Sunday, November 4, 2012

A neato Sunday :)

A Neato Sunday....well first started off with that extra hour sleep.  Wait who got that one....not me...I was up at 3am. Darn, darn, darn.....however it was also my sorting of the pills of life. You know my weekly chore and my colors of the rainbow...then on to doing critter meds ok..I'm done for another week !

Next I fumbled through sorting junk and what was going to be tossed out as come Monday.  It's trash day.....and slowly my critters one by one came strolling out into the living now my couch is getting filled up...

Turned on the news to see how my weather was fixing to be...then thought about my conversation with Dawn, my RV Sistah....which by the way is getting to be our normal routine.  Yes, we get along so well and have the same sense of humor and I might add a positive attitude...thank goodness..

Now I've got to do my catching up with Paulette another R V Sistah that we are also similar and do have a few good laughs too...yeah been awhile for her and I too.  But I'm working on it. Kind of difficult with the IPad for chat. Although Paulette tells me Yahoo will support it.....

So as I proceeded with my morning I got a call from Dawn on Face Time and she showed me that great cake and said, Hey, I'm bringing you t the Get together".  I was so excited as I was gonna meet some of the other Sistahs that I've been friends with for years..."Hey, this is my lucky day"

Next thing I know I'm chatting with the Sistahs...they were coming up to the screen and waving and saying who they were and I know I had to be grin in' like a Cheshire Cat ....hahaha. It was so neat. But sad part our reception kept fading in and out....however I enjoyed every minute of it. Woo hoo!

In January we have another Get together but this time in Florida....I won't be able to go but I'll meet up with several as they stop in...and that I'm anxious for too....gonna be a gooder too...

Hubby won't be back down till March and that's gonna be hard as with so much happening with the company times are really tough right we have to tighten our belts and pray that the company will hold it together .

The rest of my day was mellow but I'm telling ya that was such a great event and I so thank Dawn and the Sistahs for making my I'm gonna lean back and wait for hubby to call on face time. As that makes it so much easier on both of us..

So those traveling stay safe and as always God Bless

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