Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Chilly Wet Sunday for Daytona !

A Chilly Wet Sunday for Daytona !  and for us too...brrrrrr ..I watched really early the Cardinals come to the feeder and also (which did surprise me) the they are stocking up cause they're gonna have to tuck in with the rains..and chill...brrrrrr...looking at my weather but it says.."48".

This morning I was gonna to a quick run to Winn Dixie but after letting the Critters out and dealing with the thoughts of a "cold in my nose" coming on I decided I didn't need anything that bad..I'm gonna just have some soup and tea for today...and take plenty of Tylenol..(that's if it's not recalled again).

I was sure hoping that my book I ordered would have been in..but hey, I'll wait till Monday as it surely should be in..after I get back from my jaunt over to pick up the Critter dry food..and a quick stop...(is there ever a quick stop at Walmart) and hurry home as we have a Board Meeting..which should be another interesting surprise...or should I say.."Shout it out" .

Tonight is Oscar night and I'm anxious to check that out and see who is with who or is it who had the sharpest outfit...what ever mine will be PJ's might even be Flannel..I know Ms Reba has her leopard flannel PJ on and she's sporting it well..hahaha..

Might even make that Angel Food Cake with Lemon Pie filling but this time do it on a jelly roll pan..and a hot pot of that's gonna be right up my alley..and of course good for what ails ya..LOL

Not much more other than just hanging around keepin' warm and doing some google searching ...

Hope you are all Safe and keepin' an eye on the sky cause this weather has certainly been strange...God Bless

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