Saturday, It's almost over ! It was just a mere 104 today...Yes, you are reading that right...It was stifling..couldn't even attempt to run out.. We all were sucked into the AC...Gawd, that could make a great story...My mind can run with it...:)
This morning was a treat ...of course it was like 7:30am and the action in the home front was in High Gear . You see my colony of little gremlins..(squirrels) are out and about and excited cause their food is out and they are hungry from the night before..(they are always hungry)..The Cardinals have been here since daybreak..and they are flying back and fourth.. I mean zoom, zoom.. it's just a red flash..(remember dare devils)..
I am so enjoying this I set back and have my coffee in hand and just watch it all unfold.. I mean after I go out and fill the water in the bird bath...fresh cold water...fill the feeders and scatter all the goodies on the ground.. and do my usual whistle.. (yes, I have a few that whistle back at me) and let the show of shows begin..
This morning was almost like usual..cepting Hecliff and Gertie came a tad bit early..and low and behold the "gremlins" were not happy campers..They decided they were gonna take on the Big Bird Bandits...The attack was on... I watch Hecliff and Gertie jump high and flap their wings..then go back at those "gremlins" in fact a few ran into the hedges...but have no fear.. Gertie was ready and so was Hecliff.. they were on the "Charge of the Light Brigade".. you got it.. they dove into those hedges..and it was a sight to behold.. I mean to tell you those "gremlins" darted, ducked and dove out.. and those BIG BIRDS they were just a peckin' into those hedges...
I was at the edge of my chair... a big smile on my face and then a loud burst of laughter followed.. It was awesome.. I could have put it to music... In fact William Tell Overture ..would have been the best for this scene..and don't cha know... the camera again was low batteries... What's with these cameras.. I keep charging the recharge ables but they don't last long..
I could not believe my eyes this morning... I'm anxious to see tomorrows episode... Just amazing..Oh and also my humming birds were in full form... I have a Napoleon again.. Yepper. the little stinker is guarding his goodies..and any one of them that dare.. He charges... even as small as he is.. He looks like a Stick !!! One that has a spear at the end... HA !
Sometimes the simple things of life are the most entertaining...if only I could have filmed this..however, it's in my memory banks..and will make another great story to tell...
Now it's bed time and tomorrow I'm going out with my friends (Carol and Larry) to celebrate Larry's birthday.. We're doing breakfast...cause ya know by noon ..It will be sweltering.... I'm definitely one of the mole people.. In doors is seeming more and more like the best place to be... or either under water with a long pipe to breath...:)
Good night, Sleep tight, Don't let the bed bugs bite !
God Bless
Things that happen in the course of my days and adventures.. some good, some happy, and some sad. Always with positive thoughts no matter what !
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
That Flippin' Fried Friday
That Flippin' Fried Friday.... I did absolutely nuttin'..well, not quite.. I did my usual chores..(I couldn't get away from that no matter what) and I did manage to cook up some critter food.. Yes, I'm one of those that cook for their fur babies...(more like big mooses) and I dragged in another 40lb (use to come in 50 lb) bag of food.. Did my setups for the month...Took a break and then decided I needed to chill out..(more like move to Alaska)
It's another scorcher...holy Hannah ya can't breath ...I mean if ya don't get your "stuff" done early...You is done ! This is just the beginning of summer ???? No wonder why when I look out I see not much of anything..I mean we do have some fools that are playing golf...They have to be the group of sun worshipers..or perhaps they just don't know any better????? Dunno...but one thing, I'm a sittin' my butt in the AC...:)
My usual visitors came and went this morning and this afternoon...Haven't seen Ozzie and Harriet (Red Bellied Woodpeckers) lately..maybe they flew north HA! for my's over population right now...they done hatched a mess of red babies..and boy they are in flight big time..Some of them just zoom right by...the "Dare Devils".. in fact that's their names now.."Here comes the Dare Devils"...they flash right before your eyes.. My humming birds are still with me... I've made a fresh batch of syrup for them..every 4 days they get a fresh batch...don't want my hummers to get sick..they need all that energy to fly.. It's awesome to watch the stop in mid air..wings flapping so quickly..then they go backwards..Some even come so close to me.. I hear the buzzing sound...then one of the males will even show his throat to me.. It's fact they are called Ruby Throated Hummers..(See I'm learning birds )...Feisty little suckers..!
Hecliff and Gertrude were here for a good part of the day..Guess their feet were hurting..cause they settled in right by the side of my house ..the sun hadn't hit that part yet..and they enjoyed their fiddles and rest..Then along came the Mowers...(Our team of over to see who can get the area done first)..
The noise was so loud..a big BUZZ...and they appear (4 of them) riding on the mower..zooming by and going in circles...Lord help the law, they rip it up..and dust flies... If you're outside ya better have a mask on or you'll have grass growing out your nose !!!
The rest of the day I did the usual...(started another blanket) I couldn't resist..I had already started this gem at the Hospital with my neighbor... Another Blinkin' blanket.. !
It's time to crash... I mean the fall out is about to over take me.. From the last two days and the nothing day's a fried mind and a bent body...Gawd, I'm over the hill..maybe tomorrow I'll do a little roll ????
Catch ya later
God Bless
It's another scorcher...holy Hannah ya can't breath ...I mean if ya don't get your "stuff" done early...You is done ! This is just the beginning of summer ???? No wonder why when I look out I see not much of anything..I mean we do have some fools that are playing golf...They have to be the group of sun worshipers..or perhaps they just don't know any better????? Dunno...but one thing, I'm a sittin' my butt in the AC...:)
My usual visitors came and went this morning and this afternoon...Haven't seen Ozzie and Harriet (Red Bellied Woodpeckers) lately..maybe they flew north HA! for my's over population right now...they done hatched a mess of red babies..and boy they are in flight big time..Some of them just zoom right by...the "Dare Devils".. in fact that's their names now.."Here comes the Dare Devils"...they flash right before your eyes.. My humming birds are still with me... I've made a fresh batch of syrup for them..every 4 days they get a fresh batch...don't want my hummers to get sick..they need all that energy to fly.. It's awesome to watch the stop in mid air..wings flapping so quickly..then they go backwards..Some even come so close to me.. I hear the buzzing sound...then one of the males will even show his throat to me.. It's fact they are called Ruby Throated Hummers..(See I'm learning birds )...Feisty little suckers..!
Hecliff and Gertrude were here for a good part of the day..Guess their feet were hurting..cause they settled in right by the side of my house ..the sun hadn't hit that part yet..and they enjoyed their fiddles and rest..Then along came the Mowers...(Our team of over to see who can get the area done first)..
The noise was so loud..a big BUZZ...and they appear (4 of them) riding on the mower..zooming by and going in circles...Lord help the law, they rip it up..and dust flies... If you're outside ya better have a mask on or you'll have grass growing out your nose !!!
The rest of the day I did the usual...(started another blanket) I couldn't resist..I had already started this gem at the Hospital with my neighbor... Another Blinkin' blanket.. !
It's time to crash... I mean the fall out is about to over take me.. From the last two days and the nothing day's a fried mind and a bent body...Gawd, I'm over the hill..maybe tomorrow I'll do a little roll ????
Catch ya later
God Bless
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday and Thursday....ran together
Wednesday and Thursday ran together for me... It was not a good day for anybody... Started off with taking my neighbor to the hospital...and that's an all day affair..cepting in this affair it went SOUTH...It brought back a lot of horrible memories for me...Hence, I was very down in the dumps !
My poor neighbor, it took a lot of fortitude for me to hold it together.. I felt her pain and anguish..No doubt about it .... I hope to never relive those moments.. I sat in the (I call it holding room) room with her till it was time for her to go into the catherization room.. She had such high hopes that her problem would be fixed and over with.. When does anything we ever plan for go smoothly..
For her, it went SOUTH...first off we waited from having to be there by 9am till almost 2pm till they took her to the "cath" room.. and those minutes clicked on... No one even bothered to come and say..."hey, we didn't forget you, we've been having major problems"...ah but I should have known, why would this time be anything different ? Even to the part where the power went off in the hospital... My mind went into overdrive..thinking, "I wonder if those Docs are wearing "Miner's hats " you know the kind that have the little light on the cap.. that will come on instantly when it gets dark ...oh man, I'm glad it's not me on that table !
Well, it was only a short while when she was taken in and the Doc came out to see me... See I was her only source of information... He had this gloomy look on his face, also a look of a long day..You know that look and feeling...A handsome man too..the Tall, Dark and Handsome...WOW!! Smokin good lookin'...and now he's gonna talk with me.. (gulp)...
He speaks with a Latin flair, (Senior)...and says, "I'm sorry I wasn't able to help her, she has blockage in both legs from the pelvic area to the knee." "She will have to have by pass"... My heart sank as this poor neighbor has been through the mill..Only 2 years prior she had "Open Heart By Pass"... Then the handsome lookin Doc says, "I was unable to tell her, as she was still some what under the sedation"..
Yes, I had to tell her, and I felt every word come out... it was like I said, "a bad case of remembering for me" and I know it was a hard way to go for her !...So I went into my humor routine to try and make light of this crappy situation.. Even went as far as telling her.. "Hey, just think you'll get to see these neat lookin young stuff" the way my neighbor is 80 yrs young and she herself is a nice lookin woman and ya never believe her age... A unique sense of dry humor too..
Now out of every negative there is always a positive.. My day was long but I ended it with a happy mode...might even say a "Happy Meal"... I took my neighbor (after she was finally released around 8pm ) to Hardee's.. Yes ! We did have a Hardee burger and enjoyed ever bite.. Hot too.. and boy it was good going down... even (get this) a Doctor apropos !!!!
Took her home and had one of my neighbors stay with her all night, as I couldn't.. I was so wiped out my dawgs were barking and my dogs were biting... They were ticked to say the least.. and I couldn't get them to settle down till almost 1am.. Yes ! My asp was draggin'
Now on for today... Just think I wasn't happy enough with yesterday...I had to have a whopper for myself today... I went to the "new Doc" for me.. He's the head of the Cardio Vascular where I am... and I thought well, I've gonna be OK...(I did say, "I thought")...
Wasn't meant to be...not for me either.. This Doc tells me how dangerous my condition is...Ok, Ok. I deal with it day in and day out...nothing knew...but to hear it from this Doc..well, didn't sit well.. He's also arrogant, (most surgeons are) and sort of cocky...(what's new about that) in other words he knows his stuff... (I hope).. We have the session of the meeting of the minds..and from there he reads all my data ...has a strange expression come over his face and then turns to me and says, " I don't think you can even have bypass"... ..(oh brother you just made my day).. "Your LAD is loaded with stents, there is no where to even by pass too".....
I felt my chin hit the floor...and this empty feeling in the pit of my stomach...Lord help me, I hope this man is wrong....I couldn't move..then I heard my voice..."Doc, I don't believe that, my Doctors at home reassured me that I have enough room.. in fact the comment they used was.."There is no more room in the inn, however your next move is Bypass "..."So I think perhaps you and my doctors should have a consultation "!
I can't wait to get home now...but I left his office feeling just as bad as I did yesterday...but again out of every negative comes a positive...and that one was I met up with my housekeepers and we had dinner together...kind of.. I could barely eat..and I didn't want to make them feel down...So I took a few bites but took the rest home... blamed the heat of the day...and just was happy to be with them ..
Now here I sit... flashing back and wondering.. "What's Next".. the story of my life ! I'm just to tired to even think....
To be continued...
God Bless
My poor neighbor, it took a lot of fortitude for me to hold it together.. I felt her pain and anguish..No doubt about it .... I hope to never relive those moments.. I sat in the (I call it holding room) room with her till it was time for her to go into the catherization room.. She had such high hopes that her problem would be fixed and over with.. When does anything we ever plan for go smoothly..
For her, it went SOUTH...first off we waited from having to be there by 9am till almost 2pm till they took her to the "cath" room.. and those minutes clicked on... No one even bothered to come and say..."hey, we didn't forget you, we've been having major problems"...ah but I should have known, why would this time be anything different ? Even to the part where the power went off in the hospital... My mind went into overdrive..thinking, "I wonder if those Docs are wearing "Miner's hats " you know the kind that have the little light on the cap.. that will come on instantly when it gets dark ...oh man, I'm glad it's not me on that table !
Well, it was only a short while when she was taken in and the Doc came out to see me... See I was her only source of information... He had this gloomy look on his face, also a look of a long day..You know that look and feeling...A handsome man too..the Tall, Dark and Handsome...WOW!! Smokin good lookin'...and now he's gonna talk with me.. (gulp)...
He speaks with a Latin flair, (Senior)...and says, "I'm sorry I wasn't able to help her, she has blockage in both legs from the pelvic area to the knee." "She will have to have by pass"... My heart sank as this poor neighbor has been through the mill..Only 2 years prior she had "Open Heart By Pass"... Then the handsome lookin Doc says, "I was unable to tell her, as she was still some what under the sedation"..
Yes, I had to tell her, and I felt every word come out... it was like I said, "a bad case of remembering for me" and I know it was a hard way to go for her !...So I went into my humor routine to try and make light of this crappy situation.. Even went as far as telling her.. "Hey, just think you'll get to see these neat lookin young stuff" the way my neighbor is 80 yrs young and she herself is a nice lookin woman and ya never believe her age... A unique sense of dry humor too..
Now out of every negative there is always a positive.. My day was long but I ended it with a happy mode...might even say a "Happy Meal"... I took my neighbor (after she was finally released around 8pm ) to Hardee's.. Yes ! We did have a Hardee burger and enjoyed ever bite.. Hot too.. and boy it was good going down... even (get this) a Doctor apropos !!!!
Took her home and had one of my neighbors stay with her all night, as I couldn't.. I was so wiped out my dawgs were barking and my dogs were biting... They were ticked to say the least.. and I couldn't get them to settle down till almost 1am.. Yes ! My asp was draggin'
Now on for today... Just think I wasn't happy enough with yesterday...I had to have a whopper for myself today... I went to the "new Doc" for me.. He's the head of the Cardio Vascular where I am... and I thought well, I've gonna be OK...(I did say, "I thought")...
Wasn't meant to be...not for me either.. This Doc tells me how dangerous my condition is...Ok, Ok. I deal with it day in and day out...nothing knew...but to hear it from this Doc..well, didn't sit well.. He's also arrogant, (most surgeons are) and sort of cocky...(what's new about that) in other words he knows his stuff... (I hope).. We have the session of the meeting of the minds..and from there he reads all my data ...has a strange expression come over his face and then turns to me and says, " I don't think you can even have bypass"... ..(oh brother you just made my day).. "Your LAD is loaded with stents, there is no where to even by pass too".....
I felt my chin hit the floor...and this empty feeling in the pit of my stomach...Lord help me, I hope this man is wrong....I couldn't move..then I heard my voice..."Doc, I don't believe that, my Doctors at home reassured me that I have enough room.. in fact the comment they used was.."There is no more room in the inn, however your next move is Bypass "..."So I think perhaps you and my doctors should have a consultation "!
I can't wait to get home now...but I left his office feeling just as bad as I did yesterday...but again out of every negative comes a positive...and that one was I met up with my housekeepers and we had dinner together...kind of.. I could barely eat..and I didn't want to make them feel down...So I took a few bites but took the rest home... blamed the heat of the day...and just was happy to be with them ..
Now here I sit... flashing back and wondering.. "What's Next".. the story of my life ! I'm just to tired to even think....
To be continued...
God Bless
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Not so Tootin' Tuesday
Not so tootin' Tuesday, that's for sure... Got done with my chores..(which I enjoy) and even made a fresh pot of perked coffee...I mean this baby was good to the last drop too ! Got in the car, thank goodness for remote start...I mean to tell ya, at 9 am it was cookin hot..
The air was on "high test" and for the few minutes it runs...makes it bearable to get in the car...Ya can breath ! The day isn't starting to bad (I think) I drive on down to pick up my friend "J"..(the gal that always has something in the making) and she's dressed in "Black"...Yes, black ! I have to ask, "Aren't you hot " ? Her reply to me is..."I wear black cause it doesn't get dirty ".. "WHAT" ?.... I'll let that go..cause it always just blows me away her answers...However, it does get HOT....
So, I decide to make a dry run to where this new "Cardio Vascular " doctor is that I'm to see on Thursday..(oh, didn't tell ya I'm a cardiac patient) just a fancy term .... my plumbing sucks ...heart is handling it as well as it can...and the rest is just life itself ....what you're dealt with or..what you're genes decide to uncover..(hey, I could most definitely play on words here ).
OK, now to get on with my adventure.... While driving down the highway to parts unknown "J" in muttering a few words of her wisdom....(now, on this part I go into sleep mode) and talking about how she likes the Wally World in this particular area... that's OK...once we find out where this Doc is....
I drive which seems like forever..(with J it can be forever) and I can't seem to find "Santa Barbara Blvd".. I had put it into my GPS...but for some reason, it never heard of that Blvd... Joy to the world...I'm humming :)
I decide best thing to do is call the office and get better directions..any smart person would do that, right ? Well I'm in the car and I don't have the cell phone and I make J keep hers off.. so I hit my blue button.. (OnStar) and say the prompt.."DIAL" and of course it goes into dial mode and you recite the number..(gawd I wish it was just that simple) only thing I have to do is repeat it several times.. Now I have the attitude...
"What is wrong now" ? Finally the blessed thing starts ringing..( don't out guess this one, it doesn't get better) and then alas, the ringing stops and the automated process begins...(what did I tell ya) press 1 for you know what...oh my does that tick me off... Ok we get past that .. then it's 1 for the nurse 2 for the show and 3 to go... That's all well and good..but On Star doesn't have numbers for me to push..remember it's voice activated only..duh !!!! so I hold out for the ..(last but not least ) "stay on the line and someone will assist you "... when you get tired enough you give up...Yes, I did... I then look at J...and ya know she's itching to flip out that cell, I mean it's been aching in her purse...even brought her plug in to my lighter to charge too..
She came to my rescue...and we did a full turn about and headed in the right direction..after pulling into several shopping centers..(which there are many) ... My brain keeps saying.. "This is a Head Doc of the Cardio Unit, he must be close by the Hospital .." which we passed several times.. ..Yep,sure is..and I pull in and find the center...Lordy, now why can't they simply say.." Go over where the hospital is, his office is right along side..." guess that might take a little more mental capacity...
It's bad enough they have this rule...when you come bring all your meds in the original bottle...Now that does me in.. I mean if I was back home in Philly, I wouldn't dare walk down the street with scripts... Hell no.. I mean city of Brotherly take your life away ....ooh no !
Now, I'm a happy camper, found where I have to go on Thursday.... go to our next stop.."Shopping"..(not really my favorite thing to do) and I go my way, J goes hers... when we finally meet up she's got this look of depression.. I mean deep depression... I have to ask..( it wouldn't be right if I didn't ).. "What's up"
Here's where the world of J comes in.. I mean it's always someone else's fault..(remember) and "Why me".. Seems my dear friend didn't bother sending in her data for the D.O.T... She never answers her mail, much less opens it.. (you'll love this one) Her reason is ..She may get bad news !!! ( I'm holding it together)
Well, they suspended her license...which means her truck can't go on the road for business... I have to ask, "how long have you not sent your paper work in" ? her reply.. " 4 quarters"... Why did I bother to ask.. I mean, again...why does she feel she's being picked on... are rules only for others to be followed ?
I have to think sometimes, it's me .. I am never sure. I've had to follow rules and regulations all my life.. Even had to deal with foreign government and their nonsense..Held my stuff at dock where I had to pay duty charges...Flash backs coming..Lord, I wonder why I had so much aggravation... and J feels they are picking on her... Gawd it was a long long day...
Sadness does set I have to feel bad for her in some ways.. She is beyond you just have to go with the only offer of comfort was..."out of a negative, comes a positive"...
Was glad to get back home..oh but I did stop and have a Hardee's burger..that was delish and was glad to put my feet up and be happy to have my critters around...Back to some kind of sanity ....if there is some.
Another positive from this day... I found the yarn (and told a few) to start making my sister's afghan...Now I've got another project to do...I'm happy :)
Catch ya later
God Bless
The air was on "high test" and for the few minutes it runs...makes it bearable to get in the car...Ya can breath ! The day isn't starting to bad (I think) I drive on down to pick up my friend "J"..(the gal that always has something in the making) and she's dressed in "Black"...Yes, black ! I have to ask, "Aren't you hot " ? Her reply to me is..."I wear black cause it doesn't get dirty ".. "WHAT" ?.... I'll let that go..cause it always just blows me away her answers...However, it does get HOT....
So, I decide to make a dry run to where this new "Cardio Vascular " doctor is that I'm to see on Thursday..(oh, didn't tell ya I'm a cardiac patient) just a fancy term .... my plumbing sucks ...heart is handling it as well as it can...and the rest is just life itself ....what you're dealt with or..what you're genes decide to uncover..(hey, I could most definitely play on words here ).
OK, now to get on with my adventure.... While driving down the highway to parts unknown "J" in muttering a few words of her wisdom....(now, on this part I go into sleep mode) and talking about how she likes the Wally World in this particular area... that's OK...once we find out where this Doc is....
I drive which seems like forever..(with J it can be forever) and I can't seem to find "Santa Barbara Blvd".. I had put it into my GPS...but for some reason, it never heard of that Blvd... Joy to the world...I'm humming :)
I decide best thing to do is call the office and get better directions..any smart person would do that, right ? Well I'm in the car and I don't have the cell phone and I make J keep hers off.. so I hit my blue button.. (OnStar) and say the prompt.."DIAL" and of course it goes into dial mode and you recite the number..(gawd I wish it was just that simple) only thing I have to do is repeat it several times.. Now I have the attitude...
"What is wrong now" ? Finally the blessed thing starts ringing..( don't out guess this one, it doesn't get better) and then alas, the ringing stops and the automated process begins...(what did I tell ya) press 1 for you know what...oh my does that tick me off... Ok we get past that .. then it's 1 for the nurse 2 for the show and 3 to go... That's all well and good..but On Star doesn't have numbers for me to push..remember it's voice activated only..duh !!!! so I hold out for the ..(last but not least ) "stay on the line and someone will assist you "... when you get tired enough you give up...Yes, I did... I then look at J...and ya know she's itching to flip out that cell, I mean it's been aching in her purse...even brought her plug in to my lighter to charge too..
She came to my rescue...and we did a full turn about and headed in the right direction..after pulling into several shopping centers..(which there are many) ... My brain keeps saying.. "This is a Head Doc of the Cardio Unit, he must be close by the Hospital .." which we passed several times.. ..Yep,sure is..and I pull in and find the center...Lordy, now why can't they simply say.." Go over where the hospital is, his office is right along side..." guess that might take a little more mental capacity...
It's bad enough they have this rule...when you come bring all your meds in the original bottle...Now that does me in.. I mean if I was back home in Philly, I wouldn't dare walk down the street with scripts... Hell no.. I mean city of Brotherly take your life away ....ooh no !
Now, I'm a happy camper, found where I have to go on Thursday.... go to our next stop.."Shopping"..(not really my favorite thing to do) and I go my way, J goes hers... when we finally meet up she's got this look of depression.. I mean deep depression... I have to ask..( it wouldn't be right if I didn't ).. "What's up"
Here's where the world of J comes in.. I mean it's always someone else's fault..(remember) and "Why me".. Seems my dear friend didn't bother sending in her data for the D.O.T... She never answers her mail, much less opens it.. (you'll love this one) Her reason is ..She may get bad news !!! ( I'm holding it together)
Well, they suspended her license...which means her truck can't go on the road for business... I have to ask, "how long have you not sent your paper work in" ? her reply.. " 4 quarters"... Why did I bother to ask.. I mean, again...why does she feel she's being picked on... are rules only for others to be followed ?
I have to think sometimes, it's me .. I am never sure. I've had to follow rules and regulations all my life.. Even had to deal with foreign government and their nonsense..Held my stuff at dock where I had to pay duty charges...Flash backs coming..Lord, I wonder why I had so much aggravation... and J feels they are picking on her... Gawd it was a long long day...
Sadness does set I have to feel bad for her in some ways.. She is beyond you just have to go with the only offer of comfort was..."out of a negative, comes a positive"...
Was glad to get back home..oh but I did stop and have a Hardee's burger..that was delish and was glad to put my feet up and be happy to have my critters around...Back to some kind of sanity ....if there is some.
Another positive from this day... I found the yarn (and told a few) to start making my sister's afghan...Now I've got another project to do...I'm happy :)
Catch ya later
God Bless
Monday, June 21, 2010
Call it Stormy Monday..!
Call it Stormy Monday...Oh yeah ! In fact that's a great blues tune too..any way it started off mundane..ooh my there's a good one.. Mundane Monday..close I'll leave that one alone..Any way I was just up to my brain waves of getting things done... Sounds good....let's leave it at that..
I did manage to do some checking in on changing the system I have here at this house... I have Cable network which is OK, cepting they are getting (the usual) crappy ! The service people are wonderful. Couldn't ask for better, the company, well that's a horse of another color.
They are banging up the bucks and giving you I decided to check out other avenues... See as a New Yorker, I just don't buy the BS...I start to seek out new highways..and boy there is several out there..Let's see who's willing to make a deal...
Now that's my on going project. So when I come back here in October, it's a New change gonna be in the making..Gots to keep up with the TIMES... I mean, just because I'm getting a little dense in the gray matter (HA) does that mean I have to believe everything that's dealt me ? Not in my life time ...not this dame !
So as you see, my day today was sort of Mundane...but we had one hell of a storm... gawd the lightening was intense.. and the sky opened up..never saw so much rain fall in one setting...Where are my buckets..for my garden water ...ooh yeah ... Hecliff and Gertie..they took off too.. they didn't want to get wet :)
Now tomorrow, it's up in the morning and out to pick up my friend J.. This is gonna be another adventure...wanna bet ?
Till tomorrow...Sweet dreams
God Bless
I did manage to do some checking in on changing the system I have here at this house... I have Cable network which is OK, cepting they are getting (the usual) crappy ! The service people are wonderful. Couldn't ask for better, the company, well that's a horse of another color.
They are banging up the bucks and giving you I decided to check out other avenues... See as a New Yorker, I just don't buy the BS...I start to seek out new highways..and boy there is several out there..Let's see who's willing to make a deal...
Now that's my on going project. So when I come back here in October, it's a New change gonna be in the making..Gots to keep up with the TIMES... I mean, just because I'm getting a little dense in the gray matter (HA) does that mean I have to believe everything that's dealt me ? Not in my life time ...not this dame !
So as you see, my day today was sort of Mundane...but we had one hell of a storm... gawd the lightening was intense.. and the sky opened up..never saw so much rain fall in one setting...Where are my buckets..for my garden water ...ooh yeah ... Hecliff and Gertie..they took off too.. they didn't want to get wet :)
Now tomorrow, it's up in the morning and out to pick up my friend J.. This is gonna be another adventure...wanna bet ?
Till tomorrow...Sweet dreams
God Bless
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Sunday... a basking in the sun if you like HEAT !
Sunday...a basking in the sun if you like HEAT ! Yes, and it was a hot day here in Sunny Florida...In fact I got my chores done..(you know the feeding of the herd ) and dashed, (not dotted) out to my favorite Winne Dixie.. I was there before the people knew what hit them... I've learned in my years of "shopping" (which I think is the worse thing in the world) to get in and get out.. Come prepared with list and cooler..Oh yes, I bring along a cooler as with this heat here in this terrain..Ya gotta have a cold box in the car or your goodies melt ! No other way to put it..
Get home quick too, cause the AC in the car ain't worth a crap! I mean it blows some cool air but the heat index is so dang hot and the humidity just makes ya weak...Let me go to the North Pole..aah a cool breeze..(not a strong whirling one either) a little splash of some cool water..(Not a down pour that dries up faster than it hit the ground)... Yes, can you tell I'm loving Florida in the ..wait today was the last day of "Spring" ? Ya got to be kiddin'
Well, I made it back to the house all in one piece and unloaded the van and I saw Hecliff and Gertie...settled in for a resting..Yeah, they hang out now..amazing.. they eat, make a few sounds and then just squat down and rest...Like they've lived here all their life...Just amazes me... but still even with all their beauty.. I went into the house and stayed there..
Puttered around a bit and then decided I needed to lean back and watch something interesting...Well, that was a short topic and nope didn't interest me..So I took a nap....yeah tough being retired.. I mean these naps sure do come in handy ..Especially when the hardest work I've done all week...(let me see) was to think about what I have to do...OH MY GAWD...I've gone to the "Enjoying the "Dole" ...Yes Toddy, are you grin'n from ear to ear yet ?
This can become a habit...but now I've got to get some kind of action going here.. I mean vegging out is OK, for temporary...but not permanently...I can't handle just doing nothing. I have to find another project to get the gray matter active.
Besides, I don't want this blog ( my bio) to be boring..cause I'm really not a boring person...or maybe I am and never knew it...Oh, get out of town... I never stood still long enough for grass to even grown under my feet...
Heading back to the couch...maybe sucking up a "Green Tea"...HA !
Catch ya in the morning !
God Bless
Get home quick too, cause the AC in the car ain't worth a crap! I mean it blows some cool air but the heat index is so dang hot and the humidity just makes ya weak...Let me go to the North Pole..aah a cool breeze..(not a strong whirling one either) a little splash of some cool water..(Not a down pour that dries up faster than it hit the ground)... Yes, can you tell I'm loving Florida in the ..wait today was the last day of "Spring" ? Ya got to be kiddin'
Well, I made it back to the house all in one piece and unloaded the van and I saw Hecliff and Gertie...settled in for a resting..Yeah, they hang out now..amazing.. they eat, make a few sounds and then just squat down and rest...Like they've lived here all their life...Just amazes me... but still even with all their beauty.. I went into the house and stayed there..
Puttered around a bit and then decided I needed to lean back and watch something interesting...Well, that was a short topic and nope didn't interest me..So I took a nap....yeah tough being retired.. I mean these naps sure do come in handy ..Especially when the hardest work I've done all week...(let me see) was to think about what I have to do...OH MY GAWD...I've gone to the "Enjoying the "Dole" ...Yes Toddy, are you grin'n from ear to ear yet ?
This can become a habit...but now I've got to get some kind of action going here.. I mean vegging out is OK, for temporary...but not permanently...I can't handle just doing nothing. I have to find another project to get the gray matter active.
Besides, I don't want this blog ( my bio) to be boring..cause I'm really not a boring person...or maybe I am and never knew it...Oh, get out of town... I never stood still long enough for grass to even grown under my feet...
Heading back to the couch...maybe sucking up a "Green Tea"...HA !
Catch ya in the morning !
God Bless
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Saturday.... It speaks for itself :)
Saturday, truly speaks for itself.. They sat around with heavy heads...from the night before..Yeah, that's about right...cause remember TGIF..and the you've got the right idea...You sat down and couldn't move a muscle...Speaking of left wing is feelin' fine !
I'm ready to sprout them too...been cooped up too long ! I was gonna head into town this morning but my phone rang early..News was not great.. several of the people I met here in this community (did I tell ya I bought into a Over 55 community ) have been taken to the hospital..all having heart catherizations..Must be in the water ! That's all I can say... cause these people are avid golfers and very active..Heck most are in better shape than me... I'm one of the younger ones HA!
So, my morning was shot and I kind of just gazed out the window..Yes, I did my duties..couldn't get by without..You kidding, there'd be a mad dash as them critters come lookin' for me...aah nice to feel wanted. Even had to refill the humming bird feeder..darn that Lefty !
I just got off the phone with my niece, how neat it is having a good relationship with her..It's been way to long ...(another issue for later down the road ) She and her daughter were thrilled with the blankets I sent and in fact she has been emailing me pictures of the baptism (which has picture of Carlie sitting on one of the blankets I did) and of her family and of course one with the "Sisters" and their hubbies. Now I can start to fill my dresser with family pictures. Alas, I have a family and very proud of them too !
See, life does unfold some interesting just have to wait it out...Good will win over Evil. Just have faith and believe...almost like the Good Witch.."Dorothy, just click and those red slippers will take you home".... Yes, it does feel good...wiping my eyes here... I've missed this part of my life for a very long long time.
It's very hot and humid, gawd how do people live in Florida all year round..uh oh, do I sound like a constant complainer..NO, no, no ..... don't wanna be..must be getting bored...I'm gonna have to venture out later today and head into town to see what I can get myself into... Maybe even attempt a visit to Wally World...I'm sure I can find some thing interesting....
Yep, I need to pick up some goodies and also some yarn for my sister Alice's lap top blanket.. I will start that next week and hope to get that finished before I leave here.... That's a must !
Last night I watched a movie from Netflix.. "The blind side".. now, it was OK...I didn't think spectacular..then again I never do... and this one Sandra Bullock an Oscar... It must be me... maybe later tonight I'll watch Cannery that's a hoot if you ever saw it.. The book was great and the movie.. I have to say, "the characters were dang close to how the book describe them" Excellent and boy ya gots to like John two ways about it !
OK, I'm gonna see what I can venture into...cause I'm bored and that always means "TROUBLE"
God Bless
I'm ready to sprout them too...been cooped up too long ! I was gonna head into town this morning but my phone rang early..News was not great.. several of the people I met here in this community (did I tell ya I bought into a Over 55 community ) have been taken to the hospital..all having heart catherizations..Must be in the water ! That's all I can say... cause these people are avid golfers and very active..Heck most are in better shape than me... I'm one of the younger ones HA!
So, my morning was shot and I kind of just gazed out the window..Yes, I did my duties..couldn't get by without..You kidding, there'd be a mad dash as them critters come lookin' for me...aah nice to feel wanted. Even had to refill the humming bird feeder..darn that Lefty !
I just got off the phone with my niece, how neat it is having a good relationship with her..It's been way to long ...(another issue for later down the road ) She and her daughter were thrilled with the blankets I sent and in fact she has been emailing me pictures of the baptism (which has picture of Carlie sitting on one of the blankets I did) and of her family and of course one with the "Sisters" and their hubbies. Now I can start to fill my dresser with family pictures. Alas, I have a family and very proud of them too !
See, life does unfold some interesting just have to wait it out...Good will win over Evil. Just have faith and believe...almost like the Good Witch.."Dorothy, just click and those red slippers will take you home".... Yes, it does feel good...wiping my eyes here... I've missed this part of my life for a very long long time.
It's very hot and humid, gawd how do people live in Florida all year round..uh oh, do I sound like a constant complainer..NO, no, no ..... don't wanna be..must be getting bored...I'm gonna have to venture out later today and head into town to see what I can get myself into... Maybe even attempt a visit to Wally World...I'm sure I can find some thing interesting....
Yep, I need to pick up some goodies and also some yarn for my sister Alice's lap top blanket.. I will start that next week and hope to get that finished before I leave here.... That's a must !
Last night I watched a movie from Netflix.. "The blind side".. now, it was OK...I didn't think spectacular..then again I never do... and this one Sandra Bullock an Oscar... It must be me... maybe later tonight I'll watch Cannery that's a hoot if you ever saw it.. The book was great and the movie.. I have to say, "the characters were dang close to how the book describe them" Excellent and boy ya gots to like John two ways about it !
OK, I'm gonna see what I can venture into...cause I'm bored and that always means "TROUBLE"
God Bless
Friday, June 18, 2010
Fried Friday returns :)
Fried Friday has returned ! See, not so bad and it just slid (like oil in a skillet) on last the famous "TGIF" is here ! Time to Boogie and enjoy the weekend .
Morning for me is the same routine, with always a little twist. Hecliff and Gertie were heading in . Not sure if I mentioned it (but no big deal) but I live in a cul de sac...away from the main stream of golf carts, and lots of action... and it has it's fling of being serene with the Spanish Moss hanging from the "live oak trees"... A just a quick note here... I now figured why they are called "live oak" ...they always drop their leaves and get new ones therefore you are always (you got it ) pickin' up them hard dried suckers...they can sure tare up your blower if you try to suck em up !
OK, getting back to Hecliff and Gertie, as they promenade back to where my house sits..(in the middle of the cul- de -sac) and while they were turning their heads in different directions...they were making that loud noise. I mean they were letting me know they were coming and to make sure breakfast (theirs of course) was ready. I just couldn't believe my eyes...Am I trained or what ?
I'm sure my neighbors (which I only have a few around) just are thrilled I moved in... I did tell them, I was like Ms Doolittle, I mean I talk to them animals....and they seem to understand...also, when food is given freely, you certainly have more company than ya like..(same with humans) and they sure do like my fiddles !
Lefty showed up again (that little darling) and drank half the feeder...I'm sure he's having a "high" energy day or a mean asp headache...Wait, did I see him just run by (like a flash) Lord help any one that messes with him today !
I did catch a video of him, well sort of.. ceptin' my batteries went dead on me...and I also have to figure how to upload this too...but it's a cute one.. I mean to watch this "Squirrel" in action...Just think I could put him to work and make a fortune...(now that's dreamin') A Wild Kingdom Event...hype it up a bit...put a little dramatic music to it and ta daaaaaaaa, we've got a seller !
We're suppose to have another "thunder storm" this afternoon, gawd they do come often and the loud feel the vibration through your feet...I close my blinds, don't want to see those streaks of bright lights flashing... My hubby loves to watch lightening...use to always say, "How beautiful it was"..Not me! I just have visions of seeing this blue white light and smellin' smoke ...I can feel my knees knocking, perish the thought.
I'm gonna head to the front of the house and reload my batteries to my camera and try for a few interesting shots...Wish me good luck
God Bless
Morning for me is the same routine, with always a little twist. Hecliff and Gertie were heading in . Not sure if I mentioned it (but no big deal) but I live in a cul de sac...away from the main stream of golf carts, and lots of action... and it has it's fling of being serene with the Spanish Moss hanging from the "live oak trees"... A just a quick note here... I now figured why they are called "live oak" ...they always drop their leaves and get new ones therefore you are always (you got it ) pickin' up them hard dried suckers...they can sure tare up your blower if you try to suck em up !
OK, getting back to Hecliff and Gertie, as they promenade back to where my house sits..(in the middle of the cul- de -sac) and while they were turning their heads in different directions...they were making that loud noise. I mean they were letting me know they were coming and to make sure breakfast (theirs of course) was ready. I just couldn't believe my eyes...Am I trained or what ?
I'm sure my neighbors (which I only have a few around) just are thrilled I moved in... I did tell them, I was like Ms Doolittle, I mean I talk to them animals....and they seem to understand...also, when food is given freely, you certainly have more company than ya like..(same with humans) and they sure do like my fiddles !
Lefty showed up again (that little darling) and drank half the feeder...I'm sure he's having a "high" energy day or a mean asp headache...Wait, did I see him just run by (like a flash) Lord help any one that messes with him today !
I did catch a video of him, well sort of.. ceptin' my batteries went dead on me...and I also have to figure how to upload this too...but it's a cute one.. I mean to watch this "Squirrel" in action...Just think I could put him to work and make a fortune...(now that's dreamin') A Wild Kingdom Event...hype it up a bit...put a little dramatic music to it and ta daaaaaaaa, we've got a seller !
We're suppose to have another "thunder storm" this afternoon, gawd they do come often and the loud feel the vibration through your feet...I close my blinds, don't want to see those streaks of bright lights flashing... My hubby loves to watch lightening...use to always say, "How beautiful it was"..Not me! I just have visions of seeing this blue white light and smellin' smoke ...I can feel my knees knocking, perish the thought.
I'm gonna head to the front of the house and reload my batteries to my camera and try for a few interesting shots...Wish me good luck
God Bless
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Thirsty, Thursday !
Thirsty, Thursday ! See how catching it sounds and is fact I'm sitting here just drying off...Had one of those.."Here comes the thunder"..ooooooh yeah and now the Uh oh ! Down pour.. The sky done opened up and dang it, it emptied ... Lost power for a bit too... but I can't blame that on why I hadn't posted earlier.
Although I could really make up a Whopper of a story...:) ..OK, I'll just give it to ya straight on ...(how's that ? )... I was just plum lazy ! My shoulder is much, much better... but I was just plain dumb gum lazy...wanted to Wallow in a "pity party" own of course...bored out of my skin...sitting in my chair lookin out at the critters. Watching them fly in and fly out...and here I sit...can't fly...well, maybe I could if I really wanted too .
Nah, takes too much energy. plus I don't have the wing power as of yet!..It's coming though...I just know it ! Now on to what I was doing all day....or maybe I'll make something up..cause really, I kid you was boring !
No projects to work on and it's stinkin' hot outside.. You can't even get in the grape mobile and ride around and take pictures of the Gators and strange birds with long, long beaks..I mean like needles.. Or watch the Snake type birds swallow up a whole fish..
One day my hubby and I saw that...we were riding in the grape mobile to an area in here that's like a forgotten land..could make a neat movie too...any way as we were riding along there is this man made kind of pond that has the strangest critters in it.. Along comes this weird type bird, with a neck like a stick..and it makes a dive in the water then comes up with a whole fish in it's mouth and proceeds to put it's head straight back and turn this fish around in it's mouth and then gulp and gulp and gulp and down the fish goes...and the fish is still flapping...GAWD, it was wild !
Now that's a story that I couldn't make up even if I tried...I even think somewhere I might have a picture in my collection of this type bird...I'll start diggin... How freaky it was, how weird I felt...and I never saw it happen again..( don't know if I really want too either ) was a really neat experience with my hubby and I.. Both he and I didn't say a word, and that's saying somethin'
I also decided not to go to hobby craft..(meeting with all the talented ladies ) as I had finished my project...and I just wanted me time and my shoulder to get it's last...Poor thang (southern term ) It was a nice quiet day cepting for the rain attack ...(that made ya sit up)
My darling critters were busy this morning and I have another surprise.Yes, how could I have a day with out somethin' happening... My little colony of squirrels has a thief in it's group..HA! Yes, a thief ! This particular squirrel (which I shall now call Lefty ) steels the syrup from the humming bird feeder...Did I not mention I also have humming birds ? ( I told you I have a huge collection of critters)...
Lefty has been hitting the till, daily...and here I thought my stars I still have a huge amount of humming birds left . I'm been making their syrup up twice a week and it's almost empty each time...Well, I only have about 12 still left...(I adore those feisty little suckers) but Lefty is sure enjoying that rich sweet syrup..No wonder he's leaving here with a grin ...
I attempted to film him in action today..caught the little sucker leaning across the Shepperd pole, body dangling in mid air. His little arms stretched out and his tiny paws (hands) holding onto the rim of the feeder and leaning it as the syrup comes out of the little holes...(smart asp )...
The syrup was running down his little chin ( how cute) and gulping away in ecstasy ! I'm sure the others while watching were wondering what was in that drink ....I know he had to have a huge sugar rush !!!
On to feeding the critters.. I hear Zeke belting out his tune...and Abby, she's yodeling...Reba and Joe, well they are right beside me...just beggin' Yeah, I'm ready to give in...need to do somethin', I mean after all
it sure has been a hard day....
Later ....God Bless
Although I could really make up a Whopper of a story...:) ..OK, I'll just give it to ya straight on ...(how's that ? )... I was just plum lazy ! My shoulder is much, much better... but I was just plain dumb gum lazy...wanted to Wallow in a "pity party" own of course...bored out of my skin...sitting in my chair lookin out at the critters. Watching them fly in and fly out...and here I sit...can't fly...well, maybe I could if I really wanted too .
Nah, takes too much energy. plus I don't have the wing power as of yet!..It's coming though...I just know it ! Now on to what I was doing all day....or maybe I'll make something up..cause really, I kid you was boring !
No projects to work on and it's stinkin' hot outside.. You can't even get in the grape mobile and ride around and take pictures of the Gators and strange birds with long, long beaks..I mean like needles.. Or watch the Snake type birds swallow up a whole fish..
One day my hubby and I saw that...we were riding in the grape mobile to an area in here that's like a forgotten land..could make a neat movie too...any way as we were riding along there is this man made kind of pond that has the strangest critters in it.. Along comes this weird type bird, with a neck like a stick..and it makes a dive in the water then comes up with a whole fish in it's mouth and proceeds to put it's head straight back and turn this fish around in it's mouth and then gulp and gulp and gulp and down the fish goes...and the fish is still flapping...GAWD, it was wild !
Now that's a story that I couldn't make up even if I tried...I even think somewhere I might have a picture in my collection of this type bird...I'll start diggin... How freaky it was, how weird I felt...and I never saw it happen again..( don't know if I really want too either ) was a really neat experience with my hubby and I.. Both he and I didn't say a word, and that's saying somethin'
I also decided not to go to hobby craft..(meeting with all the talented ladies ) as I had finished my project...and I just wanted me time and my shoulder to get it's last...Poor thang (southern term ) It was a nice quiet day cepting for the rain attack ...(that made ya sit up)
My darling critters were busy this morning and I have another surprise.Yes, how could I have a day with out somethin' happening... My little colony of squirrels has a thief in it's group..HA! Yes, a thief ! This particular squirrel (which I shall now call Lefty ) steels the syrup from the humming bird feeder...Did I not mention I also have humming birds ? ( I told you I have a huge collection of critters)...
Lefty has been hitting the till, daily...and here I thought my stars I still have a huge amount of humming birds left . I'm been making their syrup up twice a week and it's almost empty each time...Well, I only have about 12 still left...(I adore those feisty little suckers) but Lefty is sure enjoying that rich sweet syrup..No wonder he's leaving here with a grin ...
I attempted to film him in action today..caught the little sucker leaning across the Shepperd pole, body dangling in mid air. His little arms stretched out and his tiny paws (hands) holding onto the rim of the feeder and leaning it as the syrup comes out of the little holes...(smart asp )...
The syrup was running down his little chin ( how cute) and gulping away in ecstasy ! I'm sure the others while watching were wondering what was in that drink ....I know he had to have a huge sugar rush !!!
On to feeding the critters.. I hear Zeke belting out his tune...and Abby, she's yodeling...Reba and Joe, well they are right beside me...just beggin' Yeah, I'm ready to give in...need to do somethin', I mean after all
it sure has been a hard day....
Later ....God Bless
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Wed- nes- day ! What's in a name ?
Wed nes day ! What's in a name like that ? I mean where did they get it from ? Ya ever think about these so called names of the day???? Well, my theory is, " today's name came from all those match maker days ". Yep, sounds right too. Like someone decided cause they did so many ceremonies, joining folks together in heavenly bliss !!! That we'll just call this day Wed nes day... see it kind of unfolds...yeah works for me so far but I'm sure my brain wave will continue to come up with more "could be" or "that's why it is"...
Now as for my morning, it goes on about the same.. The up in the morning and do your duties...make that pot of coffee and don't speak until you see the bottom of the cup ! Does wonders really...oh and yes, I'm feeling much better too. My clipped wing is now about 85% to the good (I told ya) and that is wonderful.
My blinkin blanket was completed and shipped with it's other partner and on it's way to the North ! I'm sure when they open these up they'll smile. If they only knew the history ...that shall remain a secret (unless they peek in here ) oh my stars :)
I even took pictures, well I do that of all the things I make..kind of like a scrap book of accomplishments . Like my rewards of my good deeds. Mmmmm wonder if that will get me a good parking space in heaven ? Nah, I don't think so...sounds good though .
I'm taking a week off, due to my sore shoulder, although I'm planning on making my sister Alice, a lap blanket. She's in a nursing home (sad situation) and I thought of making it in pastel colors. So she could enjoy looking at the pretty colors. I know she would enjoy it.
The story on my sister Alice is a sad one..One that I don't choose at this time to even talk about...but I will at some other time.. It might someday help someone else, as for now I'll just put it to rest. Keeping happy times in my memory.
This afternoon I'm going to a seminar regarding Hurricanes and Tornadoes...You ask, "how come" ... I guess being here in Florida, at this particular time, they want all residents to be aware..(ya got to be kidding, where's my exit ) of what to do in case of ..... Now I have to tell ya, "There is no grass under my feet" first warning of Hurricane coming, this gal loads up the Motor home and critters and hooks up the car and is on the road heading North West...cause ya know the dang storm will head up the coast...and just meet up with ya... Now as for Tornado....Lordy, feets don't fail me now ! That's one of the scary situations.. I've been waiting on the area I am in to get with the program.. I mean I've been waiting on approval to put in a tornado shelter.. The kind I'm going for is down in the concrete .. Kind of like a cut in half oil burner (looking thing) with a lid that slides over and locks down.. there are vents so that you can get air...and even a beaker that will make a high pitch sound so you can be found.. Just in case something falls on top of it...
It has steps to walk down and even side benches to sit on... cozy like ..but I wouldn't care..hey just using it to save your asp is what is important... and that's what it's all about... No cellars in a double wide...and to think someone told me..."just go into your inside closet" .. I had all I could do to stop from laughing...I mean get serious... this unit is not attached to anything.. it's a "TRAILER" ....What inside closet..????
Well, I need to be kind to people who think that way... I mean, if they feel they are safe, who am I to tell them different...STOP....I must if I wanna get my wings...
Gawd, I'm in rare form this morning... can't wait till this evening....:)
OK, now I'll post some pictures and then it's to the mattresses..Yes, I need to flip mine...
Catch ya later
God Bless
They left and I'm a happy camper !
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Tooting Tuesday :)
Yes, it is Tooting Tuesday :)... I'm ready to fly too ! Well, my clipped wing is somewhat better this morning. See I told you, each day it will get better. I don't baby things, I tend to use them regardless. Maybe just a tad bit slower than usual...but I make them work !
I don't think I could handle not being able to do for myself (not right now anyway) but if I ever make it to my nineties, look out I want to be waited on..omg could you just imagine me giving orders...?
Today on my agenda it's a mad dash to the Post Office. I love small towns, everyone is so personal and they get to know you by name....Gawd, some how I couldn't see that were I live in the North. The town grew huge and too many are in a hurry to get in and get out. Here, in this little town people enjoy their's like a big social at the Post office.:)
Yes, I'm shipping the blankets. I made two for my niece's grand daughter, Carlie Rose. What a beautiful name and I'm so anxious ( when I get back up north ) I'm going too meet this young lady and her family. It's been a long time since I've seen any of my nieces, but that's a long story and I'm in a hurry . So maybe another time !
My critters were happy this morning ...yes indeedy ! It was almost 80 degrees at 5:30am and that fresh cool water was sure good. Heckle and Jeckle flew in for a quick dip and the colony of squirrels gathered around for their jump up to the fountain...for that long cool drink.
Hecliff and Gertrude were rather loud this morning. My neighbor was walking her dog and Hecliff got on the protective side and make this loud cackle . I know it made me come to the window and look. He often does that when he taps on my window if I haven't put their food down. You ask, "Do they have me trained"? Of course, all those darling creatures have me on a schedule.
When I head home, I'm gonna miss my routine. They keep me jumpin' for sure. Ya know it's really a good thing too. It does give me exercise, teaches me to speak in foreign language from time to time and I don't get to think about what is gonna ache today....Now that's a good thing !
Alrighty, I need to scat...make my dash and then hop into Winn Dixie...have my daily chat (I really like this store) with the local butcher. How we can save the world and then head back to my little kingdom. Leave the outside world with just the critters and start on another project...
I just have to keep myself's the only way to fly for me....if I ain't drivin' down the highway to find "new adventures'. Places to explore and think about who was here and how they lived...(I love history) check out cemeteries (love reading the old tombstones) and the cultures and cuisines..nothin finer
OK, gots ta run...catch ya on the flip flop..(truckers term, meaning on the return )
God Bless
I don't think I could handle not being able to do for myself (not right now anyway) but if I ever make it to my nineties, look out I want to be waited on..omg could you just imagine me giving orders...?
Today on my agenda it's a mad dash to the Post Office. I love small towns, everyone is so personal and they get to know you by name....Gawd, some how I couldn't see that were I live in the North. The town grew huge and too many are in a hurry to get in and get out. Here, in this little town people enjoy their's like a big social at the Post office.:)
Yes, I'm shipping the blankets. I made two for my niece's grand daughter, Carlie Rose. What a beautiful name and I'm so anxious ( when I get back up north ) I'm going too meet this young lady and her family. It's been a long time since I've seen any of my nieces, but that's a long story and I'm in a hurry . So maybe another time !
My critters were happy this morning ...yes indeedy ! It was almost 80 degrees at 5:30am and that fresh cool water was sure good. Heckle and Jeckle flew in for a quick dip and the colony of squirrels gathered around for their jump up to the fountain...for that long cool drink.
Hecliff and Gertrude were rather loud this morning. My neighbor was walking her dog and Hecliff got on the protective side and make this loud cackle . I know it made me come to the window and look. He often does that when he taps on my window if I haven't put their food down. You ask, "Do they have me trained"? Of course, all those darling creatures have me on a schedule.
When I head home, I'm gonna miss my routine. They keep me jumpin' for sure. Ya know it's really a good thing too. It does give me exercise, teaches me to speak in foreign language from time to time and I don't get to think about what is gonna ache today....Now that's a good thing !
Alrighty, I need to scat...make my dash and then hop into Winn Dixie...have my daily chat (I really like this store) with the local butcher. How we can save the world and then head back to my little kingdom. Leave the outside world with just the critters and start on another project...
I just have to keep myself's the only way to fly for me....if I ain't drivin' down the highway to find "new adventures'. Places to explore and think about who was here and how they lived...(I love history) check out cemeteries (love reading the old tombstones) and the cultures and cuisines..nothin finer
OK, gots ta run...catch ya on the flip flop..(truckers term, meaning on the return )
God Bless
Monday, June 14, 2010
Monday, all day too !
Monday, all day too ! It's gonna be another warm day here in the sunshine state. The humidity is high and it takes your breath away. No wonder why they call this "the retirement state" Yep sure is, cause you either get all wrinkled and dried up from the sun or the heat sucks the life out of ya ! Yes, I could do with a little rain, but no strong winds or bolt of lightening, please !
The critters were happy this morning as my handyman, "Bob" came over and fixed the bird feeder. Lordy, I'd be lost with out him and his wife, "Diane" they take care of my home when I head back up north. This couple came to me when I first bought my home here..almost 3 years ago in August. I've never regretted hiring them. Amazing that people like this still exist. Never have I ever had any doubts about their capabilities and if I have to go outside (which I did recently having a roof put on ) they are right there to make sure the job is well done and done right !
They are a blessing too me. Trustworthy, loyal and take care of my home like it was there own. Spic and span clean...and they go that extra mile. Both of them are talented in the crafts of restoring homes and couldn't ask for a better carpenter and interior decorator. They are a package of information...and it sure does come in handy.
However, Diane has decided she wants back home...ugh! She doesn't like Florida, no way ! Bob, on the other hand, loves it ! Now you know I've said these words before, "Domestic Tranquility"...well in his case he has no choice ( Strong Woman !) but there is a ray of sunshine..(maybe) They will be heading back north for the summer months. July, August and Sept...and that might solve the situation. I can only hope it will work out OK because, "they are always there when I need them and I feel secure that if anything goes wrong in the house (while hubby isn't here with me) that I can call them.
Now for my shoulder, yucko. It still isn't right, but not as bad as yesterday . So that means in a week I should be (notice I said, "should be") back to what ever the norm is for me. Gawd I dislike old age. My brain says, "you can do anything" my body says, "how do you like getting lied too"? A constant battle, but I don't give in !
Already Hecliff and Gertie were here and got their breakfast...I'm sure as they make their rounds through the golf course, they'll be back. Birds have been busy too....oh and Ozzie flew in for his few pecks ! Heckle and Jeckle brought some friends...guess I might have to start watching out or I'll feel like Alfred Hitchcock's, "Birds" ....wait I could make my own movie :)
Oh, and I finished the blinkin' blanket, yes! I finished all the ends . Only problem I can't fold anything or head out to the post office as my shoulder (pain in the butt) is just a little tender and I just can't seem to pick up much. One bright thing, "no housework" ...see there is some light in my tunnel...
Gonna do a little email and lean back and maybe feel a little sorry for myself. HA! Maybe watch a movie, now that would be nice ...have some Green Tea and ooooooh yeah, a brownie ...this is sounding better .
God Bless
The critters were happy this morning as my handyman, "Bob" came over and fixed the bird feeder. Lordy, I'd be lost with out him and his wife, "Diane" they take care of my home when I head back up north. This couple came to me when I first bought my home here..almost 3 years ago in August. I've never regretted hiring them. Amazing that people like this still exist. Never have I ever had any doubts about their capabilities and if I have to go outside (which I did recently having a roof put on ) they are right there to make sure the job is well done and done right !
They are a blessing too me. Trustworthy, loyal and take care of my home like it was there own. Spic and span clean...and they go that extra mile. Both of them are talented in the crafts of restoring homes and couldn't ask for a better carpenter and interior decorator. They are a package of information...and it sure does come in handy.
However, Diane has decided she wants back home...ugh! She doesn't like Florida, no way ! Bob, on the other hand, loves it ! Now you know I've said these words before, "Domestic Tranquility"...well in his case he has no choice ( Strong Woman !) but there is a ray of sunshine..(maybe) They will be heading back north for the summer months. July, August and Sept...and that might solve the situation. I can only hope it will work out OK because, "they are always there when I need them and I feel secure that if anything goes wrong in the house (while hubby isn't here with me) that I can call them.
Now for my shoulder, yucko. It still isn't right, but not as bad as yesterday . So that means in a week I should be (notice I said, "should be") back to what ever the norm is for me. Gawd I dislike old age. My brain says, "you can do anything" my body says, "how do you like getting lied too"? A constant battle, but I don't give in !
Already Hecliff and Gertie were here and got their breakfast...I'm sure as they make their rounds through the golf course, they'll be back. Birds have been busy too....oh and Ozzie flew in for his few pecks ! Heckle and Jeckle brought some friends...guess I might have to start watching out or I'll feel like Alfred Hitchcock's, "Birds" ....wait I could make my own movie :)
Oh, and I finished the blinkin' blanket, yes! I finished all the ends . Only problem I can't fold anything or head out to the post office as my shoulder (pain in the butt) is just a little tender and I just can't seem to pick up much. One bright thing, "no housework" ...see there is some light in my tunnel...
Gonna do a little email and lean back and maybe feel a little sorry for myself. HA! Maybe watch a movie, now that would be nice ...have some Green Tea and ooooooh yeah, a brownie ...this is sounding better .
God Bless
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Sunday, is just about over
Sunday, is just about over. It was a rather lay back day. Making up for the loss of sleep...Yes, last night was a terrific night. Great people and lots of laughs. I didn't expect any different. Card gave was a hoot and goodies were good too...right to the last munch !
I got up this morning kind of dragging. Although worth it ! Even the critters let me sleep in. No peep from the outside gang either. However, they anxiously awaited their goodies too.. In fact the middle bird feeder crashed to the ground (sad sight) but the squirrels were happy. Lots of sunflower seeds all over. The cardinals were not happy..they were flying rapidly as it seems they really enjoy that center feeder.
I did have a resolution to that problem. I had bought a few extra open type feeders that I could convert to water or bath set up for those darling feathered friends.. Oh, and I also had Hecliff and Gertrude stop in. Not only once but twice. In the morning and late in the afternoon. You know that evening crunch before bed time !
Then I had company later in the afternoon. My friend from Friday. Yes, J called and said she was on her way over.. Now I have to admit, although there is always a major issure, she is a "good friend". You know you have to take the good with the bad...and J would move a mountain to help ya....and believe this, she didn't have her cell phone on. Thank you J !!!
We had a great afternoon and even wound up watching an oldie.. Abott and Costello Meet Frankenstien...Yes, it was good and that Brownie topped it too :)
I am leaving something out.. the part where I woke up, tired but also sore. Some how I must have slept on my arm wrong. Or maybe it was too much Domestic duty for me???? Anyway I can hardly move my left arm . I wonder how long this is gonna play out. Hmmm can't wait, I'm sure it's gonna be good !
Ok, I need to hit the hay, cause I want to wake up and it be all better ! Sounds good, wanna bet ?
Good night and catch ya in the Morning !
God Bless
I got up this morning kind of dragging. Although worth it ! Even the critters let me sleep in. No peep from the outside gang either. However, they anxiously awaited their goodies too.. In fact the middle bird feeder crashed to the ground (sad sight) but the squirrels were happy. Lots of sunflower seeds all over. The cardinals were not happy..they were flying rapidly as it seems they really enjoy that center feeder.
I did have a resolution to that problem. I had bought a few extra open type feeders that I could convert to water or bath set up for those darling feathered friends.. Oh, and I also had Hecliff and Gertrude stop in. Not only once but twice. In the morning and late in the afternoon. You know that evening crunch before bed time !
Then I had company later in the afternoon. My friend from Friday. Yes, J called and said she was on her way over.. Now I have to admit, although there is always a major issure, she is a "good friend". You know you have to take the good with the bad...and J would move a mountain to help ya....and believe this, she didn't have her cell phone on. Thank you J !!!
We had a great afternoon and even wound up watching an oldie.. Abott and Costello Meet Frankenstien...Yes, it was good and that Brownie topped it too :)
I am leaving something out.. the part where I woke up, tired but also sore. Some how I must have slept on my arm wrong. Or maybe it was too much Domestic duty for me???? Anyway I can hardly move my left arm . I wonder how long this is gonna play out. Hmmm can't wait, I'm sure it's gonna be good !
Ok, I need to hit the hay, cause I want to wake up and it be all better ! Sounds good, wanna bet ?
Good night and catch ya in the Morning !
God Bless
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Saturday ! It's not even day light yet
Here it is, Saturday ! It's not even day light yet and I'm up. Good grief woman, go back to bed , "no can do". I'm having company tonight and I'm pleased as punch. Carol and Larry are coming to play cards and a few good laughs as well.
Neat couple actually, sort of on the order of my hubby (the main man) and me. She's a New Yorker and he's an Okie. The similarities are, I'm a New Yorker (betcha couldn't tell ) and my hubby is from Ms. Yes, a combination that is rather unique. You ask , "how"? well it's simple. Like I tell everyone, "the reason our marriage has lasted so long (and it's a long long time too ) is because for the first 30 years neither one of us knew what the other one was talking about. So we agreed on just about everything..Or as my hubby says, "domestic tranquility" . Hey it works for me !!
Anyway, Carol and Larry are about to encounter an interesting evening. Me too ! We're gonna play a "new" card game. This should be a lot of fun, and I can hear Carol and I blabbing away and poor Larry now having to deal with the two (2) of us together. Oh my, poor Larry!!
Now as for my morning that hasn't begun yet I have to be "Mrs Domestic"... I have to give you housewives a lot of credit. I'd rather work all day long than do housework. I don't mind cooking, nor a little gardening (notice I said, "a little" ) but housework...ugh what a pain in the petunia it is !
Just a little reminder, remember that "Blinkin' Blanket", well I got er done ! Yes siree bob! I finished that sweetheart last night and now I'm doing the tuckin' in of the few strings that bind thee ..woo hoo! I'll take a picture of it some time today and post it... Come Monday I'll head into town and put that and the other sweet one I did in a box and ship it off to my niece for her daughter's baby. Wow all in one sentence too!
Catch ya later
God Bless
Neat couple actually, sort of on the order of my hubby (the main man) and me. She's a New Yorker and he's an Okie. The similarities are, I'm a New Yorker (betcha couldn't tell ) and my hubby is from Ms. Yes, a combination that is rather unique. You ask , "how"? well it's simple. Like I tell everyone, "the reason our marriage has lasted so long (and it's a long long time too ) is because for the first 30 years neither one of us knew what the other one was talking about. So we agreed on just about everything..Or as my hubby says, "domestic tranquility" . Hey it works for me !!
Anyway, Carol and Larry are about to encounter an interesting evening. Me too ! We're gonna play a "new" card game. This should be a lot of fun, and I can hear Carol and I blabbing away and poor Larry now having to deal with the two (2) of us together. Oh my, poor Larry!!
Now as for my morning that hasn't begun yet I have to be "Mrs Domestic"... I have to give you housewives a lot of credit. I'd rather work all day long than do housework. I don't mind cooking, nor a little gardening (notice I said, "a little" ) but housework...ugh what a pain in the petunia it is !
Just a little reminder, remember that "Blinkin' Blanket", well I got er done ! Yes siree bob! I finished that sweetheart last night and now I'm doing the tuckin' in of the few strings that bind thee ..woo hoo! I'll take a picture of it some time today and post it... Come Monday I'll head into town and put that and the other sweet one I did in a box and ship it off to my niece for her daughter's baby. Wow all in one sentence too!
Catch ya later
God Bless
Friday, June 11, 2010
Fried Friday !
What can I say ? Yes, it was a Fried Friday in more ways that one ! Started my know feed the critters of all shapes and sizes and then dive into that big cup of coffee...Lordy it sure is good ! It has to be hot way lukewarm or even cold. No, I'm not one of those Latte numbers either. It's got to be good percolated coffee. My special brew too ! A mixture of 3 kinds of coffee...and it is good to the last drop .
After I did my thang (a little southern hospitality) I got dressed and rushed out the door. Yikes it was warm and sickie like already and it's only 9:00am. Gawd, I sure hope this AC works in the car. Head into town to pick up one of my friends.
Now let me explain, this friend marches to a beat of a different drum. I mean every moment with her is another experience in life's greatest challenges. You either wanna jump out of your seat as her cell phone rings constantly or you hear stories that have you gasping. No other way to explain it without laying on a couch having a Psyche analyze you.
However, I listen and am always amazed I know the outcome before she finishes. Nothing changes in her life no matter how many times you attempt to come to her aide. It's a trip without the psychedelic drug. I even bet she could have made Timothy Leary shudder . Now that's going a distance :)
So we begin our trip to Wally World (better known as Walmart) and she has to return an item without a receipt. Now this item she bought maybe several months ago . How do I know you ask ? Well, I had the pleasure of being with her when she bought it, in fact I recommended this...(I must have been a little off that day). Off we go into the store, I make a deal (cause I kind of know this outcome) "I'll meet you at this spot as I have many items to pick up".
I've wised up in my years, especially when I see a storm gonna brew. Why let yourself feel like you've been swallowed up in the murk of no return and probably, most likely, get banned from one of my favorite stores.
Soooooooo I pass by where she is at customer service counter and I see a lot of pointing going on and jaws moving rather quickly..Oh my, please let me not be seen!
The outcome (now can ya beat this ) they apologize to her and give her credit and also give her a few goodies. like comps..Give me a break ! Had that been me, don't even want to go there. Now when she comes to meet me she has nothing but (words I don't want to even type) and she is yacking a mile a minute...Oh! let me out of this store...all are looking at us ...I'm ready to go... really...and we did... I had gotten all done with my shopping now it's the ride home and another story begins....aaaaaaah the phone rings alas a break...Sometimes you are saved by the bell !!!
Did I tell you that this was my Fried Friday...Should never doubt my Titles ...cause there's always a follow up.!!
I'm exhausted just remembering my day ....time for me to bail out and hit the "hay".. Looking better and better...
Catch ya in the morning Lord willin
God Bless
After I did my thang (a little southern hospitality) I got dressed and rushed out the door. Yikes it was warm and sickie like already and it's only 9:00am. Gawd, I sure hope this AC works in the car. Head into town to pick up one of my friends.
Now let me explain, this friend marches to a beat of a different drum. I mean every moment with her is another experience in life's greatest challenges. You either wanna jump out of your seat as her cell phone rings constantly or you hear stories that have you gasping. No other way to explain it without laying on a couch having a Psyche analyze you.
However, I listen and am always amazed I know the outcome before she finishes. Nothing changes in her life no matter how many times you attempt to come to her aide. It's a trip without the psychedelic drug. I even bet she could have made Timothy Leary shudder . Now that's going a distance :)
So we begin our trip to Wally World (better known as Walmart) and she has to return an item without a receipt. Now this item she bought maybe several months ago . How do I know you ask ? Well, I had the pleasure of being with her when she bought it, in fact I recommended this...(I must have been a little off that day). Off we go into the store, I make a deal (cause I kind of know this outcome) "I'll meet you at this spot as I have many items to pick up".
I've wised up in my years, especially when I see a storm gonna brew. Why let yourself feel like you've been swallowed up in the murk of no return and probably, most likely, get banned from one of my favorite stores.
Soooooooo I pass by where she is at customer service counter and I see a lot of pointing going on and jaws moving rather quickly..Oh my, please let me not be seen!
The outcome (now can ya beat this ) they apologize to her and give her credit and also give her a few goodies. like comps..Give me a break ! Had that been me, don't even want to go there. Now when she comes to meet me she has nothing but (words I don't want to even type) and she is yacking a mile a minute...Oh! let me out of this store...all are looking at us ...I'm ready to go... really...and we did... I had gotten all done with my shopping now it's the ride home and another story begins....aaaaaaah the phone rings alas a break...Sometimes you are saved by the bell !!!
Did I tell you that this was my Fried Friday...Should never doubt my Titles ...cause there's always a follow up.!!
I'm exhausted just remembering my day ....time for me to bail out and hit the "hay".. Looking better and better...
Catch ya in the morning Lord willin
God Bless
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Thursday, Schmursday, What can I tell ya ?
Well, I never got back on line yesterday. Just a few things went their own way. Why should it be any different ? I made it through just fine. I decided I was gonna sit down and complete that "baby blanket". The one that just drove me bonkers! Ofcourse I didn't... I did the same dumb thing and up until 10:00pm I was gonna put it to "REST".
So up early I is (this morning) and on with my chores. Feed the Squirrels, oh I forgot to mention I have a colony of squirrels. Feed one and you get their family, cousins and friends. Then come in the Cardinals, now they are usually the first arrivals. Boy has their family grown. I mean to tell you those young cardinals, wow do they have "Moxie"... Then shoot in the TitMICE, Chickadees and a few Crows (which I call, you'll love this, Heckle and Jeckle) then the Woodpeckers (Ozzie, Harriet and clan (2) ) now that's just the start of my morning . Water my garden (tomatoes, peppers, herbs of all kind, gardinas, 2 varieties, and my double bloom azalea ) and in between that, let my critters in the patio . Boy I'm even tired writing this !
By that time my coffee is ready (I've taken my drugs to keep me alive for the day) and gawd I need it bad. I'm so thrilled no one is up and wanting to chat cause I don't speak English at that time :) Lord forgive me, I know I'll go to HE77 for sure !
So I sits me down in my favorite chair, pull out that dang "baby blanket" again, and attempt to get this right for the last blinkin' time or it's to the "GARBARGE". I've come to understand these patterns. They are meant to just confuse you. Cause if you want it to look exactly like the picture, than hire the person who made the original !!!
This afternoon a group of ladies meet in our "Hobby Room". It's rather neat, so many are so talented. It should be called, "The Needle Crafters". Of course I do a little needling myself ...uh hum .... well, I crochet and that's some kind of needle work, isn't it ?
We all love to show our work of art and boy you can see those gals gleam. That's also where I do a little hyperbole. I mean, they love to hear my stories. A little embellishing amongst friends is allowed. It sure brings out the sparkle in their eyes. To think this was once a quiet group of Ladies ( till I came on the scene ).
Ok, I should get going here, make like a "Domestic" and then who knows. Catch up a tad later ..
God Bless
So up early I is (this morning) and on with my chores. Feed the Squirrels, oh I forgot to mention I have a colony of squirrels. Feed one and you get their family, cousins and friends. Then come in the Cardinals, now they are usually the first arrivals. Boy has their family grown. I mean to tell you those young cardinals, wow do they have "Moxie"... Then shoot in the TitMICE, Chickadees and a few Crows (which I call, you'll love this, Heckle and Jeckle) then the Woodpeckers (Ozzie, Harriet and clan (2) ) now that's just the start of my morning . Water my garden (tomatoes, peppers, herbs of all kind, gardinas, 2 varieties, and my double bloom azalea ) and in between that, let my critters in the patio . Boy I'm even tired writing this !
By that time my coffee is ready (I've taken my drugs to keep me alive for the day) and gawd I need it bad. I'm so thrilled no one is up and wanting to chat cause I don't speak English at that time :) Lord forgive me, I know I'll go to HE77 for sure !
So I sits me down in my favorite chair, pull out that dang "baby blanket" again, and attempt to get this right for the last blinkin' time or it's to the "GARBARGE". I've come to understand these patterns. They are meant to just confuse you. Cause if you want it to look exactly like the picture, than hire the person who made the original !!!
This afternoon a group of ladies meet in our "Hobby Room". It's rather neat, so many are so talented. It should be called, "The Needle Crafters". Of course I do a little needling myself ...uh hum .... well, I crochet and that's some kind of needle work, isn't it ?
We all love to show our work of art and boy you can see those gals gleam. That's also where I do a little hyperbole. I mean, they love to hear my stories. A little embellishing amongst friends is allowed. It sure brings out the sparkle in their eyes. To think this was once a quiet group of Ladies ( till I came on the scene ).
Ok, I should get going here, make like a "Domestic" and then who knows. Catch up a tad later ..
God Bless
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
A Gooder Day.. Wednesday
Yes, it is a gooder day... started off a tad bit early. Like how's 3:30am ? I had no choice, it was a happening in the making. I heard my darling Joe, as he rolled off the bed and hit the floor. No, not just the floor. He hit on top of Abby and then rolled down and on the floor. Thank heavens for small favors! Abby first, then the rug covering the floor. Amen brother !!!!
It's those sudden wake ups that set your day apart from others... and ya thought today would be different? Well, it could be, but my day isn't over, yet.
Ok, so now that I'm up so bright and early. Where's the sun? It ain't up yet either! Ok, now let's just take it a bit easy. Relax and I'll finish this baby blanket I am crocheting..aaaaah it's done! What! I made a mistake in the last row and I've already bordered it?. No one will ever know. Yes they will ! Crappola, I am now ripping it out. Just what I really needed to add to my beginning, and who said it was gonna get better ???
Well, I've now had my coffee and I am seeing day light peeking in on me. Yes, here comes the critters. Yep, I feed them too! So now I'll have to get off my duff and get their feed ready and change the water fountain, does it get any better? Here comes the cardinals too... "Hang on" I'm getting your food too.
Joy to the animal kingdom...I have quite a collection going here. Woodpeckers (Redbellied) Cardinals, Chick a dees, Tufted Titmouse (or is it Titmice cause I have a flock) and even (get this one) Sand Hill Cranes who I call Hecliff and Gertrude..oh yeah it gets better. Come one come all :)
This is just my morning ain't it wonderful.....and I have a pan of Brownies in the oven. The aroma is calling my name..gawd nothing finer than chocolate . So rich and yummy...
Time for my break ...LOL be back soon ...well maybe after my nap !
Hecliff and Gertrude getting breakfast
One of the baby Redbellied Woodpeckers
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
It's evening and all is well
It's evening and all is well. Fed the crew, which consists of Zeke, my big boy (Rottie) Abby, my big girl (another Rottie) Joe my little ole man and Reba the mouth of the south (which is Joe's partner in crime). Reba is also a crested and just now turned 14yrs too ...oh my, the group is all present and just leaning back. Watching me type away on this dang computer...
They seem to just enjoy keeping tabs on me, or is it they are waiting for my next move. Heading towards the kitchen are we ? Why not, what's wrong with a little after dinner cookie :)
We'll be watching some TV, perhaps that America's Got Talent..yeah I enjoy watching it. At least it's better than some of those same old, same old sagas.. I have enough saga in my life !
Here's a quick shot of the group as they kind of just lean back.. Smile you is on camera !
Abby lookin at ya :)
Reba peeking too :)
Here's my big boy Zeke !
Joe is a little tuckered out !
Ah, the bed is all mine !... Don't blame ya Joe, grab it when ya can :)
Ok, it's TV time already ..time sure does fly when you're trying to UP load :)
Good night till tomorrow.. God Bless
I made it here !

Well I finally did it ! Yes, I made myself a Blog... Can you believe it ????? I finally said to myself, "Self, you can do this, anyone can." So here I is...well not actually here but close enough. Like on the other side of the screen to be more exact.
Now for the topic. Hmmm, let me see. Ok, how's this for starters.
I'm sitting at my computer just amazed that my morning started off good ! My Joe (who is my chinese crested dawg) is by my side. Head looking right at the screen like he really knows what I'm about to say.. Maybe he does...maybe not..Any way he is with me..and that in itself is a blessing !..
For my Joe is on his last go round in life.. That is the sad part. I've had him 14 years and he's been truly a gift. Lots of good memories and laughs.. With me through good times and bad but always at my side.
For my Joe is on his last go round in life.. That is the sad part. I've had him 14 years and he's been truly a gift. Lots of good memories and laughs.. With me through good times and bad but always at my side.
For sure he'll always be in my heart..but for now he's with me and that's the most important thing !
Ok, that's about all I have so far..but I'm sure I'll be back with isn't over yet :)
God Bless
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