Thursday, September 13, 2012

Tiny Steps on Thursday

Tiny Steps on I dragged my butt out of bed...I had stayed up a little late last night as one of my RV Sistah's mother had to be taken to the hospital... I was so worried..and was praying that there would be no major problems and something that could be resolved easily... and thank you Lord as it was (not that  any of this is ever easy) G G, Dawn's mother was having a bout with edema..and had to be treated for it and although I surely thought perhaps they would keep her over night ..they didn't, but sent her home...and as I chatted with Dawn on our Face Talk and even with G G everything was a lot better...again Thank YOU Lord ! 

So back to my morning drag..yes, I was like a human slug...and it took me most the spite of the fact that Dawn and I were gabbing and OH, yes, she talked me into another winner (you reading this Dawn ???) but some how I couldn't complete the's a Murphy thing..but what it is and I figured it out DUH.. I don't use a Gmail account even though I have blog setup but through my Yahoo thingy.. I know a bunch of gobble gook  but that is the reason soooooooo when I am ready to do this down load again I'll have it all together..(well hopefully).

I did get Ms Reba to have two meals..well if that's what ya wanna call them.. like open face liverwurst..(yucko) and spaghetti and chicken parm..hey she ate it all what I put down and again like I've said before..."I've never fed any of my critters like this, but she won't eat anything so if that's what it takes on her last go round that's what it will be...God Bless her" !!

Also I did get my appointment for her (only) on Sunday at 2pm so I'm happy about that and Zeke and Abby will go next Sunday...and they will get their check ups and vaccines...

Tomorrow I have my Cardio Doc appointment and I need to get through that...then set up my blood work..and I'm working down all the rest of the list 

Tonight watched the Xfactor ..fantastic young girl did a Nina Simone song that was dynamite.. I'd say, "if she continues with great music..she's the winner"..that good and only 13 yrs'd never believe it with her voice !

Then on to Big Brother..OMG Dapper Dan you deserve the MONEY...He did another amazing move...golly I can't believe these folks were so gullible to let Dan control their brains but it was just a great play...

We will watch America's Got Talent tomorrow night as I taped both sessions..too many shows on all about the same time...goodness gracious..but we'll have something to watch :) I can't peek and hope no one tells me hahaha..

Now I'm ready to bail out and go to have lots to get done early then off to see the big boss man...and decide what's my next adventure...YIKES

Those traveling down these safe and as always..God Bless

PS...I'm so praying for this latest situation..the horrible killing of our ambassador to Libya..and all the others...What is wrong with this picture...Why are we so gullible...Please all pray that we get out of this mess and make those that did this suffer the consequences ...

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