Thursday, July 31, 2014

Tuesday And Wenesday Kaput But I'm here Thursday :)

Tuesday and Wednesday Kaput! But I'm here Thursday be a wing and a prayer...for sure!!!!

On Tueday I was not well between my side and my cold I was not good for anything or anybody so I barely functioned...mostly rested for the next morning I was going for my stress test and Eco cardiograph.   Soooooo I was just a malfunction in my world...

However I still took care of my brats and had my blankie on hand to cover up. Took Tylenol most the day and used my inhaler often oh yeah I was the true picture of HEALTH ...NOT.

Went to bed early as hubby played with Ms Shug and the brats.....and under cover with electric blanket on "cook".  I needed to get these tests done...

Wednesday morning rolled in and I dragged out of bed took my temp and it was ok...fed the brats and got into the shower and ready to head out. Hubby was staying home and I was out the door...the dotor's office had several folks waiting to get their procedure done as well...

Finally I got my Echo done first and then back into the ( I call the holding pattern) waiting room till my name was called. And just leaned back and waited. Yep the long wait. Then I heard my name called.  Up I popped and walked into another room. Lucky me...the, I'll be right back was spoken. Not to bad of a wait. LoL..

Finally the nuse comes in with the metal box and the needles. Now this always gets me..I'm a bad stick as they say in the medical profession. So you have to be really good or else we are gonna have a problem.. So I show the nurse the vein that will work.  Yeah I know what your thinking but for real I know. Being a heart patient and have had so much done and major screw ups. Trust me!!!

The nurse nods and goes for it...however she blew it. As she went in she missed. Yep it happens as it's a deep vein..sooooooooo immediately she tried to regain entry while in there and at that moment it went downhill...ok..we'll try another area. Now I only have one more left...sooo hopefully we will get it.....good luck ain't a gonna happen...her aim and my vein are not connecting.......

Of course she says, " she's sorry" and I'm sure she is. However my veins are not then she starts to look for more areas. That's when I politely say" only one more try".  I'll go over to the hospital and get a pic line put in..which by the way I usually have too...

Finally the other nurse comes in and she does it..went in right on the corner edge of my wrist. Now that's an area that can be a bugger to enter along with being really sore...but in it went and sore it was.....

So the put in the med for me to get the before picture before the stress test began. Had to go back out in the lobby and drink water and in about 20 minutes they took the pictures...then into another room for the chemical stress test..sat in another chair and got the monitor on then another injection to cause my heart to rapidly beat at this point I was gasping short of breath. Felt flushed and got sick to my stomach...their eyes grew large as my face got cherry red. Oh yeah I was having a major reaction to this "new" chemical. My lucky day...they called in the doctor in which they gave me another injection. This took 4 minutes till I finally started to calm down and the whole time they kept telling me I was ok...

Now I've had loads of stress tests with chemicals but this was the first time I've ever had this reaction...sick to my stomach and a headache that was pounding..weak in my legs I could hardly walk..then the Doctor said, " never ever give me this chemical again". You got that right. But I
figured if I can survive this number I must be doing ok.

I sat in this room for about half hour and then I went back to the lobby and I had a cup of coffee and brought  a peanut butter jelly sandwich.  As with this test I had to fast...they also kept telling me that once I had something to eat I would feel better.  I'm sure but even fresh air would have felt good...

One thing about this procedure. It's freezing cold so make sure you have comfortable clothes and wear a sweat shirt cause I had to get a blanket. Also pack a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Protein and a little sugar gets you out of that shock to combat the headache.

After an hour I got called in again to take more pictures and then I was done. I'll say I was..although I was able to make it out to my car and drive home. On the way home I called hubby to let him know I survived and I was gonna come in and lay down. So he put the brats up and that's exactly what I did..

I slept several hours woke up with the sweats and felt like I was run over by a Mack truck..I had a cup of tea with honey and a bowl of chicken noodle soup. Back to bed I went..hubby turned the TV on but I can't tell you what it was...didn't care..

Woke up early in the morning and felt much better thank goodness. Got the brats their breakfast and put on a pot of coffee..I was gonna take it easy but did make a huge batch of meatballs up to use later on..cooked them in the oven.. I ALS used my NuWave Oven to do ( get this ) hard boiled eggs and made up egg salad for hubby to make his sandwich ...

Did watch what I missed yesterday. Love recording. And tonight I'll watch Big Brother and who gets the heave Ho!  Now getting dinner ready and gonna take it easy..I will get a cat scan tomorrow to make sure no major issues with my bout of diverticulitis ...gotta play it safe don't need any more surprises.

So now I'm almost caught up to date..other than the rest of the night and I praying will be peaceful. Hooray. LoL

Those traveling stay safe and as always. God bless us all

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