Monday, October 20, 2014

On My Own On Monday

On my own on Monday....a little getting use to all over again...and it takes it's toll...I mean, I have to get back to doing a setups are coming into place which makes it easier for me to feed the critters and clean Ms Shug as well.

Strange night sleeping although I slept solid..I hit that bed and GONE !..I woke up 4am let the brats out and then slowly walked back to the bedroom and they raced me in and got into their crates..HEY! not a bad deal...hope I can continue that at least it gives me a little more rest.

Of course it was Monday and TRASH day..but I have that too on a trusty Dolly...see there were some advantages in showing dogs..:) my trash bags were loaded..and off we all went out to the front ...

I even saw my birds checking on I cleaned up the bird bath and filled it..and not shortly after I had a few come in for a drink and you know a splish splash....I could hear them singing..hahaha

My darling brats wiped out a magazine and I got my exercise..bend over pick up and scream..yep a real cardio vascular number...Doc be proud of me...:)..but oh those brats were just so full of themselves... I have to put them up to calm them down.. I looked for their bat..well more like wait it's flatter than that a paddle..any way no where in maybe they ate it...uh oh !  have to watch for Orange glowing poop now..OMG!!!!

I'm trying to pace myself as I'm tuckering out a I think once I get through this week I should be back to where I have it some what under control.. I was  hoping that Bonnie was gonna work out...This is a topic I'm having a lot of problems with...

Bonnie sure let me down.. I had to high of hopes I guess.. I was so spoiled by Diane and Bob...and I tend to take people at their word...unfortunately I want to still think good of the woman..but I'm dipping in the other direction..Sad..

I know she just didn't do what she said she would..and I kind of feel she only did a few things when she had too..also never was at my house every was more the last minute clean up and with that she broke my large Waterford etched glass vase and never told me...till I called her as when I came in I noticed it was missing...

All I can hear her saying to me, "I thought you were gonna call me when you were coming to the house"...then I asked..."Where is my vase"...she replied.."Are you gonna be mad"..?????? ....yes, my heart went crash..."Why" I asked... Her response was..."I was in a hurry to clean up and it slipped and fell to the floor".. then again..."Are you mad"..?    I wanted to know did she get concern as I could only imagine the amount of glass that splattered..

Then I started looking around... I gave her a pantry filled with can good for her center ...I opened that door ..Yes !  it was empty and I found some glass from the broken vase and it was filthy ...boxes which held some of the cans were in there and dusty and dirty..hadn't been cleaned since everything was taken out ???  I could go on and on..and even my plants weren't taken care of...

If it wasn't for Clancy they would have died...He told me they were bone dry..he watered them...they are my Christmas Cactus..I sure hope they do ok.. I've been removing the bad parts..YES!  I'm hurt...and as I go on I'm ANGRY..

I'll get over it...and Bonnie, well I decided not to go into ATTACK MODE..I've just gotten over a bad angina attack before we left to come I need not get into anything..but I will no longer bother...I've changed the code on my door and took her name off admittance to goes on...

Now I just have to look at the nicer things in life and pace myself..I have too... I'm not able to push at I use to...Need to build up my stamina and enjoy my brats and Ms Shug...speaking of which...

Tonight she was a BRAT !  I don't know what got into the but she was on the attack..and grabbing my hands and arms..then grabbing my ear..OUCH!..Screaming...I think I lost hearing in one ear... I think it's because my hubby is not here..she might be just acting up.. I hope it goes away cause she's never been that way...Never a dull moment..

Watched the Voice tonight..some good singers and I haven't picked my winner yet..but I'm ready for bed as tomorrow comes I've got to make my list of what needs to get done...without it...nothing will get done..hahaha

So with that..those traveling Stay Safe and as always God Bless Us All.

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