Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Wacky Wednesday

A Wacky Wednesday...starting with being really cold and that icy feeling was there right on the tip of me nose...OUCH....Got up really early and had my quiet time while hubby and Critters all were tucked in...

Today we really didn't plan on doing much of anything as both hubby and I just needed time to chill a fact we talked more about what we were planning on doing if and when he could bail out back home...whether to sell the house up north and or just rent it till the market was better...who knows but a lot of good thoughts came out of it..

One thing is for sure we will keep a motor home for us to get out of town come summers in Florida and yes, head up North country...then back to Florida just like I'm doing now...Oct till June's really the best timing actually.

Ms Shug is getting a little use to hubby ..but not quite there just yet although this evening she did put on a show for him..her barking is getting lordy I think she thinks she's a DAWG !!!!

Watched American Idol and by far my pick for the best tonight was Janelle..she did the best song and the arrangements were from when she was 14 and it was excellent..then we switched over to Survivor as we recorded it and got to see that ...nothing surprises me..but I don't think I could stand being around Phil too much longer..

Tonight I had a little bit of a migraine....haven't had one of those in so long but for some reason I got zapped...and I had to just lay down and  let it pass..

Tomorrow we're gonna head over to Lowes pick up some filters for the frig and ice maker and then head over pick up some food for Ms Shug then stop at Cracker Barrel for lunch hopefully it will be a warmer day..

So it's night all and those traveling ..Stay Safe and as always..God Bless

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