Friday, July 29, 2011

it's a Fabulous Friday !

It's a Fabulous Friday !   i got an email yesterday from "Betsy" and in it was a wonderful surprise... My house in Florida as it's being painted and the driveway being done also... She made my day !!   Thank you so much.. I surely needed an up lift and it was that.! 

Here are the great pictures Betsy took..

It's getting better and better ! The golf cart drive way is on it's way being done  and then a few more surprises still to come..!

Another good looksie :)

I did close ups too.. to make sure my plants were still there LOL.Thank goodness. Diane is doing a good job and so is Dough Roberts.He's the one from Designs of Florida, who is painting the house and driveway..

I'm just thrilled and anxious to get back as I still have lots to do..but Betsy I did need this pick me up.. Thank you again. You did good !
My morning is getting better..Zeke's food increased again.. he's now getting a 1/2 cup kibble with the Chicken, rice and veggies 4 times a day. He's tolerating it well but still looking for that biscuit..He's now throwing the dishes at me..HA! Demanding brat he's becoming. :)
Have to call the Doc and get more meds for Zeke as I'm just about out of his heart meds. So hubby will pop in on his way home. That will save me a trip out. Still haven't left Zeke alone and most likely won't until after his tests are run.. I don't need him stressing at this point. 

Gonna load up the Crock pot with Ribs for tonight's dinner..BBQ is always a welcome for the goodness it's that time again..Weekend rolls in and before ya know it.. Wham, Bam, Thankya Ma'am it's gone again..

Watched Big Brother last night.."Goodbye Dominic"....why don't these people watch this program before going into it..cause ya never throw game believe others will protect ya......So he is adios amigo...never fails.. I just love these games..Just like it wisely and lie, lie, lie ...Hahahaha... it's awful but it's true..I do so remember that Doc on Big Brother ..he was a riot.. he lied till is eyes crossed...and won !!!..Even with Survivor..ya gotta play and remember it's only a game :)...
Just like our politicians..they lie, lie, lie and we keep voting them suckers in..See they win us over..aren't we ever gonna learn...DUH ?????
Now I'm on to the next level..elevate the feet get in that position and Lie, Lie, or is it Lay down ???? hahaha... You all got the picture as my Crock Pot does her job...hubby walks in the door and I "lie, lie, lie"..OMG..I'm gonna go straight to He77...hahahaha...

God Bless Us All.. We need it !

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