Saturday, August 3, 2013

What a busy Saturday

What a busy Saturday it was ....night before was not feeling well..still think it might have been some bad lettuce...cause my tummy was making noises and my feeling of nausea was there from time I went to bed till time I got up...

With all the nonsense of what's bad in today's food market...I think I got a slight hit..cause I was one ill body and most of the day...but I forged ahead as I had lots to get done..

Was suppose to get the rig over to be serviced but it started to rain and I wasn't in that kind of frame mode to drive..was afraid I might have one of those moments while driving..(the two step and get out of my way) home I stayed but I didn't pamper myself..(wished I had)

I went to the Rice fields and also did up a big batch of Sweet Taters..and even did Ms Shug's tomorrow when I wake up I'll finish up with Ms Reba's food...

When I did sit down that uneasy queasy feeling came back so I knew I had to keep moving or I was gonna go down for the late afternoon I started to feel better..thank goodness .

By then I was on my last leg and hubby did the running to the stores.. I didn't dare attempt an outing of any kind...but now I have a break for the next two weeks..well almost..hahahaha.. It seems the faster I go the behinder I get..:)

Later afternoon and started to watch a little TV..and of course play with Ms Shug..she really is liking the hubby more than me..UH OH I'm JEALOUS...hahaha..but I'm glad really so that means she will go to either one of us...almost like the saying they say for the Poodles.."If they can't be with the one they love, they'll love the one they're with "...hahaha..

Now it's bed time and I'm in need of a good night sleep..cause I sure didn't get one last night and tomorrow..well..ya know I'm gonna be up at 5am and in the kitchen with (Dinah) Ms Reba ...

So with that...those traveling Stay Safe and as always..God Bless Us All.

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