Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Toddling Tuesday

Toddling Tuesday...as I take baby steps through out the day..my limitation is getting less and less as well as my patience... I can't believe I can't get an appointment till the 13th..that will be one more week from tomorrow...Holy Crappola !!!

My foot is now to the point I can't tell you where it hurts the least and if I hear someone say, "Stay off it"  HA !  I can't, I'm here by myself with 4 Critters that have to be taken care of and a house that needs attention...well the house part I guess I could let slide..(see I can be lazy) but the rest of the stuff...no way!

I do a little then sit down ...then get up and the foot hurts worse as I attempt to get up ...sucks and I don't even know what I did or didn't do ????

I'm gonna again call this Foot Doc and plead...I'm sure they must have some where they can squeeze me in...thinking more and more of E R...but again that's my last resort cause I'd be there long enough to make my 13th appointment..in fact they'd probably have to find me in the crowd ....HA HA !

So, my brain is fried but not from working from dealing with this annoying ache that just won't quit..more and more that hammer is looking better :)

Good Night cause I need to lay down and pray that some angel  will appear and that he's a foot doc ....God Bless

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