Saturday, December 29, 2012

Saturday is just about done for me

Saturday is just about done for me...although my morning was a little bit off kilter..I did manage to get some vacuum time in...and then as I was suppose to go pick up my script I realized I had taken my water pills..OH NO !!!...

So I'll plan my pickup for biggy..but at least I'll get out and stop and pick up some goodies and maybe even buy my lunch...well a cooked one..hahaha..a treat :)

I manage to just make sure I kept my legs up and that really helped but not all day..I can't manage that part as I have too much going on..and my Critters keep me busy..hahaha..well Ms Reba does...and so does Ms Shug..the Big Bears well they hanker down and are ready willin an able to share anything that may fall from grace ..hahaha

I've got to start catching up on the house as with my leg problem I've had to let a few things go..and that is never a good thing but no big deal cause my lists come out and it's get er done..:)

I also have to go to the Rice Fields again tomorrow so that will be also first thing in the morning during my"QUIET" time..yeah I lose out but it needs to be done and I can lean back while the rice cooker is doing her job with the veggies included..

Watched some old movies tonight as nothing great for me was on TV so the recorded ones come in handy. Also have to start putting some groceries up in the freezer so that means this week I have to do some cookin..and a crockin..

Other than that I hear Ms Reba calling my name..she gets nosy for me to come to bed hahaha..Yes, Ms Reba I'm on my way..

Hope all traveling are staying it's a bit chilly tonight and can't wait to get under that electric blanket ...And as Always..God Bless

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