Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Monday Morning Visitor

Easter Monday Morning Visitor...if you look closely you'll see that magnificent Humming bird..I'm in awe of them..They never cease to amaze me with their size and what they are able to do ..never mind the traveling ..goodness I'm wiped out thinking of those wings flapping..and I just love how they can maneuver up down and backwards oh and even side ways.  Now you see them and then you don't..almost like Superman..faster than a speeding bullet...or was it train ??? What ever all I know is you hear that bzzzzzz and gone.. I have one, well I think it's only one that shows his Ruby Throat to me as I'm adding water to the moat (that red umbrella) keeping the ants away (and it does work)..he comes up to me and makes that sound and flashes..hmmm just thinking (how my mind works on days) if I could say, "I was flashed" ?   HA !

Any way I think it's amazing and I'm flattered that he shows off to least he knows I'm the "Humming bird feeder"..:) Well I thought that was neat but then again it's the little things that matter to me !

Today I'm lobbing, well not actually but doing what I can.. Got the trash out on my trusty flat bed dolly...Gawd I just love that thing...I use it for everything and so handy...I've got a list going but every time I look at it ..I think to myself "Ya gotta be kidding" ...It's nice though when I look at it and see lines drawn through what I finally got done...but at the end of the page I have the "To Be Continued"...Works for me !

This hot weather we're being hit with mean it kind of takes the energy out of I do a little and then lean back a lot...Oh my !... I'm getting into some sort of routine..(hope not)

Tomorrow I will be calling the "Foot Doc" and hopefully I don't have another episode of confusion and illusion...but need that MRI to find out what is wrong...or is it ME ?

Well, I did manage to take a picture and even post early...Wonder what that means...hmmm, I got it... I'm takin a break :)

Catch ya later .......>>>>>>>>>

1 comment:

  1. Love the hummingbird pic. I never was successful in attracting them to my house.
    Hope the doc can help you with that foot....been too long.
