Sunday, July 24, 2011

What a Wonderful Sunday !

What a Wonderful Sunday ...It's morning and I've woke up with Zeke at the foot of the bed..How great that is... I'm so thankful that he is still with us.. my eyes are watering as I'm writing..I feel him by my side..

 Zeke has been home since Saturday and even the other critters were happy to see him.. When hubby and I drove up to the hospital I had to take a few deep breaths as I wasn't sure what to expect.. I had known from the Doctors calling me that he was hooked up to everything imaginable, weak but wanting out.. He had started to give them a few "grins" as they said..I knew then my Zeke was starting to feel better...heaven help me.. I just want him to be good and not surprise them !

So in we walked.. this hospital is quite large..there is the sitting room and it's got high ceilings..the floors are oh my I know they had a huge clean up when we first came.. and at the front desk there are several front of monitors..on top of the rails (they all sit in a semi circle) which are flat on the top.. there are little dishes of treats..for cats and dogs ..I do a quick look around as I didn't have a chance the last time.. their are several people sitting in the sitting room all waiting their results .. 

I remember saying to my hubby, "they sure have a lot of techs here at the desk..and that's so you get service immediately and they take your pet back right away... All seem to be very pleasant and understanding..thank goodness.. I really don't remember much from when we brought Zeke in.. guess I blocked that out..

The young girl takes our info and within a few minutes we get taken to a room off the side ..all glass..that's one thing I remembered each room was could see from room to room..guess that's so in case they have a problem every one is there to help.. Zeke's nurse comes in and introduces herself to us.. and sits down with us and discusses how Zeke has been and goes over our lists of things we need to do.. 

Another thought comes to my mind.. "Wow, each unit has their assigned nurse that logs everything in.. and you get a copy of all that has taken place".. I'm impressed..I might think about if I need to have surgery to come here.. cause they are certainly better than some of the hospitals..and that's a fact !

The nurse "Regina" then gives us all Zeke's meds..only 7..HA !  My boy is catching up to me.. she then says.."here is the list and these are for morning and these are for evening..."...Ok, my brain is getting this..but thank goodness everything is written down....Regina then says, "now the Doctor will be in to talk with you but remember if you have any questions I'm here to assist you .. you'll have the beeper if you should have any problems".. 

My heart is racing.. cause I'm  wanting to see Zeke..but that will come..we need to talk with the Doctor without Zeke being nervous cause we are here.. at that moment the Doctor walks in.. and she then says. "We are so pleased that Zeke is doing was a very close call ".. I knew, I just knew from how he was when we brought him in.. This Doctor went into such details..and yes I was listening but my mind kept wandering.. I do remember her saying.."Zeke will be back to have an EKG and the Internist will check him also".. 

What seemed like forever she then said, "I know you're anxious to see Zeke and Regina is bringing him out"  at that point I got up and looked across the room.. Now I know why the glass room.. they see you and you see them coming...:).. Regina could barely hang on to him.. he was forging forward and when he got into the room.. he was so happy to see us.. Still a little weak but leaning on us.. I looked at him.. boy he looked like a pattern was drawn all over him.. It was where they shaved him for the IV's... all over just about.. on all four legs under his belly and on his neck.. it was definitely a design.. I hope he never has to have again..

Leaving there Zeke was just clinging close to me.. had a little trouble getting him in the car.. Hubby had to lift Zeke's butt as I helped him get into his crate...Once we got back to the house and were coming up the driveway I heard Zeke give a little whine.. He was one happy lad.. and coming into the house.. he went from room to room and then lay down at my feet..

I had to get all his meds in order and then I knew he would want something to eat.. I have to feed him  small meals 4 times a day and at this point only Chicken and Rice with some veggies.. and it's only white brown rice, although better for them..but because of the outer shell could cause him a problem at this time.. As soon as I heated it up and put it in his dish.. it was gone..and he looked at me like.."is this it" ?    Yeah Zeke is on the mend..

The Doctor did tell me they were waiting for the last test to come back and as soon as it did she would call me.. They had ran a test for Addison's disease.. I sure hope not.. although it is treatable..but please let this not be.. 

Around 9pm last night the Doctor called.. Zeke did not have Addison.. I thanked her and told her again how much we appreciated all they did.. I mean to tell you this is a fantastic set up and hospital for Animals.. I just wished they'd take humans...

When I went to bed.. My Zeke was back in his spot..and so far all is well...He did his usual ...grumble on who got to close to him...I think he's getting back to himself...

Now it's morning I've done all the pills and in about half hour it will be breakfast and the race is on I have to cook up another pot of rice..thank goodness for that rice cooker..she's earning her keep..:)

Thank you all.. things are looking better..I'm feeling more at ease and Zeke..well he's snoring at my feet...

God Bless !

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