Sunday, June 24, 2012

Traces of Debby on Sunday !

Traces of Debby (Storm) on Sunday ! I sit and attempt to type I hear the sounds of the storm out my's been raining all day and later on came the winds and howling sounds.......a bit of a nail biter for me !!

Morning was hectic as with the rain my Abby is not a happy I was out there with the Umbrella asking Abby to "PLEASE"  do you "Business"..yeah it's a hoot with her...I mean she didn't get the name "Twinkle Toes" for nothing...

She's a tough cookie when it comes to long as she doesn't have to do it in the RAIN...and of course for the next few days...OMG>.(perish the thought) I'll be dealing with WET DAWGS..and lots and lots of drying towels...

I can hear my Washer and Dryer gasping as I load and re load ..hahaha..well it's the way it is in a Dawg Owner's lifestyle :)..but at least we got through most of as for my birds..OH MY STARS...

I couldn't believe my eyes..those dang Black Birds were here most the day and staying in the big feeder ..they done ate everything I had put out later on as I was feeding my Critters..I saw Big Red sitting on my hanging plant..I mean he looked like he was looking in the window at me..and I heard him chirping.. I know he was HUNGRY..

In fact the young (kids) cardinals were all under my over hang and on the plant hangers..I was invaded by Cardinals...and I thought..WOW they know I'm the "Keeper " was awesome but the rain was so nasty..and they looked like a bunch of "Wet Feathers"..they were puffed up in order to keep themselves warm and some what dry...

I did manage to go out when there was a break in between the heavy down pours..and put some feed in the feeder..and no sooner I turn around I have 4 Cardinals up in there...

Tonight I've been just biting my nails as it's been so nasty..and hearing all those Tornado Watches and Warnings..My Weather Alarm has been going off like the 4th of fact I heard one Tornado set down by Spring I Googled it and put in location from there to where I am..hey, I didn't have any way of I thought that would be best...Thank goodness for Google...!

I'll be up most the night so I'll be knitting and listening..I just looked over all my Critters are sleeping...thank goodness...maybe I'll even do a little vacuuming...:)

Well that's my story for now other than I pray that we all get through this and no one is injured ....and for all of you traveling..stay safe !!

God Bless

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