Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Jack Frost on Tuesday BBBRRRRRRRRRR!

Jack Frost on Tuesday BBBRRRRRRRRRRRR!  I'll say, "it was cold as a well diggers arse in the Klondike !....in fact when Mister Zeke had to go do his business...I saw SMOKE...hahahaha

Got up early and I could have stayed under that electric blanket cause it felt do dang good...but up I got like the Trooper I is...and stumbled down the hall way cause me legs were fighting to go back...and got to the front of the house..WOW I could feel the difference with those big windows...not that there was a breeze (thank goodness) but the cold from the window pane sure was coming through..

Right then and there I made up my mind ..next week I'm calling that Window place and seeing how soon they can come and replaces those 8 windows..6 in the front and 2 on the side..that will surely help with the heat and the cold.

Stayed in most the day for a one exception I had to get veggies for Ms Shug so went in town to my favorite Winn Dixie and came home with goodies..LOL  well for me and everyone else too.. I mean could I resist..and checked out the gas price 3.349...give me a break..come on get this gas down holiday is over .

Played cards today as it was too cold for everyone to go out and tomorrow I'll have an empty house to catch up on cept I've got to do the chicken up for the critters and cut up all the veggies too and get them into the freezer..

It's gonna be another chilly morning so I didn't uncover my plants but come the weekend it's gonna be up to almost 80..woo hoo.. I'm lovin it already...is it here yet ????

Chatted with hubby and he booked his flight to come down Feb 7th..thank goodness it's been too long at the fair..and he needs some warmth as well..it will be a nice visit too cause it will also be Valentine's Day ..I gave up our Anniversary time cause it just was way too long a wait.

So now I'm brain tired and chilled..just got everyone out and now in bed and that's where I'm heading...and I sure hope anyone who has to do some traveling..keep a watch on this crazy weather I mean PolarVortex..what's with that..????

God Bless Us All.

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