Monday, January 20, 2014

Ok, So They Call It Monday !

Ok, so they call it Monday !...Guess I have no other choice then to go along with it..but how come it always is such a hassle .. I mean thinking of Monday morning kind of makes ya feel like..OMG! do I have to get up ?????

So Up I got and on Monday was chilly again and I dragged that trash out and hurried back in the house ..sat on the couch and thought to myself.."What Happened to Sunny, Warm Florida ?   Although the TV was promising we'd go up to 70...but I didn't believe it ..not the way the air had that Ice Chill..OMG it was ICE !

Infact I couldn't get my day started but had to force myself..did a load of laundry and I was happy when the dryer was on..that warm hot air breeze..something my heat pump could take a few lessons from  :)

Most of the day was just getting boxes together for my friend she's always asking me to save them and I always seem to accumulate a lot..via Amazon, Dr Forster etc etc etc..LOL.

I wanted to make an Apple Cinnamon Bread and had to go to the store to get in apples...came back home and decided I'd wait a bit and put together Pork Chops and Scalloped potatoes..ok..and boy was it good...

Got to talk with the Breeder of "hopefully" my pup..He even sent a picture and boy this baby is a cutie..Momma had 8 females and 1 male..WOW.. they're only 9 days old and I've got a few weeks..they need to be 8 weeks before they can be let go...but you know I'm just hoping things will work out..

Ms Reba had a iffy day but towards night time she seem to come together...some days it's really hard for her..but she's not in pain..she's just wandering and some what confused..then she'll snap out of it and be I pray she'll be ok..I'm a woosie when it comes to this..but I do thank God for everyday I have with her..and also Zeke..he's such a good boy.

Ah my day has been weird but I'm kind of getting use to these things..and some of the people I deal minute they are smothering you and then the next minute they act like they don't even know you... What is with that ???? is it Me ?????

Well, I need to get to bed and get a lot of things done tomorrow.. I need to keep my brain busy cause then I try to figure what I've done or didn't do..LOL

So with that ...those traveling Stay Safe and as always God Bless Us All.

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