Friday, June 7, 2013

A Rather Hot Friday

A Rather Hot Friday......the day after our visit with Andrea..I could see the steam coming off the ground..yep we is done cooking..but I'll keep my big mouth shut and accept and thank God we all are ok...

Morning was a little busy as I also watched Clancy come over to Betsy's house and fix the damage that was done by the storm..Yes, it was my neighbor Betsy who got the Boo Boo...but our man Clancy was on the job..He's a keeper for us all..:)

I went out to feed my wild birds and I think I heard them whistle.."it's food time"  LOL they were hungry ..I know sooner moved away and I had several come visit..scooping up plenty..hahaha

Put my hanging plants back up and was glad no damage to any of them..sure always looks nice having something there and with color..makes ya feel good..well it does's those little things I kind of enjoy..

Was planning on going out today but the heat does me in and it was warm even at 5am..goodness I know I was gonna be sucking up that AC...and I'm not a big fan of it..but hey I ain't dumb..well maybe just a little sometime..:)..shhhhhh I'll never admit it..

It's official now it will be 4 weeks and hubby will be here..goodness time is flying and I'm gonna need to step it up a notch..start getting my list together and one thing I need to do measure the area I'm putting Ms Shug I can get that cage for traveling with her...

I'm smiling cause I'm telling ya this is gonna be a trip..She has a great vocal ability and also able to reach high places and a high impact on breaking the sound barrier..hey, I think anyone parking next to me..well..maybe I better put a sign on the door..BEWARE OF LOUD BURSTS..BIRD DAWG ON PATROL..hahaha

Tonight really didn't do much watched DateLine again.. I seem to like some of those programs more the mysteries amaze me..and when it's a heart felt one..well, my box of Kleenex is close by.

Now it's bed time and tomorrow I need to make a run to the store..well not me..but in my car...if I ran I'd never make the driveway..LOL..oh I did that number before..falling I thought on to my car instead hitting the bumper with my face..OUCH...yeah don't ever wanna repeat of that EVER !

Those traveling Stay Safe and as always...God Bless Us All.

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