Monday, October 14, 2013

Goodness Gracious It's a Monday

Goodness Gracious it's a Monday and boy was I ever put out trash or not.. I mean I looked out the night before and no one had put theirs maybe there's been a change in the "Rules".. hahaha.. so when I got up at 5am I knew I had already had my cart packed to roll out to the I waited for day break..and still no one put theirs out..mmmm ok I know it's a HOLIDAY...Columbus..but would that mean no pick up ???? 

So I called up at the front gate..(smart move) and asked Security..."Is there gonna be a trash pick up today"?...sure enough.. so I wheeled mine out and just came back in the house and started my routine of Letting the Critters out..and then cleaning Ms Shug..feeding and giving her "the bath" which by the way she really loves to spread them wings and laugh while I spray that Looney bird down... I also giggle with I guess we were too Loons this morning..

And speaking of this morning was strange as hubby left Sunday and the house was quiet and I guess it will take me a few days again to get back into all the routines...and it will be more of pacing myself to get all my work load done.

Infact today I really only did a few things and no major coughing issues..a little here and there but no big blow outs...spoke with hubby off and on today and he was really I took a nap for him hahaha...yeah .. at about 3 I lay down and next thing I knew it was 5pm..hey, it felt great..even Ms Shug was napping..lets face it my whole crew was napping...we is one happy group.

Really haven't felt like eating much so I had some soup and even that was a little difficult to go down...but tomorrow I'm sure slowly I'll work in all back in..still the house feels strange...but do so enjoy watching through those big windows the birds that are starting to come back to the feeder to eat..

Tonight I watched the Voice..and recorded Dancin with the Stars which I'll catch some time tomorrow...but those singers..were really good..gonna be a tough choice for a winner...

My posting is gonna be short cause I'm still a little off kilter..seems as we get older it's harder to bounce back so quick...but I'm not in any hurry...not yet anyway..

So with that I'll say..."Those traveling Stay Safe and as always..God Bless Us All"

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