Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Charging me batteries up on Tuesday

Charging me batteries up on Tuesday...as I dragged through most the day I managed to get a few things done...Morning for me was not great had to struggle getting Ms Reba to even look my way..the big bears (Abby and Zeke) woofed down their food but boy did I stress myself out.. Made up some scrambled eggs with (I know my tummy turned too) liverwurst.. I mean she eats weird so this should do it NOT...OMG ...well ok she wants to be left alone...so I start to worry..out comes the Nutri cal and zip into the kisser she gets it..

Lunch time I make a sandwich..you got it..Liverwurst and she comes over to me and will eat plain bread..(the crust) so that's a start and slowly I work in the rest..she ate about maybe half..then walks away..well that's score one for the Gipper !

Everything I think she'll eat..well I'm stuffed..yeah if she sees me eating she'll come over and bark and want..fooled me.. so I ate a donut..ugh I really needed that ..and on to the next..You got it...I'm not gonna look at food right now...HA !

So now I have a pot roast on as hubby wanted that done up so he can make his open faced sandwich..Ok, well maybe Ms Reba might like that..time will tell but right now she's walking around sniffing the air..and boy it's smelling great...

Yep, I have an appointment this Sunday for her and the Crew ..she'll get checked out and Lord I'm praying it's gonna be simple..I do know as I've talked this over with my friend Mary...that I've got to have the tumor removed from her...it may be not a good move but it's the only move I can do..as if this ruptures I'll lose her..and surgery for her is not favorable..however I'd rather have it that way then to have her suffer...so I'm sad with the decision I've made...

In the mean time I have to not think about it..as I'm not good with these things...I mean I understand why, but I had a very bad time over Joesph and still do at times...Sucks that's all I can say !

Tonight is another episode of the Voice and I'm telling ya these  talent people are really good..and I see I'm gonna have a few conflicts too..oh well isn't life a bunch of conflicts..

Critters are pacing..it's their dinner time and Ms Reba will get hers when Hubby and I are eating.. I think she looks forward to see what we are having ..she wants it..now trick is...will she eat it..and if she does wonderful but I can tell ya, "she won't eat it tomorrow"..

So with that I'm on to the next level and tomorrow I have to leave the house really early to be up to the hospital to have my Mammo done..so those on the road traveling..Stay Safe and as always..God Bless

PS..Ms Betsy, I sure hope Mr Dick is home and settled in..be seeing you all soon as the days are on the count down :) 

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