Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It was a bit chilly this Wednesday Morning

It was a bit chilly this Wednesday Morning..OMG..I got up and turned on the morning news...(do this every day) and here I saw it was in the 40s..hmmm and they said when I went to bed "we'd be having frost"...well, that is not to too bad..till I opened the door and saw the temp..we were in the 30s..HUH..then I realized it was Orlando temp not ours...Son of a gun it was brrrrrrrrrrrr...

Good thing I wrapped that Purple Leaf Hibiscus cause that be turning more purple hahaha..and she's still wrapped cause it's again suppose to be in the 30s during the late night mid morning..

So needless to say I wrapped myself up in a blankie on the couch and no one even thought up moving till almost 8am..WOW!...but that was ok cept I never went to Walmart so that means I have to go tomorrow..ugh...

Most of the day I was just gathering up junk that I don't need or want and am also gonna gather up the books and bring them up to the library here ...someone will want to read they won't go to waste.

Was hoping to get a few more things accomplished but that didn't happen..although I brought out the other big bag of dawg food..and that will go in bins then I get a rest for a month...

The day was a long one because I just lagged and played some with Ms Shug and she's getting to say a little more clearly..and she even rested with me on the couch.. I do believe we all took a nap..hahaha..yeah, Ms Shug is enjoying the cuddling..but don't let Mister Zeke pop up cause she then goes into the warning sound..hahaha...plumps up all her feathers and let's out a loud blast..

That was that and we all sat up hahaha...I mean to tell you she's got a pair of she could break the sound barrier..oh yeah !!!  Even Ms Reba heard it too.. and she's almost completely deaf..

Tonight watched American Idol...and some pretty good singers and also some strange folks...Why oh Why don't even go makes a show I guess..

Now I'm ready for bed and have my list of things I need to get done tomorrow and one is..GO TO WALMART...return that thang !

Those traveling Stay Safe and As Always...God Bless

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