Friday, December 28, 2012

Here it is Friday Already :)

Here it is Friday, Already :) and for me it's feet up and take it easy to clear my problem with my's not an easy task for me..although I'm gonna give it my best shot..!

Morning is the busy time and I'm glad even though I do get in my quiet time..the time before everything comes awake like even the day..and then it's off to the races then it's the down swing..and believe it or not Ms Shug is fitting into it gracefully..and I'm just so pleased..

I did most of my day watching a few movies with my leg up and in between the washing and getting critters in and out..even watched my outside critters enjoy their breakfast that I brought to fact Mister Cardinal waits for me now and chirps rather loud when he knows I've deposited their goodies..hahahaha

The day kind of dragged and sort of became tough for me as being in one position is not easy for me..and I was determined to get this bugger cleared up once and for all..and then try to figure out why I keep getting this problem..???

One part I know is because of my heart disease but other than that..I keep busy and try to maintain my existence..struggling the downward swings as best I can..and yep, keep busy..lots of it..but I might have to give in to wearing those dreadful support stockings..gawd they feel awful ..but if it will keep these ulcers from coming up..I'll surrender !!!

Tomorrow I have to go into town to pick up my scripts and stop at the store to pick up a few things but I also have to do that chop chop..LOL yeah I was to lazy to do it I'm up early and my quiet time will be a little intense of chopping...LOL

Now I'm ready to hit that bed and hope I can sleep..I mean I did catch a nap and boy that always feels good do I count sheep or what?????dunno but I'm praying Mister Sandman comes quickly..

Hope you all traveling stay safe as I hear the rain on my that sound as long as it's not to too heavy...cause tomorrow when critters go out..uh you know WET DAWG..eeek..have towels ready ..yep, more laundry hahaha

And as always..God Bless....

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