some out..
I'm also gonna stop by the dollar tree and see if they have any tins for cookies...and I've placed my order in for the Christmas Table flowers. I send to my I know she likes to have the dinner with a dressed table .
Turned my trusted electric blanket on this evening ..cause it's gonna get chilly and these heat pumps aren't great when it gets below 40ish...brrrrrr boy I miss my warm house in Pa...LOL (only on these occasions)
I haven't put any decorations up...but I will put a wreath that has the prettiest color lights..they twinkle and are so soft looking...and as I gaze at them I'll think of my friend Elsie as she watched that Christmas tree...and how that smile came on her face...
God be with you Elsie....Christmas will be here soon !
It's so difficult to be in the spirit of anything when you know someone is leaving this world.. I feel the loss for Clancy as to watch those two together you knew they were soul mates.. His devotion makes me proud to have known both of them... and shows me that even though Men play that hard act that deep down in side they are as soft as we are.
It getting chilly again here in sunny Florida...boy what happen to the "Tropics" seems ever since I bought a place here ...I've brought the touch of the North with me..YIKES.
I already put Joe and Reba's PJ's on... gosh I need to get my camera so I can put a picture up with them two dressed...Tomorrow on my list I'll get the camera ready again..
Have to make a run to the store...(my not so favorite thing to do) and also pick up some Christmas Cards I have none in the house...I've gotten so use to just doing the Electronic ones... but I thought this year...I'll send some out..
I'm also gonna stop by the dollar tree and see if they have any tins for cookies...and I've placed my order in for the Christmas Table flowers. I send to my I know she likes to have the dinner with a dressed table .
Turned my trusted electric blanket on this evening ..cause it's gonna get chilly and these heat pumps aren't great when it gets below 40ish...brrrrrr boy I miss my warm house in Pa...LOL (only on these occasions)
I haven't put any decorations up...but I will put a wreath that has the prettiest color lights..they twinkle and are so soft looking...and as I gaze at them I'll think of my friend Elsie as she watched that Christmas tree...and how that smile came on her face...
God be with you Elsie....Christmas will be here soon !
Friday, December 3, 2010
Freezing Friday brrrrrrrr
Freezing Friday brrrrrrr...woke up at 3 am.. my electric blanket was cookin and I couldn't find the little ones, Reba and what woke me up, the fact that I couldn't find those two or my legs were cooked ! So I sat up and turned on the a beam it was..omg...where are those two...yep, they were toasty warm and moved up to the top of the bed..on the other pillow both of for me my legs were smoken' ... I must remember to turn down that cooker ...gawd it felt great cause once I got out of bed...I was looking to make a nose dive back...but once I'm up...shucks I'm up.
My day today is gonna be simple..get the house in some kind of order and then venture out to "Wally World" now you know that's gonna be a good one cause I need to get those cookie tins...but this year with me being behind I'm gonna not make as much...just a few selections of cookies. Gots ta have cookies...I mean Christmas isn't Christmas without a few ...
Oh the Crowds.... Yes, Wally World could have come a close second to Disney World...Omg...there was hardly any place to pushing thank goodness but every place you went to turn was filled..shelves didn't look good either..uh oh, I'm gonna have to do some searchin' would you believe no cookie tins...big trouble in Zeee's land.
Came home with a blasting headache... I had to lay down but before that I put the trusted Crock Pot on and put in Turkey legs and veggies..yep, I made Turkey soup...hey it's cold here in Sunny Florida ...and gonna get colder.
Talked with Clancy today to see how Elsie was doing...Seems that her leg that was swollen has blood clots so they are given her heparin...gosh that poor woman is just going from one thing to another... I pray that this will stop... how much more can she endure. Hospice is in 24 her shots every 12 hours to prevent those clots from moving and hoping to break them down..
She's sleeping much as I am sure the meds are doing their work...but Lordy all this added to everything else is just so hard on her.. I know how much she wants to be here with her family for Christmas...
Tonight as I lay my head down I'm praying that Elsie's wish will come true and that her Christmas blessing be that she be free of pain and suffering.
God Bless my friend
My day today is gonna be simple..get the house in some kind of order and then venture out to "Wally World" now you know that's gonna be a good one cause I need to get those cookie tins...but this year with me being behind I'm gonna not make as much...just a few selections of cookies. Gots ta have cookies...I mean Christmas isn't Christmas without a few ...
Oh the Crowds.... Yes, Wally World could have come a close second to Disney World...Omg...there was hardly any place to pushing thank goodness but every place you went to turn was filled..shelves didn't look good either..uh oh, I'm gonna have to do some searchin' would you believe no cookie tins...big trouble in Zeee's land.
Came home with a blasting headache... I had to lay down but before that I put the trusted Crock Pot on and put in Turkey legs and veggies..yep, I made Turkey soup...hey it's cold here in Sunny Florida ...and gonna get colder.
Talked with Clancy today to see how Elsie was doing...Seems that her leg that was swollen has blood clots so they are given her heparin...gosh that poor woman is just going from one thing to another... I pray that this will stop... how much more can she endure. Hospice is in 24 her shots every 12 hours to prevent those clots from moving and hoping to break them down..
She's sleeping much as I am sure the meds are doing their work...but Lordy all this added to everything else is just so hard on her.. I know how much she wants to be here with her family for Christmas...
Tonight as I lay my head down I'm praying that Elsie's wish will come true and that her Christmas blessing be that she be free of pain and suffering.
God Bless my friend
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Thrifty Thursday :)
Thrifty Thursday....Oh I thought it was...Started off making up my Critter food for the month..wooo hooo House smelled like Chicken Soup and that's good for the it finished about noon time and of course I was hungry so...what's good for them is good enough for me...hahaha..Yes, it was wonder these Critters growl when it's dinner fact I think I heard a grumble coming from within as I had me a bowl of that Woof Woof Soup...yummy !!!
It was bitter cold this morning too..goodness my darling 4 legged friends where hoping in and time to even think about a few was get to business and be back in bed before I could turn around.
Plants did one bothered them on the dinning room table...I mean they didn't have that good eating smell as the aroma from the Soup lingered on and on...what a perfume..cept I'd be afraid to where it.. I mean could you just visualize it.. smell like a pot of chicken soup and someone bite ya..??? I know I'm weird...I get in those moods every now and then...and this is then !
I watched a lot more cardinals come to the feeders... hey they got the message it's WINTER...snow might be coming..Yes, even in Florida..I sure hope this ain't a repeat of last year...brrrrrr.
The rest of the day I sort of stayed bundled up...all of us did as we gazed out the big window and watched the action on the feeders...Looks like those birds were getting their big meal in....and find a warm place to park it .
Now I've got my trusted electric blanket on and it's warming the bed ..Yes, the critters are in their spots . I have to make way...I mean if I can find my spot and hang on...
Have to get my lists going so I can start getting more productive...I'm falling to the tomorrow it's "put the chairs in the wagon"
Good night and tuck in...cause I hear that wind blow...
It was bitter cold this morning too..goodness my darling 4 legged friends where hoping in and time to even think about a few was get to business and be back in bed before I could turn around.
Plants did one bothered them on the dinning room table...I mean they didn't have that good eating smell as the aroma from the Soup lingered on and on...what a perfume..cept I'd be afraid to where it.. I mean could you just visualize it.. smell like a pot of chicken soup and someone bite ya..??? I know I'm weird...I get in those moods every now and then...and this is then !
I watched a lot more cardinals come to the feeders... hey they got the message it's WINTER...snow might be coming..Yes, even in Florida..I sure hope this ain't a repeat of last year...brrrrrr.
The rest of the day I sort of stayed bundled up...all of us did as we gazed out the big window and watched the action on the feeders...Looks like those birds were getting their big meal in....and find a warm place to park it .
Now I've got my trusted electric blanket on and it's warming the bed ..Yes, the critters are in their spots . I have to make way...I mean if I can find my spot and hang on...
Have to get my lists going so I can start getting more productive...I'm falling to the tomorrow it's "put the chairs in the wagon"
Good night and tuck in...cause I hear that wind blow...
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Wishful Wednesday...and it's December the 1st brrrrrrrrr !
Wishful Wednesday and it's December the 1st brrrrrrrr!... It's a tad bit chilly at the moment...I've been up since the crack of an open door...never mind the crack of was still pitch black outside...but I heard the rain and the wind that was enough...Not even the Critters 4 wanted to move..much say, "I don't blame them".
It's going to be a vacuum day..zoooooooom the day away...cause if I don't well I'm not sure the wind would even consider blowing my "Moe Hair" floors for fact they might pay me to suck it up HA !
Gonna head into town to meet up with the other half of J & know the fighting's getting close to Christmas so they're on their good behavior...(so far) I'll have lunch with J (the male partner) and if he behaves himself I'll even treat him to desert...quickly... then get out of town...:)
Ah, it went well...we had an enjoyable meeting and even a few good laughs then I did a quick fix at the Winn Dixie...(gawd I love these names) and picked up some Egg that's a special treat for was rich and creamy...I've even made ice cream from it...and that's good fact if I have some extra room that's what I'll do...Now that's thinkin' ahead...I'm proud of myself...wooo hooo...
Evening here and I watched that truly was a waste...oh my let me get my plants in from outside...My Christmas Cactus is ready to bloom and my Gardenia is looking really good so in they come for a few it's dropping to the low 30' is Florida...any body tell Mr Weather Man ??????
Electric blanket is on and Reba and Joe have PJ's on and they are ready for bed in fact just took a quick looksie and yep, they only are showing noses..they is under cover dawgs !
So it's good night and Sleep Tight...Oh by the way...
Ali....again Happy Birthday Hope you sold Lots and Lots of Christmas Trees :)
God Bless
It's going to be a vacuum day..zoooooooom the day away...cause if I don't well I'm not sure the wind would even consider blowing my "Moe Hair" floors for fact they might pay me to suck it up HA !
Gonna head into town to meet up with the other half of J & know the fighting's getting close to Christmas so they're on their good behavior...(so far) I'll have lunch with J (the male partner) and if he behaves himself I'll even treat him to desert...quickly... then get out of town...:)
Ah, it went well...we had an enjoyable meeting and even a few good laughs then I did a quick fix at the Winn Dixie...(gawd I love these names) and picked up some Egg that's a special treat for was rich and creamy...I've even made ice cream from it...and that's good fact if I have some extra room that's what I'll do...Now that's thinkin' ahead...I'm proud of myself...wooo hooo...
Evening here and I watched that truly was a waste...oh my let me get my plants in from outside...My Christmas Cactus is ready to bloom and my Gardenia is looking really good so in they come for a few it's dropping to the low 30' is Florida...any body tell Mr Weather Man ??????
Electric blanket is on and Reba and Joe have PJ's on and they are ready for bed in fact just took a quick looksie and yep, they only are showing noses..they is under cover dawgs !
So it's good night and Sleep Tight...Oh by the way...
Ali....again Happy Birthday Hope you sold Lots and Lots of Christmas Trees :)
God Bless
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The End Of A Wonderful Tuesday
The end of a wonderful Tuesday....It started off with a mad dash and get the Critters done and get me out the door before they realized what was happening...but then again who am I kidding. As soon as they seen me head back and get in the shower and go into the closet...the race was on to see who was not gonna be caught...taaaaaa daaaaaa.....Yes, I caught them all..and I heard the "Glee Club" sing as I left the building hahahaha... I'm sure my neighbors loved it too...but hey, it's free and it's harmony ..4 part at that..difficult to do if ya ever did harmonize.
Got to the Medical Center and took a number...(not really but that's how it feels) and waited and waited..yep you got it..even got to watch a morning show ..Regis and what's her name...I'm awful but I don't watch much morning shows..mainly news...
My name was called and I jumped to attention...but that's about all I could they lead me down this long and I do mean long corridor...gawd I did my cardio vascular work out ... then into the tiny room and wait more...don't cha just love that.. I mean haven't you waited enough...
In comes this nice looking young man...(sure hope he's the doc) and he proceeds to inform me of the test "We" ( I didn't know he was taking it too) are about to take...HA ! Psssst just in case you didn't know...but I did this one before ...this is a repeat...please make sure my DOB is correct.... He smiles and then tells me..." Ma'am please take them jeans off and socks and shoes.."...sure enough... he leaves the room and there I sit again this time in my drape..hahahaha... you got it...another session of waiting...yooo hooo... anybody home ??????
Well, back he comes and it was like Hello, Goodbye, we is done...Wow.. he was fast and talked just as fast in a dark room.. all I could see was the glow of the machine and the warm gel I got smothered in... ..Then he says, "We're done"...Throws a towel at me says, "Get dressed"...bye...all in one breath...
Now I have to smile as I'm rekindling all of blurred past me... zoooooom and I was dressed out the door and on the highway hitting the Publix...oh yeah....couldn't go by without a quick fix...
As soon as I got in and got the Critters settled made a glass of tea and called Clancy... He had the Social Worker and the Hospice Nurse there and would call me back... My heart beat with a big thump... I sure hope all was going alright.
Little later the phone rang and it was Clancy.. he was sounding much better and said that "the Nurse was going to be in for the night" and I asked..."Can I still come over and visit with Elsie"... ... Clancy said, "Sure come on she'll be happy to see you....she's doing good today"... and for sure this was one of her better days.... I was so happy to see her...I waved at her as I walked in the door and I could see her smile.
The Hospice nurse was in the other room and Elsie was set up in the living room all cozy...She had oxygen on and she looked content...I sat up next to her and we talked as she drifted in and out...not sleeping but fading off as her pain meds were doing their job..
There is lots to be said about Hospice...I asked Elsie did she have any pain...her reply to me was.."Barbz, hospice is wonderful...they take good care of me and they make sure I have hardly any pain.. they are so good ".. I saw her look over at the nurse... I thanked the good Lord as I know Elsie is in good hands...Clancy is so devoted and caring...he too has a peaceful look..knowing she's ok. Her face had a glow to it....although weakened.. I still could see dear Elsie... it was good sitting by her and holding her hand.. We did our giggles and I promised her I'd be back and I will.
It was a good feeling inside I got...knowing how much she has endured and more to come but that inner peace was there...her comfort was being controlled...and that was a good thing.
The room was decorated ...Christmas tree and garland hung around with soft lights..I could see her look off into the colors of the tree how it soothed her...and also gave a warm feeling... her Christmas is everyday...a gift of love and devotion...
Ali, I want to thank you for those kind words and truly are wonderful I will share them with Elsie and Clancy.
Now as it's my night time and soon to be sleeping I can lay my head down and thank God for this wonderful day and enlightening...I was so afraid but now I'm not...I felt the presence of God in my toughing of Elsie's hand..she truly is with the spirit...her radiance was the love of God. It shown through.
Thank you my dear Elsie..
God Bless
Got to the Medical Center and took a number...(not really but that's how it feels) and waited and waited..yep you got it..even got to watch a morning show ..Regis and what's her name...I'm awful but I don't watch much morning shows..mainly news...
My name was called and I jumped to attention...but that's about all I could they lead me down this long and I do mean long corridor...gawd I did my cardio vascular work out ... then into the tiny room and wait more...don't cha just love that.. I mean haven't you waited enough...
In comes this nice looking young man...(sure hope he's the doc) and he proceeds to inform me of the test "We" ( I didn't know he was taking it too) are about to take...HA ! Psssst just in case you didn't know...but I did this one before ...this is a repeat...please make sure my DOB is correct.... He smiles and then tells me..." Ma'am please take them jeans off and socks and shoes.."...sure enough... he leaves the room and there I sit again this time in my drape..hahahaha... you got it...another session of waiting...yooo hooo... anybody home ??????
Well, back he comes and it was like Hello, Goodbye, we is done...Wow.. he was fast and talked just as fast in a dark room.. all I could see was the glow of the machine and the warm gel I got smothered in... ..Then he says, "We're done"...Throws a towel at me says, "Get dressed"...bye...all in one breath...
Now I have to smile as I'm rekindling all of blurred past me... zoooooom and I was dressed out the door and on the highway hitting the Publix...oh yeah....couldn't go by without a quick fix...
As soon as I got in and got the Critters settled made a glass of tea and called Clancy... He had the Social Worker and the Hospice Nurse there and would call me back... My heart beat with a big thump... I sure hope all was going alright.
Little later the phone rang and it was Clancy.. he was sounding much better and said that "the Nurse was going to be in for the night" and I asked..."Can I still come over and visit with Elsie"... ... Clancy said, "Sure come on she'll be happy to see you....she's doing good today"... and for sure this was one of her better days.... I was so happy to see her...I waved at her as I walked in the door and I could see her smile.
The Hospice nurse was in the other room and Elsie was set up in the living room all cozy...She had oxygen on and she looked content...I sat up next to her and we talked as she drifted in and out...not sleeping but fading off as her pain meds were doing their job..
There is lots to be said about Hospice...I asked Elsie did she have any pain...her reply to me was.."Barbz, hospice is wonderful...they take good care of me and they make sure I have hardly any pain.. they are so good ".. I saw her look over at the nurse... I thanked the good Lord as I know Elsie is in good hands...Clancy is so devoted and caring...he too has a peaceful look..knowing she's ok. Her face had a glow to it....although weakened.. I still could see dear Elsie... it was good sitting by her and holding her hand.. We did our giggles and I promised her I'd be back and I will.
It was a good feeling inside I got...knowing how much she has endured and more to come but that inner peace was there...her comfort was being controlled...and that was a good thing.
The room was decorated ...Christmas tree and garland hung around with soft lights..I could see her look off into the colors of the tree how it soothed her...and also gave a warm feeling... her Christmas is everyday...a gift of love and devotion...
Ali, I want to thank you for those kind words and truly are wonderful I will share them with Elsie and Clancy.
Now as it's my night time and soon to be sleeping I can lay my head down and thank God for this wonderful day and enlightening...I was so afraid but now I'm not...I felt the presence of God in my toughing of Elsie's hand..she truly is with the spirit...her radiance was the love of God. It shown through.
Thank you my dear Elsie..
God Bless
Monday, November 29, 2010
It was dreadful Monday
It was dreadful know those Monday blues...I got my running done and all the goodies that had to be mailed off to the attorney for my Uncle's Estate was done... My feeling on my brother was still hoovering over me but I worked through it... Got in a few minutes of shopping..groceries that is...and then proceeded to head home.
Even stopped and filled my gas tank...gawd those gas caps can be a pain in the butt...they screw this way and that way and still the dang alarm goes off as it's not yet sitting right..ok, so I go and do it again..this time with a little more "here's that"..and thank goodness it worked... such technology..really I mean can't it just be simple ????
Then home I went and ready for the next adventure...not really looking forward to it..but gots to be done...I'll get through it...have before..maybe this time they'll have my right D.O. B. HA !
I'm still struggling with the tired feeling and of course being and over cast day and a Blue Monday it went along with the way I was feeling... So me and the Critters 4 did a nice Nappy Poo...oh yeah... all 4 and me on the edge..some nap :)
This evening I called my dear Yard man and heard more bad news...I'm not doing well with I became so close to both he and his wife..She was so full of joy and such an up beat ...Now, as he spoke very softly ..he brought the reality of what's happening... The cancer has really spread to far and she's so weak that there will be no treatment..
God Bless her... I could barely hold it together...How could this be.. I'm so at a loss for words.. He is holding it together and I so want to embrace the strength that they both share. I really didn't know what to say... I asked if there was anything I could do for him... and he did say, "Would I mind and come sit with Elsie"... Mind, God no.. It would be my honor to come and sit with her...and do what I could for these two wonderful people.
You know with all the rotten crap in this world going on.. why bring such sadness to people that care and are so willing to help others... That boggles me... I know I'm taught not to challenge things of the he knows what's best for us... but somewhere along the line there is some miscommunication...
So I'm asking those that follow me or by some chance read me...tonight when you lay your heads down please say a prayer for Elsie and Clancy...That she can be home for the holidays for her children and grandchildren and great grand baby..
God Bless Everyone
Even stopped and filled my gas tank...gawd those gas caps can be a pain in the butt...they screw this way and that way and still the dang alarm goes off as it's not yet sitting right..ok, so I go and do it again..this time with a little more "here's that"..and thank goodness it worked... such technology..really I mean can't it just be simple ????
Then home I went and ready for the next adventure...not really looking forward to it..but gots to be done...I'll get through it...have before..maybe this time they'll have my right D.O. B. HA !
I'm still struggling with the tired feeling and of course being and over cast day and a Blue Monday it went along with the way I was feeling... So me and the Critters 4 did a nice Nappy Poo...oh yeah... all 4 and me on the edge..some nap :)
This evening I called my dear Yard man and heard more bad news...I'm not doing well with I became so close to both he and his wife..She was so full of joy and such an up beat ...Now, as he spoke very softly ..he brought the reality of what's happening... The cancer has really spread to far and she's so weak that there will be no treatment..
God Bless her... I could barely hold it together...How could this be.. I'm so at a loss for words.. He is holding it together and I so want to embrace the strength that they both share. I really didn't know what to say... I asked if there was anything I could do for him... and he did say, "Would I mind and come sit with Elsie"... Mind, God no.. It would be my honor to come and sit with her...and do what I could for these two wonderful people.
You know with all the rotten crap in this world going on.. why bring such sadness to people that care and are so willing to help others... That boggles me... I know I'm taught not to challenge things of the he knows what's best for us... but somewhere along the line there is some miscommunication...
So I'm asking those that follow me or by some chance read me...tonight when you lay your heads down please say a prayer for Elsie and Clancy...That she can be home for the holidays for her children and grandchildren and great grand baby..
God Bless Everyone
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sunday is done did !
Sunday is done did !... I done did is correct...I got all my laundry done ! Where did I accumulate this..omg...shame on me...but when you're ill and by's so what ...who cares ... and now I care cause I done did it all..and in one day...YIKES>
My next procedure was to tangle with my long lost brother...That wasn't cool in fact it was awful...I stood my ground but felt like crap afterwards...but we did manage to be civil afterwards...for how long ...not sure..hopefully till the twelfth of never...I still love him anyway...but if he was in reach I'd a snatched him "bald".
Now on for tomorrows work load..of which I have to get out and head into town and get things mailed... Forms from my Uncle's Estate that have to be certified...then on to the "store"...getting things in for Tuesday's adventures.
I'm wiped and brain fried and hoping for a good night sleep..hopefully no nightmares !
Good Night dear brother... I do love ya...even though you are a "shhooot"
My next procedure was to tangle with my long lost brother...That wasn't cool in fact it was awful...I stood my ground but felt like crap afterwards...but we did manage to be civil afterwards...for how long ...not sure..hopefully till the twelfth of never...I still love him anyway...but if he was in reach I'd a snatched him "bald".
Now on for tomorrows work load..of which I have to get out and head into town and get things mailed... Forms from my Uncle's Estate that have to be certified...then on to the "store"...getting things in for Tuesday's adventures.
I'm wiped and brain fried and hoping for a good night sleep..hopefully no nightmares !
Good Night dear brother... I do love ya...even though you are a "shhooot"
Saturday, November 27, 2010
I Forgot About Friday and Moved On To Saturday !
I forgot about Friday and moved on to Saturday ! Yes, indeed I did !... I plum got wasted out on Friday...thinking of all the work I have had to get done ..even wrote it down and looked and looked and looked..(are ya getting the message) I was wowed out ..plum tuckered out.
What did I do... I "lobbed" (getting use to this word) and then this morning I said to myself "Self you best get your butt up and make a move or this house will over power you"...So that's what I've been doing.
I had so much laundry (how much?) and it became a real fact if I could have figured away to get the Critters to join me I would have..but they done deserted me. I can't blame them as there was no room in the laundry room for anyone cept that LAUNDRY...ouch !
Now tomorrow...I'm gonna attempt another chore..HA ! Yep, it's like this..being I'm the only Sapphire here...I gots ta get er done !...So my list again will begin with a "Pep" talk...and then "Shame on ya". That always seems to help.
Gonna get out my trusty crock pot again and get her doing her thang as I zoom through the house. It ought to be good I sure hope everyone is out and about. Zeke is not a happy camper with Mr Oreck...and boy does he give his opinion loud and clear...maybe I'll wear ear plugs...turn up the music and let the orchestra begin.
Later tonight I'm gonna fix me a coffee cake one of my recipes that's simple...throw together kind of... not much of a mixin' and a fixin' but it's sure good with a big cup of's a PA Dutch Coffee Cake. It sure does hit the spot...this time I'm gonna also try freezing some of it..see how that works out.. never done it before but I do freeze why not...
It's getting close to fixin' Critter food so I'm gonna meander down the road a bit ..(hall way) and rattle those pots and pans :)
Catch ya later on...
What did I do... I "lobbed" (getting use to this word) and then this morning I said to myself "Self you best get your butt up and make a move or this house will over power you"...So that's what I've been doing.
I had so much laundry (how much?) and it became a real fact if I could have figured away to get the Critters to join me I would have..but they done deserted me. I can't blame them as there was no room in the laundry room for anyone cept that LAUNDRY...ouch !
Now tomorrow...I'm gonna attempt another chore..HA ! Yep, it's like this..being I'm the only Sapphire here...I gots ta get er done !...So my list again will begin with a "Pep" talk...and then "Shame on ya". That always seems to help.
Gonna get out my trusty crock pot again and get her doing her thang as I zoom through the house. It ought to be good I sure hope everyone is out and about. Zeke is not a happy camper with Mr Oreck...and boy does he give his opinion loud and clear...maybe I'll wear ear plugs...turn up the music and let the orchestra begin.
Later tonight I'm gonna fix me a coffee cake one of my recipes that's simple...throw together kind of... not much of a mixin' and a fixin' but it's sure good with a big cup of's a PA Dutch Coffee Cake. It sure does hit the spot...this time I'm gonna also try freezing some of it..see how that works out.. never done it before but I do freeze why not...
It's getting close to fixin' Critter food so I'm gonna meander down the road a bit ..(hall way) and rattle those pots and pans :)
Catch ya later on...
Thursday, November 25, 2010
A Happy Thanksgiving quietly.
A Happy Thanksgiving quietly... as I lobbed (new word) around...I made a Turkey Burger with cranberry sauce..was a bit different but it was "Turkey".:) I just wasn't up to all that cooking and cleaning.
Spoke with hubby off and on all day as we both leaned into the depth of the "Big Chair"... it felt good and I had to keep my legs up. It was like when I first was dating hubby, we'd talk on the phone..(company phone) as we were in work like the crack of dawn..I'd have my coffee with him and he'd have is cola...So we had a flash in the past..and laughed.
The Critters enjoyed it as well as we all just laid around the house..goodness we have joined the "fall out people"... but it did feel good...however, I have to get a move on and start to clean up my mess..yikes.
Now if I can stop thinking tomorrow as Monday I'll be fine.. It will be laundry day...and I'll be in that room most of the day.. I can hear that Washing machine sighing as I load that baby up...
Here it is bed time and I'm struggling to go to bed..HA... I think perhaps my nights and days are running a bit together...Sure hope there's a good movie on and I'll set the timer on the TV and get cozy and pray for sleep to come.
Wish me luck !
Spoke with hubby off and on all day as we both leaned into the depth of the "Big Chair"... it felt good and I had to keep my legs up. It was like when I first was dating hubby, we'd talk on the phone..(company phone) as we were in work like the crack of dawn..I'd have my coffee with him and he'd have is cola...So we had a flash in the past..and laughed.
The Critters enjoyed it as well as we all just laid around the house..goodness we have joined the "fall out people"... but it did feel good...however, I have to get a move on and start to clean up my mess..yikes.
Now if I can stop thinking tomorrow as Monday I'll be fine.. It will be laundry day...and I'll be in that room most of the day.. I can hear that Washing machine sighing as I load that baby up...
Here it is bed time and I'm struggling to go to bed..HA... I think perhaps my nights and days are running a bit together...Sure hope there's a good movie on and I'll set the timer on the TV and get cozy and pray for sleep to come.
Wish me luck !
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Wednesday I was relieved
Wednesday I was relieved of all my duties :) Yes, I was set "free"....
Tuesday I was literally .."Queen for a day".. I sat on my "Throne"...oh my stars...Those 3 little blue pills did the trick... and then some.
I'm now down 15lbs of fluid. I can't believe it..but it's true...I was in chf with fluid build up.. I thought my asthma was kickin my butt..but not so..My edema was taking over..How little we forget that these little simple singles are a sign of "Danger"...
That Doc (who had the attitude) He earned it I'm sure...and I have to eat humble pie and suck it up...Now I'm feeling much, much better. I can not tell you how bad I was dragging.. I could barely make it through the day. Each time I had to do things I had to push hard..
I have to keep reminding myself (as I seem to forget) that I need to pay attention to signs..not only on the road but of the body...Wake up girlfriend !
Now I'm making my log on my health issue and keeping track..just like I do for my Critters...I need to start doing again for me..Not really hard at all.. Like I said, "Sometimes you have to come first".
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I have so much to be thankful for...such a blessing, I got to visit with Elsie and see her smile and bring joy in her heart...and for my hubby who makes this all possible for me as well..What he's given up to make me happy...See, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out simple things...and for all my friends (even if I only have a few) and all you readers for sharing with me as well..
God Bless All Of YOU !
Tuesday I was literally .."Queen for a day".. I sat on my "Throne"...oh my stars...Those 3 little blue pills did the trick... and then some.
I'm now down 15lbs of fluid. I can't believe it..but it's true...I was in chf with fluid build up.. I thought my asthma was kickin my butt..but not so..My edema was taking over..How little we forget that these little simple singles are a sign of "Danger"...
That Doc (who had the attitude) He earned it I'm sure...and I have to eat humble pie and suck it up...Now I'm feeling much, much better. I can not tell you how bad I was dragging.. I could barely make it through the day. Each time I had to do things I had to push hard..
I have to keep reminding myself (as I seem to forget) that I need to pay attention to signs..not only on the road but of the body...Wake up girlfriend !
Now I'm making my log on my health issue and keeping track..just like I do for my Critters...I need to start doing again for me..Not really hard at all.. Like I said, "Sometimes you have to come first".
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I have so much to be thankful for...such a blessing, I got to visit with Elsie and see her smile and bring joy in her heart...and for my hubby who makes this all possible for me as well..What he's given up to make me happy...See, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out simple things...and for all my friends (even if I only have a few) and all you readers for sharing with me as well..
God Bless All Of YOU !
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