Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Ok, Pick Me Up Then Slap Me Down On Tuesday

Ok pick me up, then slap me down on Tuesday....holy crappola... now last night all went pretty good.. my BenGay was working and Miss Annie was in full co operation.. but I ain't saying nuttin just yet..

Come morning when we got up at 4am I tried to let us all go back to bed..well it worked for a bit..but them brats were ready for some action.. with me dragging behind.. so in the living room they romped and romped till they fell out..

Now I'm not gonna say how the living room looked cause at that point I could care less..but by breakfast time they came alive.. I then got them out and they did their thang then I put them up .. said, "Be Good Or Else".. (like that really mattered) and off I went to Winn Dixie and then to Spars for the biggest darn biscuit for my boy Zeke.. as the brats get the Large size but my big boy gets the Giant size.. one cookie for Zeke and 1 1/2 cookies for Rudy Tooty and Miss Annie ..that's their lunch ..

Got back home and put everything up and then it was let the brats back out.. I made myself (my treat) a root beer float..AMEN SISTAH !!!!....and tried to relax as the brats ran rampart through and out the door to the dog patio.. I could hear the stones hitting the wall.. OMG !  just glad I have no neighbors next store :)

Well about 3pm I got a call from the Cardio Doc for Zeke.. and he explained to me that Zeke's EKG showing his A-Fid had not changed but however there were changes in other areas of his heart and he would like to have Zeke have further testing.. one which is for the Digoxin in his blood which he takes 3 times a day and then others which included X ray of his chest and Echo, and wearing a heart monitor for 24 hours and then an Ultra Sound..

I asked the good Doc if this was going to improve his condition or was it just to find out what's causing these changes...I mean this poor boy has gone through the meat grinder ever since he was a pup... and if he's not having major problems or showing signs of congestive heart failure.. What is the point.. ?   I don't want to give Zeke so much meds that he's barely functioning.. as it is he does sleep a lot with what he takes.. and since the brats have come on the scene he is a little more active and attentive..

There was silence on the other line and then I just replied.. "I'll bring him in for the one test on the Digoxin and I'll have a consultation with my Doctors in Philly which I called and had all this data faxed up.. we set a time for tomorrow and we'll go from there..

If I felt that Zeke was in a major situation as I do realize this can happen with what he has now.. I'm as cautious as I can be with him now.. I limit his activity I don't allow him to get over heated and I do my best on watching his diet and special foods...

I felt the bottom drop out again.. I mean I'm not over losing my Ms Reba and I certainly don't want to make the wrong move with Zeke.. and being he is going to be 10 on the 9th of June I also realize that Rotties don't live long.. I mean there are some that make 14 and that's pretty darn fantastic because there are only a few I know.. most usually from 10 on up.  I lost my Abby at 11 years old to bone cancer.. that came on quick..

The rest of my day sucked from there on.. although the brats weren't too bad..but just looking at my big boy.. I could feel my heart aching.. I do realize with what he has, as I've been told so many times.. every day I have him is a blessing... and this, well it just didn't do me any justice..

We sat out tonight in the carport...and about 7:30pm we came in and I put the brats up till 10pm which gave me my time to take care of Ms Shug and also make something for my dinner.. don't like eating so late so I need to go back to early dinner time for me and a light something.. for evening time..

Talked with Hubby and he's coming down May 22nd and will go back May 27th.. thank goodness as I need to have him here for a little support.. and he does make it a lot easier for me..

Watched the Voice again.. hate to see those good singers get bumped..but they are all really good... and now I'm so ready for bed.. and praying Miss Annie sleeps again through the night.. hopefully we are finally setting a pattern..

With that.. those traveling Stay Safe and as always God Bless Us All..

1 comment:

  1. I am glad Robert is coming down. I am worried about you. You can only handle so much. I worry about your health issues too. Loves ya, gal!
