Friday, April 29, 2011

"Fought-less Friday"...

"Fought-less Friday"...ah shucks just my sense of humor taking off again.. Actually it was a calm up at 4am and watched the " WEDDING"  and I might add it was amazing how many of us were up too...Yes, I know several people that their TV's were going. I spoke with a few on the phone as we gave our approval...Gosh it was a gem of a show ..Those hats blew me away in fact if a strong wind would have come up...they would be saying..."Off with those hats"..ha ha ha ha !!!!

No phone calls today other than from my friends and neighbor (Betsy)  regarding my blog...I know, some days I can let it just rip and other days I amaze myself how I get into things without even trying.

Well, the launch didn't happen this afternoon and I was awaiting that my brain starts to wander...I'm hoping my launch (MRI) takes place Monday too... Again, no word might mean good news.  Or it's to the Mattress I go..(in the God Father ) can you hear the music in the background playing as I make my phone call...UH HUM :)

Oh !   Last night as I went to let me critters out for their "Night Cap"  I opened the back screen door and low and behold there was a Cardinal sitting right under my awning..never moved and turned it's head and was looking at me... I spoke very gently to him and that dang bird sat and watched.. My critters did their thang and came in and I said, "Good Night and Hang Tight"... gosh I know I've been getting them messages...a couple days before that one Titmouse flew up to where I normally had the feeders and then came and landed on my window frame and tapped on the window...Gosh, I'm feeling really bad...

I've been looking on the internet for Squirrel Proof feeders and YES, I'll find them and YEP, I'm a sucker for it... I do miss watching those makes my days go by smoothly and relaxing... I'm a Creature of Habits and those I have are very difficult to cut loose...Like enjoying nature and watching life evolve around me...How those darling birds take to being fed and watch their behavior...Maybe that's why I went into research.. I loved it !

Fed my crew and now I'm taking time to do some more research...I'll find what I'm looking for maybe tonight I'll even see that Cardinal again...Wonder if he's telling me something...or making me make the "PLEDGE"...Food is coming soon ...wonder if he's running for some kind of office ???????

Another funny for you to enjoy... I ordered my NetFlix movies...and they arrived and I opened them and "What is this" ?   I ordered Secretariat and got Sea Biscuit instead    HA...Ok... I know they are both horses...but WHAT ???  Guess the joke was on wait till I call them !!!!

Wonder who's running at Jamaica ????  :)  (a race track )

Catch ya later !

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