Thursday, March 22, 2012

It's Thursday and I'm sad

It's Thursday and I'm sad..sad by the hurt people put on others...Guess maybe I put to high of a value on "friends" maybe I should just say, "Acquaintances"...cause to be a friend you need to step it up a notch in my book..

Maybe it's because I am a rather "Frank" person,(way I was brought up) and I just don't flower anything up...cause I really can't..I mean to me that's like just covering your feelings and telling lies.

Hence, I am a loner...but I do have a few "FRIENDS"...amazing...and they are very much like we get along very well..kind of a "brave and bold" or "brace yourself" conversation...and we leave smiling too..although there's been a few times where we've left without talking but in a few days got over it and back to normal.

A lot with me is also that fact that I've worked with "Men" 90% of my life..and in a rough, tough they would always put it.."No Candy Arses (cleaned it up a bit) Allowed"...and that was the way it was and still is for me.

Now getting back to my sad day...well, it is for me.. First off, hubby is back home and I'm going through the.."He's not here stage"...Secondly, I say things like they are and people get up tight and turn bitter...but the strange part is not at that time..they sit and dwell on things and then go into the.."I'm gonna getcha and show ya" mode..wild but they expect me to just look and say nothing...NEVER HAPPEN.....and Thirdly, I try and not take it personal but feel like I'm always on the outside looking in ...

Yes, it's a chit day for me but it will get better and I work my way out of the "Doom to Gloom" day...and then move forward...however, my writing always helps me get through it and discover the "Where or What  did I do or go wrong"  ?...

Where's my couch I need to lay down and discuss this Wacky scenario...cause that's what it has become...then I'll go into the "Straighten Out and Fly Right" mode and spread my wings....See what I mean..:)

Tonight I'll chat with hubby and discuss the "Who is gonna get the boot" on American Idol...I did record Survivor and I'll watch that over the weekend in fact I taped a few more shows that were debuting on last night too...

Saw several Humming birds this morning so looks like the troop is coming those darling little cuties...well I best get back to clean up committee...SUCKS..never was a domestic..but could always work my hips off...and by the looks of it..I need to go back to work ...hahaha..

Hope your day is better than mine and that those traveling are staying Safe

God Bless Us All....!!!


  1. Sorry to hear things are sucky right now. Hope you get it all figured out and can move on to that happy place. Mlife is too short to let others bring us down.

  2. Paulette, I know you always come thru for got that right ..and the way my life is going it's getting shorter and shorter..God Bless Ya ! Zeee and Critters 3
