Thursday, December 5, 2013

I Just Blew Through Thursday

I just blew through Thursday... I got up and I was on the go from then till evening.. I had my list going and I was pacing but new I had no more excuses I must get things done...and done I did !!!

I got up a little after 4am as I had too much on my mind.. also trash day and needed to make sure I emptied my crisper draw as I think I was starting a lab project..LOL  it was definitely growth eewwwwwwwww....hahaha

Got Ms Shug done and even called in her food order..(yes I buy her food on line it's cheaper and free shipping) from Foster and Smith and now that's was done I was on to the next chore..Feed the Critters and drag the trash out to the curb..OK is it my turn yet ???? 

Made myself a bowl of Cereal and had a cup of coffee..jumped in the shower ..then got dressed and out the door I went.. Had to go to the post office to drop off a package and then from there I had to drive to Walmart..Ugh..bad time to go but I had no choice...

So I drive around and around to a spot opens up..oh these little golf carts they are all over like aunts..soon some one pulled out and I was in that spot before you could say, "Jack Spratt Had No Fat"..hahaha...and then into the store and I get a cart that don't wanna move.. I mean this sucker sputtered around..another winner..

Picked up my Wild Bird Food (yes, them too) and then picked up a new britta faucet gadget..mine went south.. then over to the yarn..(have to make a blankie for Jane's Sister's grand daughter) and nope they didn't get in any of the colors I needed so that means I either have to drive again over to where Sam's club is..the other side of the villages and it was a bad time to even think about that that will have to wait till I go over that way.

Picked up a few more things then it was "Let Me OUT"...and I was heading home..oh did I forget to mention I bought some glazed chocolate donuts...hahaha... I ate them suckers as I was driving..cause I had that urge LOL.. I'll suffer later for that !

Home I was and it was peel the Yukon Gold Potatoes and then dice them and cook them, freeze them for later use for the Critters food.. as I already did the Sweet Potatoes, and ButterNut that will be ready for I have one more day left before I need to do this..

So I'll get a day think so..NOT.. tomorrow I will shred all the chicken I cooked up and put that up in the freezer..oh my stars..but I feel so much better my critters eat safely ..everything you read lately is recalls on pet foods...Gawd makes me a wreck..

After dinner tonight I just leaned back and that was that for me.. I was done for the day and only had to wait for pill times..which my Ms Reba would let me know without me worrying...and she can bug the chit out of ya :)

Watched the Sound of Music...not bad and Carrie Underwood is doing a good job but for me there is only one Sound Of Music..the classic..sorry folks..

So it's that time I need to say..."Nite" and hope and pray all traveling Stay Safe and as always God Bless Us All.


  1. Barb, look at a website called Great Companions. They carry tons of bird food, toys, cages, etc. They will also send you a catalog in the mail. I order all my bird food from them (inside birds) and have been very happy. Linda

    1. Thanks Linda ! I'll check them out..Love that free shipping and not have to go out and lug ..yes, I'm lazy. Hahaha!
