Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Wasted Wishless Wednesday

A Wasted Wish less Wednesday...and all in one breath !   I took another stab at that blinkin' "Foot Doc" ....called his office as I had not heard word one from him by 1:30pm... and I got that dreaded, pain in the butt, Nurse from HELL....she must hate my name or voice.

First I called Express Care as I had not heard from Amy..and I found out why .  Her supervisor got on the phone with me and explained that they have been waiting for that "Foot Doc" to get back to them !....

This sure sounds like a ring a round the roses and I'm the poesy ????? dunno but I'm getting mighty ticked off....sooooooo I calls that Doc..and I got this number this time.. " Who are you and why are you calling " ?  HUH>>>>?????

Again I go into the...who I am, where I've been and what the heck is going on ?...does it really matter to them...I don't think so but a way of maybe "pay back" ????? I'll never know ..but the long and short of this is...the nurse said, "I will let the Doc know as he is seeing an Emergency Patient and as soon as he's through he'll call you "....

Well, I haven't heard so he must have been either zapped into oblivion or snatched off the face of this earth...but my next surprise is gonna be.. call my insurance company and complain..perhaps they can give me my results...

For now I have to go to bed early as I have blood work being done maybe that "Foot Doc" can say he called and I wasn't home..ah but I'm putting my phone on we shall see...

Brain tired and ticked off I need sleep....

God Bless

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