Friday, May 25, 2012

A Rescue on Friday

A Rescue on Friday .... Sure did happen... Morning was the usual with a few exceptions.. Mixed up my batch of Rose Food in my "New" Thing!!!  I bought a 2 gallon sprayer from Walmart and put the "Thang" together last night and was anxious to feed my "Roses"...:)

So got all my chores done and proceeded to fill up that 2 gallon jug..and the "Smart" person I am, I forgot that water is not light and I didn't have my cart to put the "Thang" I had to do the shuffle off to Buffalo as I called myself "Dumb Arse"...but I managed to get this "JUG" onto my other "new" toy..the Rubbermaid cart...Yeah Team Go !!!

Now I had to put the Rose feed into the I grabbed my trusty Miracle Grow for Roses and put in 2 large Tablespoons of PINK STUFF..and then I was just so anxious to get out that door and Feed them darlings..hahaha..YEAH I was excited..can you imagine just to feed my Roses..(and I've got lots of them)..

I must say, "It was a lot easier after I figured out what I was doing wrong, first"..then the rest was history in fact I fed anything that was in my way and even Big Red flew by to check out "What in the World I was doing"...

After I made my mess and had to come back in and clean up I thought.."This was suppose to be simple"...but I should know better anything that appears to be simple is the person doing the "MESS"...hahahaha

Ok, on with the rest of my story...(Nose growing here )..I came back in the house and started to relax and cool down cause it was sure mighty warm..even the Critters didn't care what I was doing as long as they didn't have to participate..hahaha..Lazy Bones !!!

Leaning back in my big chair and sipping a little ice water I heard this bang on the window..UH OH...!!!...I got up from my chair and looked out and saw this "Splat" on my window..UH Oh !!!  I thought, "This isn't going to be good by the looks of the window" out I go with my trusty plastic bag cause I just knew that hit was OVER for what ever it was...

I slowly walk out the door looking all around and I see a bird up in the Geranium pot looking at me and then down and chirping..UH OH !!!  I then say to this bird that's trying to get my attention (this is amazing when you think about it) "Ok, OK...give me a minute let me see " and at that point I walk over to where the bird is and look around and then down on the ground and low and behold there is a bird laying on it side...OUCH...I'm afraid to look closer but I had slowly I walk over and lean down..I reach over and touch the poor bird and it's unconscious..

Brother this is not cool..what am I going to do...wait let me pick it up ..figuring I'm gonna have to put it in the plastic bag and then bury it.. I touch it's chest and I feel the heart beating...HOLY MACKEREL, it's alive still..!

Ok, let me think...I now have this bird in the palm of my hand and walk over to the front stoop and slowly start moving the at a time and then roll it over and look at the chest and I see where it hit the's got a little opened wound..OH NO !!... as I'm examining this bird it's starting to come to..and it's claw grabs my finger and it's eyes start to roll..

I then get a better hold of this little bird and start talking calmly...and just slowly start stroking it..then it tries to sit up..still a little shaky..and me too.. but it's like it's trusting me..and the bird that was in the Geranium pot flew by me.. like it's letting me take care of it's partner..and it zooms by us several times...

What seemed like maybe 20 minutes it is coming around but still now squatted down in my hands..nestled in for safety.. I then start thinking where can I put this little I am sitting on the stoop I look next to me and I have a Hibiscus bush and that would be perfect as it would protect it from the sun and it could nestle down in and be safe...

Still holding this little bird I then begin to talk with it and it's cocking it's head and I speak..Ya know I had to tell it how dumb it was..I mean flying into a window is not a neat thing to do...Like did it understand me..but one thing it certainly was trusting me cause it was no comfy in my hands...That part was really awesome... it knew I wasn't going to hurt it and I was making sure it was safe too..

Ok now I have to put it down as I can not bring it in the house..although I thought about putting it in the crate but then..I didn't want it to be frightened seeing the big critters in the house...and then the thought of a bird flying around in the house..HOLY CHITSKI...hahaha..

I put this little sweetie down in the hibiscus bush and it moves in close and looks up at me.. I told it, "You are gonna be ok"....and I left and came in the house...Yes, I came out several times and checked to see how it was doing and it looked up at me each time...and by the end of the day when I came out it was gone...Thank YOU GOD !

The rest of my day went by and I felt really good about saving that little darling...but I then again said, "I have to change my windows cause this is a normal routine birds, hawks and doves fly into my windows every week...YUCKO..

These windows are old and they have like a reflecting film on them ..they came with the house when it was made in they need to be changed anyway...but I do have to get windows that have a shade to them as I get so much sun in the front...I need tinted windows for sure..

Evening came and I'm dragging and wondering about my bird it's doing and I sure am glad it made it ok...maybe it will fly by and say "Hi"...ya never know..

Hope you all have a great Adventure and God Bless  ...was sure a good day !

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