Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Oh Good Grief, Now What's Happening on Tuesday ?

Oh Good Grief, Now what's happening on Tuesday ?   hahaha..Ok, another interesting episode..and in cause you are asking.."No the faucet is still not fixed "...puh...leeeeeeeeeez  I've got the biggest sponge you ever did see in your life.. I think the man went down to the deep blue sea hahaha...ssshhhh I need to think positive...I called the plumber he'll be here tomorrow..after hubby goes to work...I couldn't stands no more .!

Now I'm up at 3am couldn't sleep..maybe feeling guilty cause I called the plumber ???? NAH...just guess it's more anxiety of being on the count down ..but what ever I tried and I tried to go back to sleep ..but no way...so I crocheted a bit then turned on the news..UGH...what can I say ..more nonsense about the government..To me personally they're all idiots..the play the blame game well and each side isn't any better than the other... 

Perhaps We the People should make some decisions after all we run our homes better than they run the government...I personally feel these jokers should have only a short term and forget about retiring in office..heck they sleep half the time and lie the rest..mmmm sound familiar..????

So I'm back to sitting in my chair and wanting to get some things done but it's only 5am..well, soon I'll put on my pot of coffee and make a toasted corn muffin for breakfast..clean Ms Shug's cage and feed her then give her a shower..which she loves and laughs..then on to feeding the Critters and clean the run and sit back while hubby rushes down the stairs...you can hear the thunder...woo hoo.. and out the door he goes with cola in hand...Happy Trails Buckeroo..:) 

Well, by 11am got a call from Hubby...he was having problems with his sinuses..wonderful and he couldn't get into the Doc's office so he went to CVS clinic and got some antibiotics...and went back to the office..so that means he'll come home and go to bed...poor guy ..so see I must have had insight to schedule that plumber...:)..

Sure hope he's not to sick when we leave on Saturday..but if he is, he can just lay down in the back bed or on the couch as I do the driving any way...and, oh my I'm just smiling here..I should be ashamed of myself..but ..here goes.. I don't have to hear the back seat driver..giving me the ..Watch of this..did you see that.. LOL...yes, he is a wonderful man but some days...my mind does the quick flash...yep, some days what a pain in the arse !!!!...

I made up 4 dozen pancakes for the freezer ..vacuum sealed them too.. so this way it's gonna be easy for him ..also have corn muffins in the freezer ..I think I do hear my freezer burping..but I will take a few with us for the travel down..

Friday I'm gonna turn the frig on so I can load that up in the evening..while it's plugged in electric it always gets cold fast..nice about that.. and just make the bed as well.. I feel my adrenalin mounting as I'm writing about it..

I think I'll make some Chicken Soup I have some chicken breasts in the frig as I was going to make baked garlic chicken..instead I have some egg noodles and carrots and celery.. that will be easy for hubby tonight and always good for you..something in that chicken soup remedy.. 

Oh yeah before I forget....do you remember me telling you all about my DirecTV episode and we cancelled out them sending the box as we weren't going to be home and couldn't guarantee  it being sent back in time.. well surprise, surprise..the dang thing showed up at my door this afternoon..WHAT????  even after the young lady said, "She was canceling it out till we called in...hahahaha...guess our word means something hey????

My stars it just keeps getting better and better don't ya think ..hahaha.. Wonder what next I can do to have more surprises...like that they even over night it's delivery...

Tonight hubby wasn't good although he did get his scripts and decided to drink one of my concoctions.....that took me almost 35 years to get him to even try...and here he is sitting in his recliner drinking my potion..wonders never cease me...but he did stay up to watch the voice ..and it was pretty good too....he has no fever just a bad sinus infection which he gets almost every year...sure hope the meds start to kick in and give him some relief ..

Now it's time for me to get my butt in bed...and again see what tomorrow brings I mean I may get another surprise at my door..ssssshhhh we won't talk about  it any more LOL..

Those trucking down these highways Stay Safe and as always..God Bless Us All..

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