Friday, November 19, 2010

A Heart Felt Friday

A Heart Felt Friday....and it truly was. Today I went to visit my friend Elsie...I was nervous as knowing all that she has been going through I felt sadness in my heart. I did not sleep well last night as I was anticipating this . I had hoped that I could bring some comfort. Make her smile and perhaps laugh a bit...

The drive over was anxious and of course the idiots were out on the my shouting kept my mind off thinking of what was to come next. Maybe that was I sure was glad when I got to the parking lot...Now I have to say, "there are hundreds of handicap stickers...the whole area must be handicap cause there wasn't a spot to be had"... I drove around and around in hoping I'd find some place close.

Finally I see someone getting to their ya feel like your on a "hunt" cause it's first come first serve and when a woman is determine...gawd get off the road !.  Alas, I got a was a ways from the entrance and my next thing was to make it to the door...Lord, I need your help cause I feel every step I have to take.. This is really difficult for me .. my knees don't want to cooperate at all.. and I'm struggling...having to stop a few times and lean on  a parked car...Now why didn't I bring my walker ? (brain freeze) .. I got to the entrance and there was a bench ...yes, I sat down and took a breather.

I still had a ways to go...but determined I got up and just walked slowly...hoping someone would come along with a chair..HA... electric one at that... but no luck...Once inside I went to the desk and asked where the elevator was...and the gift shop... I didn't want to bring flowers...cause I remembered when I was in .. I would look for some mints or candies as you get so dry and nasty taste in your mouth.

Well, found the gift shop and you just wouldn't believe ..(yes you would) this lady that waited on me.. was so confused...she wasn't sure what she was doing...OH NO !   I found these great mints the kind that just melt and are creamy..well, they didn't sell by the container...Ha.. She counted everyone out.. I mean please let me just buy the whole container..NO... hahaha... Ok, I give up... I'll go with the flow...what an now I had to find something to put them in..Hahaha.. that was another mess.. I won't even begin to explain it..but I did find a nice (what ever ya want to call it) vase like dish.. that's safe... Then comes the next question....

"Where is the elevator"?... That charming lady tells me "out at the front where you came in..."   So I go out and start walking to the center and just curious I ask the guard.. "Where is the elevator"... he smiles says, " right where you came from"..HUH..?  "Yes, right next to the gift shop"  DUH... I couldn't resist as I walked by the gift shop I yelled in.. "Ladies, do you know the elevator is right next to you "?...they just looked ...confused ...what can I say.

Now I go up to the 4th floor and not far from the elevator was Elsie's room.. thank goodness.. and as I walked by  I heard Clancy say, "Elsie here comes Barbz"... My heart was in my mouth as I walked in ... Clancy was happy to see me and so was Elsie... My dear Elsie...she has lost a lot of weight but she had that beautiful smile...I held back my tears...took a deep breath and just was so happy to see her.

Not long after I was there came another friend and then another couple.. Clancy left as I knew he looked tired and this would give him a break..God Bless him.. He is so devoted to wonderful to see that...

Our group was a happy go lucky one and we had Elsie just a beaming.. in fact when I first saw her she had no color...but when we got her going she had lots of color she was a good pink... We told her..we were her treatment..We so much enjoyed each other and boy did we laugh...and tell our stories of Hospital Times.. It was a good feeling..

When her doctor came in..he did give her some good news..That her lung was showing some improvement and they would take her down to Xray and if it looked good they'd pull the chest tube... Oh yes, my poor friend has gone through such pain..and even the tube into her kidneys..were helping her... So the doc said, "if all looks good, you might be able to go home.."... I know Elsie wants to be home for the Holidays.. nobody wants to be in the hospital at that time..

My prayers tonight are that she gets strong so that she will be able to start her Chemo... She has a very hard road..and I ask all that read my blog tonight keep Elsie and Clancy in your prayers.. Only through God can we all walk through these detours in life.

So you can see today was a Heart felt Friday...but a good one. It was good seeing meant a lot to her and to all of us..

Good night my dear friend !

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