Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Finish On This Saturday Night !

The Finish On This Saturday Night !....Thank Goodness...that baby blanket is complete and I do mean measured in at 60 x 60...HOLY COW...I told Jane ..but what do I know LOL

Morning for me was another don't leave the chair till I get this blanket done.. I feel like I was on a mission..Lord only knows why I let myself get caught up ..but all I could think about that this little girl was gonna be disappointed..and so life goes on in the big city I finished it ........

Can't even tell you about my day other than crocheting..and only did what I had to ..even went into town and took Mister Zeke with me for the ride and picked up my scripts from CVS...then back home in that dang chair and sat there like forever.

Got done and I felt like I was FREE..."Scarlet you is FREE"...LOL my chains were that of twine.hahaha...I'm spent and I'm telling ya I can't believe I did it.. I mean I started it Monday afternoon and completed Saturday night a 8pm !

Now that's my story ..oh yeah I've got pictures ..gonna post them and then I'm gonna go to bed ..Those traveling Stay Safe and as always God Bless Us All..and thank you Lord for getting me through this ordeal !

The Big Blankie ....LOL  it is precious and I hope and pray the little girl enjoys her gift.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Barb!! You have such talent. Now remember it's Christmas and take some time for yourself and RELAX!!!! Blessing to you and yours, Linda
