Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ti's Sunday A Peaceful Day

Ti's Sunday, A Peaceful Day...a day I dredged through the Rice Fields :)  Yes, it was "A had to do it "... and it wasn't that bad but I'll have to do another trip as I want to make sure I have enough made up while hubby is here so I can enjoy the visit...but I still may put him to some work task ...hahahaha..

I'll have him put the Garland around the windows with the lights ..that isn't too difficult and I can't climb...He'll love that and I need to get making his cookies up so when he goes back home he's got some goodies too..

Most of the morning was just putting things together and tomorrow I'm off to the races to Wally World (OMG) as I need D batteries like 15 of them.......cha ching on batteries...if I can find them ??????

Still knitting to get this package ready to go by Thursday..and I'm down to the wire..cause Friday Diane will be over and she's like a bumble bee...buzzing and moving things fast.. "Look out or she'll run ya over"...yeah she don't let no grass grow under her feets .

Got my list going cause I just know it will be like.."Overtime or Overwork Load coming"...and last but not least tomorrow is trash day and I've got those blinkin boxes to get rid of...Thank goodness..

Jane called me tonight to invite me to her house for Fried Turkey as I had given her a Turkey Fryer for her Christmas Gift..She'll be away and I wanted to make sure she got it..Well she's going to town now just a yelling "it's cookin"  I'm glad at least she'll cook up a few turkeys for when they go on the road...Sure hope she don't forget to clean the Bird ..hahaha..

Now I'm gonna just lean back and knit some more...Gawd I don't like knitting..takes me forever..but at least my niece will be happy and quiet for awhile...Multi tasking there..:)

So now it's on with tonight's shows if anything good other wise I'll stream from Netflix and watch some oldies...maybe I can find Scrooge...yeah sounds like a plan..

Looking forward to tomorrow Adventure....Wally World Madness !!

God Bless

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