Friday, July 19, 2013

A Scorcher of a Day on Friday !

A Scorcher of a day on Friday ! ....Holy Cow it was blazing hot as I had to get ready for the Cardio Doc today at 12:45pm...Now this is a time I never like cause the parking lot is always "Packed"...and the pavement is steaming .

Morning started off warm and I do mean warm..golly ..a hint of how the rest of the day was gonna be...and so it was..HOT critters done and took Ms Shug out to play with as I was gonna be off and out and when I'd come back I'd be wiped out...

Got my list of things I needed at the grocery store cause that was my stop after the Doc visit..and I was in for a lucky day..hahaha..Got to the office and sucked in some A/C as my car was warm even with the A/C running...golly sitting in that hot car to let it cool down..OMG...drove with windows open and air running..still no relief but I did bring a ice cold bottle of water with and I had that next to my neck..sure felt great.

I lucked out and got a close parking spot and ya know you could actually hear the bubble of the black top..yikes..but I got inside and it was cold..but felt on the elevator and prayed I wouldn't get stuck in it..cause I'm always the lucky one..

Got to the office and such a pleasant receptionist NOT...she was like a drill she gave out her orders of what she wanted me to do..fill out this !!! no smiles, no jokes even though I attempted to be pleasant...then I asked.."Do you hate this job or is it just me "..? reply..just.."are you done yet"...YIKES...!!!

Thank goodness my wait wasn't to long and Doc was ready for me..Saw him and we both laughed..yeah, he's pretty cool Doc and always has some great new items to discuss and then I had my EKG done and he checked it over and told me .."No changes from last one" for me that's I then asked.."Ok, now when do I get that blippin stress test " ?  and happy news was.."I'm not as I've not had any changes and had one last August.."...woo hoo so I'm good to go but I'll see him again in Oct...YEAH..

One more Doc down and next will be my OBGYN..that's in September and I get my Mammo and Bone Density Tests then Pap test and back to see my internist and cardio then if all is well head back to Florida...WOW...

I've got to have blood work done and that will be in September as we'll cross my fingers and thank the good Lord and pray I'll have a good year.. now as for my knees..well, I'm holding my own and until I have some good reports for next time ain't a gonna happen..get use to my cane and wait and see...OUCH.!

Went to the store and was packed..It's Friday DUH?????? and everyone was shopping...HELP let me out  LOL...picked up what I needed and I got out of there quickly...I'm not good at those places.. I make my list and get out and home...

I checked the weather report in Florida and we are hotter here..I can believe it...and I can't wait for a cool front..come on Canada or Alaska send up some cool breeze...

Tonight is an early posting cause my brain is exhausted from exposure to heat hahaha...I'm not good at it so I better practice on being good cause I won't make it in HELL..hahaha..I'd be a robot..:)

Will watch a little TV and take a cool shower before bed cause I feel those traveling Stay Safe and as always...God Bless Us All..

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