Monday, July 29, 2013

Ah Shucks it's Monday !

Ah Shucks, it's Monday !...yeah that's how I felt too.. I mean the long weekend LOL well kinda sorta..came and went and before I knew it ..Here comes Monday...Ya know something is missing here and I just can't seem to figure what...when I do I'll shout it that some that read this will know all about it ...

Morning for me was a blurr as hubby had to get up really early and that meant...get out of his way..he's a hell on wheels cause his feet move fast but he's in a tail spin...just like Dagwood Bumpstead...they are two peas in a pod...

So I wait till he leaves and then I start getting Ms Shug her breakfast cause she now hit's High C about E early and my ears just can't take that "Shrill" she gets her first then the Critters 2 get theirs but this morning I had to feed Ms Reba ..she's on that kick hopefully it won't last too long.. 

I finally get my coffee and that ain't good cause I should some how come first especially since I can't function with out no use complaining cause it's how it is for this moment. 

Mainly today I had to get into the freezer and start dumping things that have been in there for a long, long time.. cause it seems I was having no space..which means hubby really didn't take much out but brought more in  and when I came home..oooops there was no more room in the it's give away what is still my neighbor will enjoy the Turkey..from Christmas...she was happy and I was happy to give it to her !

That was my major project for today...and soon (cause tomorrow is take out the trash ) I'll be able to get that cleaned and make room for "stuff".. and then it was break time and I just did just fact I didn't cook was pizza ..hubby got in late and he surprised me..OK, I'll do that   :)

Tonight I kind of just leaned back and shredded the chicken I had cooked up so that's done and (guess what) in the freezer it goes..see make room for "stuff"...and now I'm ready to hit that bed..cause I is dawg tired..

So those traveling Stay Safe and as always..God Bless Us All...

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