Friday, October 5, 2012

Oh My Stars Thank You, It's Friday

Oh My Stars Thank You, it's Friday !!!!!  Holy Banana Hannah...I'm so tickled pink I made it this far... Ms Reba (of course) this morning had to be fed again and she wasn't happy about it..not one bit in fact I'm sure she wished I'd I did !!!!  Yep, right over Ms Abby as I was holding Ms Reba...backwards I went, and as I was in the process of landing I had to let Ms Reba go..but I let her land on Abby..better than landing on the floor ...OUCH !!!....

Now I didn't break any bones but sure did do a few bruises..and had to stay on the floor till I figured how I could get up.. cause I can't kneel on my ain't a gonna work...but Zeke came over to me and I grabbed on his collar and yes he did....he backed up like I asked him too and then I had him to lean on...and boy that boy is strong...he got me over to the couch which I then got myself up...I'm telling ya I'm gonna need to put springs on my butt so I can bounce up ...:)

So I just sat and took a breather and shook my head..this is not a great feeling and some times a little scary ..but I'll work it out.. I mean I've got to be prepared for things that happen..and I need to start paying more attention to my surroundings..

Later this afternoon as I was making lunch Ms Reba decided she was gonna have what I was she and I ate ...liverwurst..lord help me.. but she ate it and all I had to do was break it in little pieces..thank you!!

I know tonight will be a winner too..cause it's Pizza..she'll eat the crust and a little of some warmed up chicken..I got this one figured out..another break but I do know I have to get her a little more dry food that will mean..Meat balls again..but that's not too bad as I make up like 4..

Tonight I know when hubby gets home I'm gonna lean back and not worry cause he'll take care of things..and I sure need that break...

One thing I am noticing with Ms Reba is she's starting to get back to her little Miss Princess and starting to yakking at that's a good sign..just have to keep working on the eating thing.. don't know why she went off...I mean she was always a great eater..maybe it's an age you hear with a lot of elderly people..dunno..never had one do there's a first thing for everything...I guess..

So that's my story for today and tomorrow I had planned on going to Wally World but I think hubby is gonna have to go for me...I hate to do that to him..but I know I'm gonna be sore tomorrow..

All those traveling stay safe and as always..God Bless..

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