Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday was a "Gooder"

Monday was a "Gooder"...such an interesting day and a nice rewarding one too!

Morning for me is always up early and do this and that then flop on the couch for a break then as soon as Ms Reba is up it's up and at em' to get critters cleaned and fed then my cup of coffee and some toast...

I watched the birds hit the feeder this morning as I filled it up and even watched  those goofy Doves...who ever said they were peaceful needs to come meet mine! However, they come in eat challenge then move on...even the Blue Jay doesn't seem to want to bother..

Saw my Woodpeckers fly by and as soon as it starts getting a little chilly they'll be stopping in for feeding..they are so neat. I really enjoy them and when they have young ones they bring them over too. Like they are showing me. Proud parents. LOL

Ms Abby today decided that Ms Reba's Matt looked rather tasty...did I tell you all that Ms Abby (Hoover) will eat almost anything but she does prefer wood. And cherry mahogany to be exact..although pecan can be a filler but today it was rug.  Omg I heard this strange sound and I went over to where it was coming from and low and behold it was Ms Abby bringing back up the memories of "the rug" I won't go into the sight of it but I do know I didn't go to the store afterwards even though I needed to I'll have to do that tomorrow ...but I had to shake my head and wonder what ever made her do that...YIKES!!!!!

Tonight I'm just going to lean back and make out my lists of what I need and then after critter's breakfast I'll head out and get things done... I do have a Doc appointment and then I'm good till almost the end of the month when I see the cardio Doc too.....

So with that I'm gonna make a glass of something old lean bak do a few searches and then call it a day and face talk with hubby for a bit..

Those traveling stay safe and as always. God Bless

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