Friday, March 30, 2018

I Skpped Thursday to Head For Friday

I Skipped Thursday to Head For Friday. My Cold needed my attention...I couldn't type
as my hands were busy with Kleenex....Yeah it was a 1 box deal of a day. I thought
if this keeps up I will have to go to Urgent Care and get checked out.
Was my lucky Friday as the place was full and I thought to myself, this is not a good
thing.... I could come home worse than what I was going in. Plus the fact I actually
got up from my big chair at 1am and crawled into my bed. A tad bit apprehensive but
I said a quick prayer and next thing I knew it ..It was 5:30am.

Most of my day again was just not doing much... I mean I really couldn't even if I wanted
too. So me and Annie and Ms Shug hung out took on and off naps and managed to get up
a few times and make breakfast and lunch. 

Dinner I really wasn't hungry, so I drank more Lemon and water to make sure I flushed
my kidneys...anything to get rid of this cold.. I took my Tylenol but not as often..My 
cold was beginning to break a bit and leaving me with a soar throat..If that's all it leaves
me with... I'll be blessed. 

Tonight I decided to come back to my bed and see if I couldn't get a good night's sleep ..only
problem is, I'm not tired..more like wired out..So I'm sitting her typing and really can't read
as my eyes are not good.....Hopefully word correct will work ..oh and I still haven't figured
how to get my proper alignment. It will have to wait till I can see better.

Tomorrow Jane is going to venture over...I told her not to worry as I'm out of the contagious 
state and she'd be ok.. Hopefully I can at least start making her a dinner..I know she's lonely
at night and her coming over every night for dinner helped her and me.

I also know that I have some really awesome friends on line some I've never met but are so
so supportive and that means so much . I also learned to how others feel about living by 
themselves and the fears they encounter.

I do know this, each night and daytime when I say my prayers, they help..I don't mean to say 
that they are answered, that's one you hope. but they may get answered in other ways. Robert
taught me that.

Now, I'm gonna attempt to crawl in bed turn on the tv and hopefully I'll fall asleep.. I know
my Annie is happy cause she really enjoys the bed..

I pray for all that read this blog that it brings you some smiles, and lets you know that you too
are not alone .  Sweet dreams and God Bless

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