Friday, September 17, 2010

Fickled Fate Award.... Fried Day ... Yes, it's Friday

Fickled Fate Award...Fried Day...Yes, it's Friday !...Hail and Fare thee well.. this morning (wee hours) my darling puter attempted an update..HA !  I can't wait for the Dell team to call on tomorrow...and so happy it will be when hubby is home.. the lucky guy... After several hours of an attempt it was aborted... Need I go into the  "happenings"..Nah, why ruin a half way decent plan for today...

Now I'm about to head out into the nice morning and do the duties of the "wife mode"   grocery shopping.. OH Joy to the World...  I don't mind going it's the hauling in and putting away ..after you've taken it down from the shelves in the store.. which by the way.. sometimes they are so high up you get your morning stretch and then some.. then it's unloading from the cart on to the conveyor belt and sometimes that baby is just a mess.. Hey lady (or lad) how about wiping down that messy belt >>...OK so you are getting the picture.. then it's pack it in those paper thin plastic bags.. back into the cart that you pushed around the store..(if you're lucky you got good wheels on the cart and didn't have to fight it...) then drag it out to the car...are ya puffing yet.. then if you're like me you have a cooler in the car for the meats and dairy stuff so that by the time you get home it's not warm or melted)  I'm tired thinking before I leave ..LOL.. OK  so now you're back at the house.. I have to back in my driveway so that my driver's slide door is to the porch.. ...Why? you ask >.. well I wouldn't have too normally but big crates for critters are blocking and I mean blocking the other slide.. and it makes it a no brainer if ya want to load and unload "stuff"...:)

Here's the best part.. I have a flat bed Dolley that I use to slide all my "stuff" on too...Hey, I only have so many arms and I hate making so many trips.. so like my dog show experience (comes in handy) and my time study training..HA.. I get er done... Yep I done slide it on the flat bed and wheel it right into the house.. Then it's on to the chores of putting the "stuff" away..

Here comes another time management deal.. Everything I pack goes in the direction of where it is to be stored.. Yep, I'm the real deal.. drives everyone bonkers but remember this makes "My Life" easier...even though it may cause a few "blinkin' words".. Who cares.. as long as it works for "ME"..

A few strange looks at the grocery store..but if you're gonna pack it in those bags ...pack it how I want it.. !!!  HA... Yes, I pack for where they are going..Like Cold Stuff for Frig or Freezer.. Laundry stuff for where it's  needed etc etc etc... Simple..  Are ya  smilin' reading it.. well you should see the poor lad  (if I'm not the packer) as I tend to give directions.. :)

I'm exhausted and I haven't even left the house yet  >>>LOL...

For this evening.. I already got in my NetFlix... and I'm ready to get the munchies in the bowls and have a relaxing evening.. (Quiet before the storm) Laugh about my day and hear all the nonsense of what happen to hubby on the way home from Boston.. Seems last night the storm that came through did a number in New York.. Well he was on the train coming in.. and good thing he had his laptop as it was a long long ride and you might even say, "A slow crawl" seems New York lost power along with a few other areas.. and on a train...well ya know how that goes...

So, now I'm off and see what else lurks out there for me....

Catch ya later..... puter don't fail me now... 


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