Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday...lots of news some good, some not so good and

Tuesday...lots of news...some good, some not so good and some even better ! Now I'll start off with the not so good...Hubby's report from the Doc..

Seems his "Talus" bone in the ankle is not doing well...not getting enough blood supply..in fact if it doesn't get the blood supply it will die....WHAT ?...How in the world and what in the world is this "Talus" bone..well ya know I had to do a "Google"......

This there bone is like an important bone...(did ya ever hear of it ?) and in fact if it doesn't heal...he could have some major problems ...like using his foot...HOLY CHIT !!!...

A simple twist of the ankle stepping back caused this...so again I did some Googling..and it's like one of the main things athlete's have problems with and also (now get this) it's sometimes called "aviator foot".. when the pilot hits the brakes too hard they injure this "Talus" bone...uh..hmmm like skid marks on the runway ???? omg..I am thinking I don't wanna be on that plane or is it...I sure hope that pilot has good feet !...

Poor hubby I mean this guy was busting his butt unload that rig and tells me, "to be careful" and look what he gets..Ouch it's been that long ..Since Oct and he's still not able to walk...The Doc told him, that this didn't show up on the Xray he had done down here...The MRI showed it all...Thank heavens.!

Well, if it can happen strangely...it will happen to "hubby"... he gets strange things that happen...and often become written into history...Now if we only would get paid for some of these strange ailments...NOT...but as long as this can heal and he will be alright...of course comes the...He may not be able to come down till March...ok...

Now the other news....which is good news...My surprise objects will be delivered tomorrow so I'll be taking some pictures so you can all looksie...:)

As for the other "Great News" that will come about on Friday...and YEP...pictures will happen...and I'm tickled "Pink"...can't wait...is it Friday yet.?

Tomorrow I'm picking up Lonnie and he'll do my yard for me as Clancy isn't ready to get back to work and I can't blame him..I sure do miss him but we talk every once in awhile...

So it's evening and my day was so so...with all the news and of course the weather was a lot better and crossing my fingers it will be a wonderful weekend...with lots of surprises too

As for my Hubby... I miss him and I just have to pray harder that he'll heal fast so he can get his butt down here...phone calls are ok but sure would be nice to share a few meals together and have him near by.

Bed time Critters have had their cookies and Momma is draggin' gots lots to do tomorrow....Lord help me..cause ya know I'm gonna be so anxious to get things done...Patience... give me Patience...LOL 

God Bless and Night All...:)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about hubby's foot problem. Sure hope it heals soon and he gets down to spend some time with him.

    Sorry I haven't been around much lately....things have been happening, decisions to be made, people to see and you know that thing called life.
