Friday, January 4, 2013

Got bailed out on Friday :)

Got Bailed out on Friday :)  W00 hoo...I sure did !...Morning was a blurr as I hurried to get things done being it was gonna rain...yeah, we've not had much rain and of course I wanna go out and it's dark and dreary but I'm still gonna go out cause I'm out of veggies for Ms Shug and I also need a few things..

So I zoomed thought my chores and still have to vacuum, but that I'll do tomorrow as I'm staying in ...and doing up my list so I can get things done that need to be...

Went to Publix and the produce guy always chuckles when he sees me.. I guess I must put on a good show cause he's grinning like a Cheshire Cat  LOL..So I start asking him questions and then he asks, "Do you like all those veggies"..?  and I look around first then say in a whisper, "It's for my Parrot"...he gets this strange look on his face and then says, "Are you kidding"......What can I say..LOL  but my standard answer.."Oh, you didn't know???? I have a Parrot???? like he should know..but then he gets the look like..{OH YEAH THAT'S Right) would he know..I mean I never told him and for that matter I don't even know him other than he's always smiling LOL..

Now he knows he's dealing with a Bird Lady..wait till the next time I buy veggies for me Critters..hahaha..He'll have a fall out of perhaps a frozen smile..stuck in limbo...

But Veggies I bought so that should make Ms Shug happy ah but I did buy some Shrimp and Catfish and lunch was good and dinner was great..:) so we all is happy till next outing..look out world here I come..

Ya know it felt good getting out and even just if it was just to the store.. I saw the outside world and what was happening around me...but going to that Publix and passing their bakery..HELP..I did resist ..but I'll make some brownies this weekend and a few other goodies to help me get pass my urges..

Later on this afternoon I did get in a short nap with my leg up and it's really starting to look better as next week I have a Cardio Doc appointment on the 8th which is Tuesday..hate that it's in the afternoon but at least I'll get that over with...

Now I'm ready as I said before "To Hit the SACK.."  cause for me it's like this..Lay down close my eyes next thing I know it's time to get up"...I'm telling ya some where a long the line I'm missing out on something..

Those traveling stay safe and dry and as always..God Bless

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