Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Toot Toot Tootsie it's Tuesday :)

Toot Toot Tootsie it's Tuesday :)  and the sun was out and I was a happy camper..YES, I'll say it again,..."I am beaming when the sun shines..I am one of those people that the light affects me"...

Morning was busy as I wanted to attempt to get my energy in gear..it's sure taking the stuffing out of me and I'm struggling to get up and go...I'm working on it that's for sure..

Was busy with my schedule for Doc appointments..this Friday I have blood work to be done so fasting Thursday...no biggy ..Ms Abby's results were good so the Vet is faxing the results to Saul..Thank goodness..

I'm still not motivated until I hear how hubby is gonna be ..that will be tomorrow night he goes to the Ortho and we'll see..if it looks good then we'll start making reservations for his trip down..and boy it's been a long time..

Other than that I've just been starting to put some time into this baby blanket..I try and do so many rows each day so I don't get in that slump..and each row is a different pattern so gots to keep my mind on it...so if I get 8 rows done in a day that's a gooder..hahaha...work on it every day and it's finished within 2 weeks..and I've got several blankets to make...

Watched a little bit of TV but mostly played with Ms Shug..and she is just a sweetie..even nestled down next to me on the couch and we watched TV together..hahaha...she's like enjoying the "Us Time"...

Watched my Redi Whip Fish..not sure if he's gonna make it cause he sure is acting strange..tomorrow I'm gonna do the water thing as I have mixted the water stuff tonight ...hopefully that will improve him...cause like I said, "he's looking strange"..

Now I'm lookin strange as I'm wanting to go to bed..in need of it big time...so with that I'll say.."Toodles"...Stay Safe traveling and God Bless...

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