Sunday, February 24, 2013

Oh My Goodness Friday,Saturday and Now Sunday

Oh My Goodness Friday, Saturday and Now Sunday...yes, I've been MIA ..Missing in Action...the action being I have suffered from a dry socket..not of the wall but of my missing tooth...

I had went and had a molar extracted and wound up having problems with my jaw not healing..I mean I felt the beat of my heart in my Jaw...and all I had was on Friday I had to go and have blood work which was another story..

My luck as it was and is..I had to go to the hospital and have the blood drawn as I am what is considered a "Back Stick"...sounds so strange but it means you ain't getting nuttin' from my veins..and that's because I take so much medication and have been a heart patient for over 20 years...Sucks but it's a fact!

So I then stopped by the Dentist as I just couldn't go another night or day and waited for him to work me in..(aren't I lucky?) and when he was the usual..."Oh my GAWD"...he had to open to release the pressure...and now I feel just fine...but man oh man I was not in a good mood and just felt plain ole lousy .

I moped around on Saturday feeling sorry for myself...I deserved that and couldn't chew so it was milk shakes ..and the coldness went to my head hahaha...Golly I'm just a mess..but

Today I feel so much better and tomorrow I am going with Dawn and her brother Paul to visit another RV sistah..Irmi and her hubby Steve who also has company  Sarah and Tina..two more RV it's Dawn's birthday..Yeppers it's a whopper of a visit and I sure missed out on all the others...but some day I'll play catch up .

Now I'm watching the cake is done and cooling and now I'm ready for stay tuned and hopefully I'll tell more good stories...

So Good night God Bless and those traveling Stay Safe....I'm back !!!!

1 comment:

  1. I've never had a tooth extracted... never did have any wisdom teeth... so can only imagine (EEK!) the pain and discomfort that can be. Hope you start feeling better soon!
