Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Cold and Windy Staurday

A cold and Windy Saturday....boy was it ever windy..had to get my meds at CVS and again I'm missing some ...does it ever get done ..I mean have I had one month in all the time I've been in Florida since Oct 2012...till present..each month something is wrong or missing...What can one say.. "it's the nature of the beast"..!

I made a plan for do nothing today and tomorrow's my own weekend and being it's gonna be or is now cold ..I'm just staying cozy and hopefully get my blanket worked on..

I even bought a pizza from Papa wasn't that was a waste..YUCKO...I'm just so lucky..should stop trying and just keep to my usual..and just cook and get it over with..

I did get my plants into the garage ..those were my Christmas Cactus and I did get the Purple Leaf Hibiscus I'm set till after Monday when the weather will start to warm up again...but until then this gal is staying in.

Tomorrow I'll go to the feeders and make sure them birds have their food cause it was standing room only as the word was out ..fill up cause it's gonna be bitter cold...and they sure did..:)

Chatted with hubby and his flight is booked so he'll be here March 26th and be here for Easter..YEAH..!

So that's about it other than I'm now ready for bed..and tuck in and stay warm..

Hope you all traveling are staying tucked in as well and watch them high winds as you know the March winds do blown hard and strong..

God Bless

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