Saturday, November 15, 2014

Up And Out On Saturday

Up and out on Saturday morning and I do mean morning..well like 5:30am ..Went to bed and I think I was so tired from that up and down routine that once I hit that pillow I was out..

Miss Annie was kind she was snoring when I woke her at 4:30am..she only had an hour to do her thing and run... I was getting Ms Shug's food in her cage and I had packed Miss Annie's the night before..

My car looked like I was a living gypsy..but we got out of the house and on the road.. I was a little nervous as with my right eye with the cataract it's kind of not great to drive at night...well for some reason I was able to see ok.. maybe the good Lord was having his traveling Angel of Mercy with us.. cause I did not have a problem.. Thank you Lord !

We got to the show grounds by 6:10am as there was hardly any traffic on the roads and got into the same spot I had on Wednesday and it was perfect..even a bathroom close by.. I did pack my PB&J sandwich and Snapple..was wanting coffee but the way my tummy was the other day.. I wasn't taking any chances..

However, it was chilly .. like 42% hello Momma...I had to leave the heater on as we sat in the car.. Miss Annie was sleeping and I could have but I just put my seat back and relaxed and the cars were coming in and filling up..

Judging for Rotties wasn't till after 11:00am and I watched the other breeds and took Miss Annie out a few times...of course she let the world know she was there and boy if anyone got to close to our car..YIKES!

Finally I got her out of the car and I took my chair and we sat outside as it was getting close to judging..then we actually got close up to the ring as the sun was coming out..felt good but still chilly..never took my jacket off.. not with that flannel lining..NO WAY ..

Watched my boy Rudy do his thing.. and he was looking so good..yet, I can still see he looks still like a young boy.. the others were more developed..but gosh, not because he's mine ...cause I didn't breed him..but he moved great ..coming and going and his top line was dead level..He stood so proud.. took my breath away.. but we got Reserve Winners Dog...can't say about the other dog but he was more not bad for Rudy.. I mean like the bride and the bride's maid..well he was the Best Man !

Randy and Terry came over to me and we went back to his set up with all the stuff I had loaded in the car and I said my "so long, and see you tomorrow" and Miss Annie and I home I was tired..and I will be doing it again tomorrow but then I will give my big boy a hug..have too!

Got home and I was beat..most the night I just fell out on the couch.. it's been a long long day so with that.. Those traveling Stay Safe and as always God Bless Us All.. 

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