Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Detour for me on Wednesday

A Detour for me on Wednesday...woke up not feeling to great but still attempting to get little things done...heard the weather man at 5am and again said, "Oh crap, I had plans on getting a few things done and making a meeting"...I'll wait it out...thing may change...

Sure did for me starting to run a low grade fever..SUCKS !  and I just finished my antibiotics...rained like the dickens and hopefully it will move on out but my attending a meeting this afternoon is Kaput !...

Can't take the chance although my mind set was to make a point be known at this meeting( within this community) that our BOD needs to wake up and start paying attention to "The People"...they have certainly been violating our by laws and some times people get power it goes to their heads...Gosh doesn't that sound familiar even within our Government.

This is really a lovely place and majority of the people really are willing to participate in helping one and other and wanting this place to grow..but again you have a few that seems to spoil the "Oil" as I call it...Hey, it makes life interesting....but me being ill right now puts a few dampers on things and my voice still hasn't come back....Hubby is probably a Happy Camper on that one :)

Eye Surgeon called again this morning ...wanting me to make that appointment and I assured the office I will as soon as I get a release from the Pulmonary Doc...Lordy I don't need any more issues...for sure..

Still need to get a large bowl as mine cracked yesterday so that will be put on for another day as without it I can't go to the rice fields...LOL well I can but I'd have to use big pots...yikes... but gots to do with what I gots for now...:(

Watched the Biggest Loser last night and it was good..I can't believe that Red Team playing those odds on losing that much weight on the second week...poo poo girls... but hey,  Mike had to go with his attitude...but glad to see he lost that weight even after....See I do pay attention and I even stayed partially between the New Hampshire elections...boy can't wait till this stuff is through......Lord help us !

Now I'm gonna lay back down and try to get this headache gone and hopefully my temp will go back to normal...not fun having this crap...and boy it takes forever to get rid of.....Need a Magic Pill...perhaps a Fairy Godmother...any one want to apply ?????

Later down the road....God Bless....

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