Friday, January 3, 2014

And Here's Friday :)

And Here's Friday :)...and it felt like it too..cold and damp..YIKES...but not as bad as what hubby had in Philly...OH was not as bad at I'll just complain softly.

Morning was a drag for me could barely get my act together..felt like I was hit with a hammer...but I got up and wished I could have wallowed in my self pity...maybe a pity party is in order.  I managed to get my critters done although I wished they could have done it such deal...then at 6am I heard from Jane..she was going in the wrong direction...HUH?????

Yeah, she finally pushed off last night around 9ish and talked with me off and on and then I had to say, "Good Night" I had company and had a lot to get done...I felt bad cause I know how it is driving late at night..which by the way I can not do any more...and she could have left hours earlier if she (jane) would have ever gotten her crap together..but why talk about something that will never change..

Anyway I had to listen to the mess she was in ..along with her poor dog..being sick in the van..OMG...can I believe I'm even typing this...Yes, my blood pressure was rising..but I can not do anything to change it's like just shake my head and pray for the best..poor dog !

Made a quick run to the store to get things I needed for the breakfast casserole I'm making for tomorrow...and got that done..and it was chilly with the wind whipping through...didn't let Ms Reba out till afternoon..cause it was too cold for her...Mister Zeke did ok, and I continued to give him meds for his dysentery ...and he's doing better but will give meds for tomorrow too...not taking any chances..

I had some time for myself this afternoon and I crocheted a Mitten..(one)  and it looks good have to add the thumb in and will do the other one some time tomorrow...and I found a pattern for a Hooded Scarf..gonna attempt that too..yeah I've got the bug again...

I've got so much to get done but won't be able too until I have my own space..soon hopefully...I know that's awful but I'm so far behind I need a big push ..with the Critters not feeling well and all that mess it really puts me behind.

Listened to TV cause I was preoccupied so I can't even tell ya what I my electric blanket on and as soon as my bed is warm..I'm under cover LOL...and on to another dream world..

So those traveling Stay Safe and as always...God Bless Us All....

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