Friday, June 11, 2010

Fried Friday !

What can I say ?   Yes, it was a Fried Friday in more ways that one !  Started my know feed the critters of all shapes and sizes and then dive into that big cup of coffee...Lordy it sure is good !  It has to be hot way lukewarm or even cold. No, I'm not one of those Latte numbers either. It's got to be good percolated coffee. My special brew too !  A mixture of 3 kinds of coffee...and it is good to the last drop .

After I did my thang (a little southern hospitality) I got dressed and rushed out the door. Yikes it was warm and sickie like already and it's only 9:00am. Gawd, I sure hope this AC works in the car. Head into town to pick up one of my friends.

Now let me explain, this friend marches to a beat of a different drum. I mean every moment with her is another experience in life's greatest challenges. You either wanna jump out of your seat as her cell phone rings constantly or you hear stories that have you gasping. No other way to explain it without laying on a couch having a Psyche analyze you.

However, I listen and am always amazed I know the outcome before she finishes. Nothing changes in her life no matter how many times you attempt to come to her aide. It's a trip without the psychedelic  drug. I even bet she could have made Timothy Leary shudder . Now that's going a distance :)

So we begin our trip to Wally World (better known as Walmart) and she has to return an item without a receipt. Now this item she bought maybe several months ago . How do I know you ask ? Well, I had the pleasure of being with her when she bought it, in fact I recommended this...(I must have been a little off that day).  Off we go into the store, I make a deal (cause I kind of know this outcome) "I'll meet you at this spot as I have many items to pick up".

I've wised  up in my years, especially when I see a storm gonna brew. Why let yourself feel like you've been swallowed up in the murk of no return and probably, most likely, get banned from one of my favorite stores.
Soooooooo I pass by where she is at customer service counter and I see a lot of pointing going on and jaws moving rather quickly..Oh my, please let me not be seen! 

The outcome (now can ya beat this ) they apologize to her and give her credit and also give her a few goodies. like comps..Give me a break !  Had that been me, don't even want to go there. Now when she comes to meet me she has nothing but (words I don't want to even type) and she is yacking a mile a minute...Oh! let me out of this store...all are looking at us ...I'm ready to go... really...and we did... I had gotten all done with my shopping now it's the ride home and another story begins....aaaaaaah the phone rings alas a break...Sometimes you are saved by the bell !!!

Did I tell you that this was my Fried Friday...Should never doubt my Titles ...cause there's always a follow up.!!

I'm exhausted just remembering my day ....time for me to bail out and hit the "hay".. Looking better and better...

Catch ya in the morning Lord willin

God Bless

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