Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Wishful Wednesday Came Through !

A Wishful Wednesday Came Through !...Debby has left the AREA !  Thank goodness she did enough distruction..and as for our water shortage..well she took care of that...heard tell we done got (get this) total 26 inches (you are reading correctly) of rain ...Yee Haw !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I slept well after hearing the 11pm news and NO Tornado Warnings or Watches...and I tucked in with Ms Reba as Zeke and Abby layed next to the bed..I got a full 5 hours...WOW ...yeppers it felt good too..:)

Morning was a little off and on sprinkles nothing major and the birds were happy to see me feed them...also those dang Black Birds were chirping..heck I surely thought a strong wind would have taken them away...

Have chatted with a few online friends and have them now starting to knit again..even one of our forum sistahs ..posted the web site I used and is so just can't imagine how relaxing it can be...well once you learn LOL

I was kidding someone today telling them how my finger tips are sore and dang it..don't say it unless you mean it..and guess what..the joke bounced back on me.. "I have sore finger tips "..hahahaha

My Scarf is taking off.. I mean it's litterally got wings..that baby is now as of this moment almost 30 inches long...I can't believe how it's grown..but key to me is..if I'm nervous heck I can crochet (now knit) up another storm...hahaha!

Made a bowl of Mac Salad with the Dreamfields Pasta and it's pretty darn good in fact had a dish for lunch and tested later my sugar was that's pretty darn good ...I mean pasta can make your sugar "Glow".

I'm gonna kick back a bit a little TV and knit with my sore fingers cause I'm so anxious to get this done..however that pattern calls for 61 inches..that's a long, long scarf..!

So with that I'm gonna say...Toodles for this day and pray that all traveling are staying SAFE and as always..God's Blessings Shine Down on All !

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