Friday, February 1, 2013

It is Friday, isn't it ??????

It is Friday, isn't it ??????...this was another LONG, LONGER than LONG Day...I waited and waited for the phone call to pick John up from the hospital...Was I or Wasn't I was the Question....and finally after not being able to get anything done I got the call...Thank the Good LORD...

This for me was so wild as no matter what I wanted to do I couldn't ..cause with me if I started to do something I'd be right in the middle and "HELLO THERE" I just leaned back with my feet up and watched boring TV...GAWD and it was BORING !!!

Aaaah, but I did have a funny.. and I mean it was funny too...wee early this morning as I was cleaning Ms Shug's cage she was out wandering around and just a talking some strange things and laughing..then I heard my cell phone ring..ok, who's calling me at this hour on the cell phone..hope nothing is I answer and it's my friend from the police department asking me if everything is OK ????? HUH????

I had to think about what he was "Why"..???  and so I  then said, "Well, I called you yesterday to let you know how John was that's all didn't you get my message" ?   his reply was, "Yes, I did , but you called me at 6am and I kept asking is everything ok but no answer but I did hear music "...hahaha.. that was so weird...I didn't make any call at all ..only hubby had called when he got up as he usually does..

Again I told him, "Nope I didn't call you...then I thought Ms Shug was walking over in this area picking up things ..oh no...YEP, she had my cell phone and I took it off her...I started laughing...then I told him.." It wasn't me it was my Parrot..Ms Shug..she must have touched something on the phone and it called you .."  

He was quiet then started laughing..."Ok, I get a call now from a Parrot" ?  hahaha...Yep, Ms Shug done turned me into the Police and she was doing a citizen parrot arrest hahahaha...unreal..all day I thought about it and sure am glad it wasn't the fire department...I could just imagine a big truck pulling up in my driveway...OMG..too tooo tooo toooooo much !!!

Well at a little after 3pm I went and picked up John and he wasn't a happy camper as he didn't like not getting out when he was ready to go...Good Golly Ms Molly.. he has no patience what so ever...I could just imagine how those nurses felt...give him another shot let him sleep the time away ...:)


Now it's time to say, "nite nite"  those traveling stay safe and as always  God Bless...

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